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Not sure it Cena is all to blame for his current matches, it depends on the booking after all. I totally agree that it's stupid that he is nigh undefeatable atm, and its being preformed shitely. But we don't know if he is insisting he never loses face or its simply the lackluster writing. It wouldn't surprise me tho if he did moan about never losing a match.

Super Cena is the reason why half the crowd all boo him, and pushing Ziggler won't work, when like last week Cena came back from a sleeper hold, a superkick and a zigzag. Just completely unrealistic (and yes, I do see the irony in saying that! cool.gif).

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What's the fucking point of Cena?! We all know that unless there's some outside interference, he'll win. He usually wins when there is outside interference anyway. He destroys the credibility of his opponents by smashing out of their every move, usually numerous times, including their finishing move. Everytime he 'overcomes the odds'. It's boring and pointless. As has been pointed out previously, the point of outside interference is to allow the heel to pick up the win whilst letting the face stay strong, yet with Cena even this goes out the window and it just gives SuperCena more folk to clumsily plow through. The last time he cleanly lost a one on one match was to The Rock, but that was a special occasion that will most likely be repeated. When was the last time Cena cleanly lost a one on one match before that?

And yes, I know he sells tons of merchandise etc.

You have answered your own question then.

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I was a bit disappointed with the Rocks promo last week, and this week started off just as badly. It did pick up though when he was singing to Vickie, it made me laugh which is what it was supposed to do. I just feel like the Rock is thinking about it too much, he looks pretty nervous to me and the constant repeating of lines is really irritating me.

I actually think the best thing they could have done with this Rock comeback would be to turn him heel and let him say what he wants. He's being too nice, although the PG rating will have something to do with that. Back in the day Rock didn't even have to say anything funny, a simple "shut up" was enough to have the fans rocking.

The Ziggler thing is annoying, why keep having him get beat? They build Dolph up to be the next big thing but won't let him win a match? I can only assume he's been promised a real run with the WHC after Mania.

The part of the cage match where Big E wasn't letting Cena drop to the floor is the dumbest piece of writing I've ever seen. Surely Cena would just jump to the side?

Ric Flair looks crazier than ever. The Miz is horrible at the moment. Not too sure why they involved Cesaro? Surely they are not building to a Cesaro vs Miz feud?

I heard that Orton will be taking some time off soon, not too sure if that will be before or after Mania. They let the result away before the match started by advertising Orton vs Cesaro for the US title on Main Event as the match started........they were hardly going to have Orton win the IC title and then go for the US title too.

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The part of the cage match where Big E wasn't letting Cena drop to the floor is the dumbest piece of writing I've ever seen. Surely Cena would just jump to the side?

Ric Flair looks crazier than ever. The Miz is horrible at the moment. Not too sure why they involved Cesaro? Surely they are not building to a Cesaro vs Miz feud?

I heard that Orton will be taking some time off soon, not too sure if that will be before or after Mania. They let the result away before the match started by advertising Orton vs Cesaro for the US title on Main Event as the match started........they were hardly going to have Orton win the IC title and then go for the US title too.

I agree, he could easily just jump off and still win the match. Turn it into some sort of a move on Big E (I great spot would be Big E catching him and holding him up, bear hug style while Ziggler ran out the door)

They've been mini feuding for a whole, he talked loads of shit at Miz after his Main Event match with Khali and I think Miz was on commentary on Raw for another of his matches.

Orton's just come back from injury! Don't think it was a title match against Barrett.

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Arda Ocal of The Score sent along the following infographic with 2012 stats for WWE. It shows that Sheamus had the most wins with 76. John Cena had the least wins with 31. The most losses went to Dolph Ziggler with 56 while Zack Ryder had the least losses with 30.


I posted about Ziggler having the most losses on the other thread the other day.

The bit about Cena and Ryder is pish though. Cena had the 5th most wins and Zack Attack had the fifth most losses because the infograph listed the top 5 for each. Statistical experts on the dirt sheets these days.

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The belts been sh*te from day 1, I would love it if they brought back this belt but they never would:


That belt is a piece of lovely!!! You are right, the belts been crap from day one. Im not a Cena fan but it suited his character when he first had it. Nobody else has pulled it off.

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