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Dean Ambrose vs Randy Orton tonight on Raw. As far as I'm are that's all that has been announced, I could be wrong of course. Probably stay up tonight. It's at the point where I'm not angry or disappointed if I fall asleep during a show anymore as I likely haven't missed anything good at all.

EDIT: As I type, Miz vs Ziggler rematch announced for tonight.

Edited by JamieStevenson
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Why does Cena have to eventually tie himself up with the face guys who are always more over than him?

Bryan, Punk, Ambrose, Reigns, Ryback, The Shield. He's done it with all of them in the last few years. It's almost like he has to be there in the ring with them to get some of their positive reaction.

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Have the Wyatts been ditched? Weren't on Night of Champions, not on Raw, SD or Main Event this week either.

I'm hoping Lesnar and Heyman come out next week to gloat and then the lights go out and Brock is surrounded by the Wyatts and gets a beat down. Having the whole family in a programme against Lesnar would be credible and Bray (whilst he wouldn't win) would be a decent opponent for 4-6 weeks. Plus the Wyatt/Heyman promos would be epic

Edited by DavidMcG
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Have the Wyatts been ditched? Weren't on Night of Champions, not on Raw, SD or Main Event this week either.

I'm hoping Lesnar and Heyman come out next week to gloat and then the lights go out and Brock is surrounded by the Wyatts and gets a beat down. Having the whole family in a programme against Lesnar would be credible and Bray (whilst he wouldn't win) would be a decent opponent for 4-6 weeks. Plus the Wyatt/Heyman promos would be epic

Sounds good but I'm assuming Cena will be getting another shot because he won the last match.

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Wyatt lesnar would be great but agree keep them off the air for a while then at the right moment as say rollins is about to cash in have the lights out, lamb face thing and everyone goes nuts, rollins loses briefcase and starts a fued with the authority. HHH, Orton and rollins against wyatts would be a good few weeks.

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The whole notion is that Bray Wyatt is a heel, having the family beat down Brock and Heyman muddys the waters.

Can't see it. Can't quite imagine how the Wyatt's gimmick would work as babyfaces. Unless it starts with Lesnar, and they then target pretty much everyone, heels and faces.

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The whole notion is that Bray Wyatt is a heel, having the family beat down Brock and Heyman muddys the waters.

Can't see it. Can't quite imagine how the Wyatt's gimmick would work as babyfaces. Unless it starts with Lesnar, and they then target pretty much everyone, heels and faces.

That'd be a fun way to use them. Tweeners don't exist anymore though. :(

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