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If you didn't enjoy that Shane segment then I have no idea why you even watch wrestling. The crowd went absolutely fucking nuts for the guy. Honestly one of the craziest pops you've seen in years. It helps that I love Shane as a character but was stunned by how bananas the crowd went. I still fully expect them to mess it up and someone will no doubt get hit by a car but I am very intrigued.

I don't want to see him beat Taker but it would be worth it to get rid of the Authority storyline tbh. Either that or he's the stop gap in case Cena doesn't make it back in time for the show. He'll be desperate to heal in time and no doubt he's guzzling enough HGH that his bowel movements will likely become sentient.

Last segment was hilarious. As I said, HHH is not a heel. He calmly walked up to Roman, beat the ever-loving piss out of him and left him a bloody mess while the crowd cheered him on.

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Genuinely hyped for it. WWE will find a way to f**k it up, but I'm excited for now at least.

For what it's worth, as I said in another thread - I don't think this will be Taker's last Mania.

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If you didn't enjoy that Shane segment then I have no idea why you even watch wrestling. The crowd went absolutely fucking nuts for the guy. Honestly one of the craziest pops you've seen in years. It helps that I love Shane as a character but was stunned by how bananas the crowd went. I still fully expect them to mess it up and someone will no doubt get hit by a car but I am very intrigued.

I don't want to see him beat Taker but it would be worth it to get rid of the Authority storyline tbh. Either that or he's the stop gap in case Cena doesn't make it back in time for the show. He'll be desperate to heal in time and no doubt he's guzzling enough HGH that his bowel movements will likely become sentient.

Last segment was hilarious. As I said, HHH is not a heel. He calmly walked up to Roman, beat the ever-loving piss out of him and left him a bloody mess while the crowd cheered him on.

I have no idea how they'd make it happen - let's say, shenanigans - but what if Undertaker switches sides?

What's effectively happened is that Undertaker has been put in a match without being involved in any way. Shane gets taken out next week on RAW by an unidentified heel, and is declared out of WM. It's pretty obvious that Vince was behind it, but no-one can prove it. The week after, Undertaker returns and confronts Vince, saying that he wants no part in fighting to keep the authority in power (because really, why would he suddenly fight for them?). Instead, he wants to fight in place of Shane, against the man who took him out. Then we get a face Taker against a monster heel in Hell in a Cell. Taker wins, Shane is in power, which builds up a program towards Summerslam of Shane vs Authority.

Even though none of that will happen, the list of prospects for him to up against is dreadful, heels and faces. They must be absolutely desperate for Cena to come back.

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I have no idea how they'd make it happen - let's say, shenanigans - but what if Undertaker switches sides?

What's effectively happened is that Undertaker has been put in a match without being involved in any way. Shane gets taken out next week on RAW by an unidentified heel, and is declared out of WM. It's pretty obvious that Vince was behind it, but no-one can prove it. The week after, Undertaker returns and confronts Vince, saying that he wants no part in fighting to keep the authority in power (because really, why would he suddenly fight for them?). Instead, he wants to fight in place of Shane, against the man who took him out. Then we get a face Taker against a monster heel in Hell in a Cell. Taker wins, Shane is in power, which builds up a program towards Summerslam of Shane vs Authority.

Even though none of that will happen, the list of prospects for him to up against is dreadful, heels and faces. They must be absolutely desperate for Cena to come back.

I think it was more Vince saying there's no way Shane can possibly beat Taker at Mania in HIAC so there's no chance I'm gonna lose control of RAW. I'm more concerned that Taker gets screwed and Shane turns heel or something stupid like that.

No chance they've actually got a long-term plan though, let's be serious :lol:

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Crazy amounts of non-PG stuff though. Talking about the falling ratings and stock, Vince saying he was wanting to give Shane "one more fucking beating" and then all the blood in the final segment.

edit- Crazy amounts for WWE in 2016 anyway. Nothing compared to Attitude Era but baby steps...

Edited by Poet of the Macabre
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I just happened to see on Facebook that Shane O Mac returned. Pretty surprised by the reaction on here. Shane O Mac is fcking awesome and I'm already planning to watch next week now despite not having watched in a very long time.

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Don't see why people are complaining about Shane vs Undertaker at Mania if it happens.

The alternative was someone like Braun Strowman.

Wrestling fans are already going to watch Wrestlemania no matter who is fighting the Undertaker.

If WWE want to push PPV and network subscriptions then Shane returning to Wrestle in a huge match makes a lot more business sense than a member of the Wyatt Family or Kevin Owens etc .

I for one am excited about it!

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Thinking well and truly outside the box but what if cena was Brough back as a heel to face taker in place of shane o?

They're pushing reigns as his replacement so it wouldn't surprise me if it's the sort of thing they would try. Other than the fact it means cena as a heel.

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Thinking well and truly outside the box but what if cena was Brough back as a heel to face taker in place of shane o?

They're pushing reigns as his replacement so it wouldn't surprise me if it's the sort of thing they would try. Other than the fact it means cena as a heel.

Why would he be the heel in that scenario?

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