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Monday Night Raw Live


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To be fair, they have practically shown a repeat of last weeks Raw. I'm surprised it's not a 6 hour special.

they showed the Lesnar/ HHH stuff from last week twice tonight. TWICE.

Oh I know, they put the Ziggler/Jericho stuff in at least twice as well. I was just surprised that they're still going past the 4am mark.

At least we know where the extra hour's coming from.

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If this what the 3 hours Raws are going to be like, I think next week will be the last I'll stay up to watch it live. I'll just watch the next day and skip the constant repeats.

Was thinking the same. If you taken out the recaps then it'll be the same as a regular 2 hour show.

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How on earth do some of you manage to stay up and watch RAW live, the adverts and stuff would drive me crazy. I watch it the next night and due to fast forwarding through most stuff it takes me about 45 minutes to watch it.

I'm glad I came on here and read your comments, don't think I'll bother watching it this week. Is the One Maaaaaan Baaaaaaaand BABY! finished now we have past that RAW or was he back on last night?

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How on earth do some of you manage to stay up and watch RAW live, the adverts and stuff would drive me crazy. I watch it the next night and due to fast forwarding through most stuff it takes me about 45 minutes to watch it.

I'm glad I came on here and read your comments, don't think I'll bother watching it this week. Is the One Maaaaaan Baaaaaaaand BABY! finished now we have past that RAW or was he back on last night?

He versed orton last night

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I absolutely loved wrestling back in the day for a few years (probably 1998 - 2002ish?) but I moved abroad to a country where I did have wrestling on the TV, but it was horrendously out of date. Kinda lost interest over there, but still have fond memories of The Rock/Stone Cold/WWF No Mercy on the N64 (I'm sure I've posted that in this thread before, actually) etc.

Nonetheless, I regularly do my nosy in this thread as its usually quite entertaining; I never even watched WCW but this thread linked me to the Wrestling Observer quotes that helped kill time at work during a boring hour, so thanks for that!

Not sure if this has been posted, but I watched RAW's 1000th episode up on youtube, thought you guys might appreciate it;


Edit: put up the wrong episode! Didn't realise so many are up on youtube, thought it was only the thousandth that was up, might have a wee gander later on)

Further edit: first I've seen of CM Punk. Anyone with Cult of Personality as their ring entry tune is sound in my book.

Nostalgiarific. Hearing the DX theme tune, Bradshaw's awesome clothesline, Trish and Lita (especially Lita... dem thongs, man, dem fuckin' thongs), Rikishi... good times.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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That was brutal last night, really brutal.

I know it's 2012 and social media is a big thing, but it feels like a disease which is spreading more and more into the program.

Oh it fucking is. It's horrible. It was bad enough when it was just facebook and twitter, but now they've got this shitey tout thing and their using twitter a lot more and whatnot.

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Seems AW has some major heat after last night. Was only a few weeks ago he was making racist jokes. Hes going to be punted sadly.

The guy's clearly a total idiot. Getting what he deserves I'm afraid.

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