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I'm not a fan, but even I need to concede that that was a great match. JR was right, Sandow's best (that I've seen anyway) since he came in.

Sandow is fantastic wub.gif

I just hope Ziggler gets his cash in at HITC and Sheamus does something else for a bit. Like, be a butcher or something.

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I just hope Sheamus does something else for a bit. Like, be a butcher or something.


Is this the 316th day of Punk's reign?

Gotta love when something like that comes together. Surprised they didn't bring Austin in (I suppose it could still happen if they close with Punk beating on JR), with Punk berating JR and him mentioning the 316 and Austin in general.

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Gotta love when something like that comes together. Surprised they didn't bring Austin in (I suppose it could still happen if they close with Punk beating on JR), with Punk berating JR and him mentioning the 316 and Austin in general.

Austin is still recovering from knee surgery I believe.

Ryback is shit. I really can't stand him. Him as champion would be such a disaster.

Sheamus is pretty poor. They need to sort his character. Get the belt on Ziggler ASAP.

Punk is pretty bland now. They should let him be creative instead of giving such a shit way to try and get heat.

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I quite like Ryback. I think Cena not making HITC and being replaced by Ryback would be the best thing that could happen to WWE at the moment. Having Punk beat him with a dirty win - with Ryback being undefeated and having destroyed everyone so far - would add a hell of a lot to CM Punk's "best in the world" angle, while you could keep Ryback looking strong and make a new bonafide star by battering him but have Punk sneak it somehow. Cena could then come back in and you could have Punk - Cena at Survivor Series and then start the build for whoever the Rock will be facing at RR after.

Anyhoo, Raw was pretty decent, Sheamus v Sandow was excellent, as were CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Kane's contributions all the way through the show. Wish they'd start some actual angles with Miz and Cesaro with the Intercontinental & US titles though. Good to see Encore getting a start on the 'A' show, hopefully it'll go somewhere decent, would be nice to see McIntyre getting a decent push, wasn't ready for it first time round, think he might be now.

I love AJ Lee.

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I quite like Ryback. I think Cena not making HITC and being replaced by Ryback would be the best thing that could happen to WWE at the moment.

That just shows the biggest flaw in the gimmick PPV system. Back in the day, a HITC/cage match would only take place because a feud had become so heated that there was no other way to end it. Now a HITC match just happens because it is at a PPV called Hell in the Cell. Having the frst Punk vs Ryback match in HITC makes no sense whatsoever.

Ryback shouldn't be near the title picture until at least after WM next year IMO.

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I quite like Ryback. I think Cena not making HITC and being replaced by Ryback would be the best thing that could happen to WWE at the moment. Having Punk beat him with a dirty win - with Ryback being undefeated and having destroyed everyone so far - would add a hell of a lot to CM Punk's "best in the world" angle, while you could keep Ryback looking strong and make a new bonafide star by battering him but have Punk sneak it somehow. Cena could then come back in and you could have Punk - Cena at Survivor Series and then start the build for whoever the Rock will be facing at RR after.

I like the sound of this, even a double countout or something. EDIT: It's HITC there's no countouts you roaster.

I love AJ Lee.

I haven't watched Raw since she became the GM and she is the primary reason why. Absolute shite.

Edited by Marshmallo
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I like the sound of this, even a double countout or something. EDIT: It's HITC there's no countouts you roaster.

I haven't watched Raw since she became the GM and she is the primary reason why. Absolute shite.

Yeah, maybe not a duble countout :P Was thinking more along the lines of Heyman based interference, someone new to come in to the alliance maybe, could be a great way to debut Dean Ambrose if they're as keen on him as they're supposed to be.

Her mannerisms and facial expressions are excellent, and she's absolutely stunning, I'm a fan. It's also increased the number of segments D. Bryan is in, which, as he's easily the most entertaining thing in wrestling for me at the moment, is definitely no bad thing.

Edited by J_Stewart
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Yeah, maybe not a duble countout :P Was thinking more along the lines of Heyman based interference, someone new to come in to the alliance maybe, could be a great way to debut Dean Ambrose if they're as keen on him as they're supposed to be.

Her mannerisms and facial expressions are excellent, and she's absolutely stunning, I'm a fan. It's also increased the number of segments D. Bryan is in, which, as he's easily the most entertaining thing in wrestling for me at the moment, is definitely no bad thing.

I don't think they'd go with Ambrose in that kind of match. They don't really throw anyone into the main event any more, they're more keen on letting them have a couple of years of hell in the midcard swapping wins with Kofi, Santino, Drew etc ad infinitum until no one gives a shit about them. Ryback coming in and being built differently is one of the main reasons I like him, he's a notable exception to the First Name Second Name bland moveset bland outfit generic moves types they keep putting on screen.

I don't actually agree that AJ is "stunning", although that is completely down to personal preference. She overshadows the wrestlers, is far too hammy an actress for my liking and, I'll be honest, the fact she's held up as some sort of deity by the workrate perverts (I'm not including you here at all btw) makes me dislike her even more.

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I don't think they'd go with Ambrose in that kind of match. They don't really throw anyone into the main event any more, they're more keen on letting them have a couple of years of hell in the midcard swapping wins with Kofi, Santino, Drew etc ad infinitum until no one gives a shit about them. Ryback coming in and being built differently is one of the main reasons I like him, he's a notable exception to the First Name Second Name bland moveset bland outfit generic moves types they keep putting on screen.

I don't watch regularly but yeah - this.

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I don't watch regularly but yeah - this.

Neither do I any more, almost entirely due to the reasons I posted there.

TNA is much more enjoyable for me at the moment because the guys look different, have different gimmicks, work differently and cut promos differently to each other. In WWE there is some of this in the main event but the midcard is full of generic looking guys who are exactly the same as each other. In TNA you've got Robbie E, Devon (hopefully he'll return), Eric Young, Chavo, Hernandez, Gunner and Kid Kash amongst others who are all completely different to each other and you can instantly tell what they're all about.

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I don't think they'd go with Ambrose in that kind of match. They don't really throw anyone into the main event any more, they're more keen on letting them have a couple of years of hell in the midcard swapping wins with Kofi, Santino, Drew etc ad infinitum until no one gives a shit about them. Ryback coming in and being built differently is one of the main reasons I like him, he's a notable exception to the First Name Second Name bland moveset bland outfit generic moves types they keep putting on screen.

Yeah, that seems to have been the pattern the last few years, although with Ryback getting the (possible) big push and Sandow consistently being involved in segments with top-level guys recently, hopefully they're moving away from that and going with a more "sink or swim" mentaltiy when it comes to trying to create stars. Cesaro's got the US title not long after debuting too. Fingers crossed anyway. From what I've seen of Ambrose from youtube clips and that, he looks as if he could be really, really good.

Other potential scenario I was thinking about if they went with Punk v Ryback at HITC could possibly be have Brock return, depending on how many dates he has on his contract. Would imagine they'd want him involved in Survivor Series if possible, and with the Heyman connection they could do some kind of alliance with Punk and Brock, maybe a revision of the "Two Man Power Trip". Could then potentially have Punk v Cena for the title and Brock v Ryback in a beast v beast (note: not BEAST as per current Gen Nonse (pun intended) trend) match, which would be a pretty good way to maintain a main event push for Mr Feed Me More..

I don't actually agree that AJ is "stunning", although that is completely down to personal preference. She overshadows the wrestlers, is far too hammy an actress for my liking and, I'll be honest, the fact she's held up as some sort of deity by the workrate perverts (I'm not including you here at all btw) makes me dislike her even more.

:lol: never seen the phrase "workrate perverts" before, that's cracking. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one, I'm a fan.

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