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Smackdown Thread

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I love this 'angry little man' version of Bryan. His promos are ridiculous, but he's over enough and obviously a good enough wrestler to make it work for him. Good character development. I'd like to see him have a short feud with The Rock while Rock waits for his title shot at the Rumble, score a cheap win then go on about it endlessly for at least 6 months.

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Tell you what, I actually really enjoyed this week's Smackdown. It might have been that after the absolute shitstorm of the first 3 hour Raw (a glorified 3 hour advert for various websites and products) I was caught off guard but it was a short, sharp show with some decent matches and not too much of a focus on the Raw recap stuff.

Maybe Smackdown will make a bit of a comeback amongst wrestling fans because of the potential of them ruining Raw?

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He goes way back. Was a manager/ ref in WCW in the late 80's early 90's.

Was he Simmons manager when he won the world title?

He managed him in the tag team Doom which was Simmons and Butch Reed. When they split, he managed Reed and hooked up with Kevin Sullivan, who was managing the One Man Gang, all in attempts to get Simmons taken out.

Simmons took the title in 1992, beating Big Van Vader. Loved that era of WCW. :)

Edited by ParsJake
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Big jock knew sign in the crowd on smackdown

Saw that myself, was wondering mostly what the point was?

1. Its the wrestling community that will be watching this so thats already about 2% of the population that might notice it.

2. Out-with Scotland, not many other people will know what it means so this leaves it down to about 0.000000003% of the worlds population that will see it and know what its about so ye around 2 people; me and you :P

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Did anyone see Smackdown last night and Reks and Hawkins new gimmick :lol: :lol: to be fair they got a lot of heat for it from the crowd which I guess is the point. Its not sure at the moment whether they will have a new gimmick each week in 'a bid to get noticed' or whther they will stick with this.

I love how their wrestling trunks are Y Fronts :lol:


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Big spoiler for the WHC over the next few weeks

Apparantly Barrett is returning and will attack/feud with Sheamus alowing Dolph to cash in setting up a Sheamus/Ziggler/Barrett feud. Orton will feud with Del Rio - which has already started this week on SD with Orton cleanly losing to del rio by tapping out

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Smackdown has improved greatly in the past few weeks. Better and longer matches and some good backstage stuff. The need to sack the Raw highlights thought. We watch Smackdown chaps, the chances are, we also watch Raw.

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Santino Cobra gimmic is getting ridiculous now. I don't know what's worse, the Cobra or little Jimmy. Surprised to see Del Rio get a clean victory over Randy Orton, although I read the Vipor is taking some time off soon so I've probably just answered my own question. Just surprised to see Del Rio get yet another title shot. I liked the idea of each match having someone different from the roster on co-commentary with Michael Cole. The Prime-time Playaz were really good at it.

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