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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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Even if Dunfermline can somehow pay the tax bill, how can they meet the other ongoing costs and overheads involved in continuing to run the club on a day to day basis?

I feel for the supporters and staff of the club who have played no part in this. The staff and players all have bills and mortgages to pay and now risk losing their jobs. Local suppliers face going to the wall if they don't get payed. Same old sad story of football directors chasing a stupid dream which just can't be afforded.

The support need to get a fighting fund established but keep the cash away from the directors at this stage. Administration seems to loom so once that process has been gone through the supporters could then step in to salvage the club albeit starting as a part-time club in the 3rd Division. The club must survive though and I'm sure that is what matters most to those who support the team.

Perhaps I'm wrong though as Mr Yorkston seems to feel that some magic spell will be cast and all will be well.

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Rangers in the 3rd division... Hearts on their way...

I've worked it out John Yorkston is a genius! The Pars go bust as well and then re-establish themselves along with Rangers and Hearts as a 'phoenix' club in the 3rd division. It's a back-door attempt to create SPL2. Relegation is the new promotion!

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The club has suggested to the ParsTV crew they are willing to allow live streaming of matches. ParsTV has accepted the challenge. The first live broadcast game for overseas viewers will be next weekend's Fife derby between Raith and Dunfermline. Generously, Ronnie Wemyes has said he will right off any shortfall, if there is any, of the £1,250 licence per quarter (or £5,000 per season). I believe the price of this match to watch PPV is £10. More info on DAFC.net.

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POET raised the point earlier about how we go around fixing this, yet i genuinely have no idea.

One things for sure is that i have no interest in giving the board any money on top of my entry fee for the Dumbarton game. There's no point giving them any extra money, as they don't know how to run the club.

Any money raised by the fans should not go towards Masterton and co, we need to get them out of our club. Hopefully we can somehow survive the administration process and come out of it with a fresh start.

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POET raised the point earlier about how we go around fixing this, yet i genuinely have no idea.

One things for sure is that i have no interest in giving the board any money on top of my entry fee for the Dumbarton game. There's no point giving them any extra money, as they don't know how to run the club.

Any money raised by the fans should not go towards Masterton and co, we need to get them out of our club. Hopefully we can somehow survive the administration process and come out of it with a fresh start.

^^^ Entirely this.

Our board shouldn't be trusted to run a bath, never mind a football club. One of the things that really pissed me off tbh was when Yorkston said we've had cashflow issues for the 12 years he's been here yet he still let Calderwood spunk money up the wall.

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I really hate it when people spout nonsense online about how they know best and that if they were in charge there wouldn't be any problems, blah blah blah. Truthfully though, I would make a better job of running the club than these guys have.

I love Dunfermline and it means a great deal to me. I'm often quite embarrassed when talking to people who don't follow football when I try to rationalise the money, the time and the emotion I have poured into the club since I started going to games in the late 90's. There is no logical reason behind it, it's more than a hobby and effects me very emotionally at times. All that being said, I would still never risk the future of the club in order to try and win a league or avoid relegation.

It is very saddening to see the state the club is in just now. The worst of it for me is that I'm not shocked in the slightest. In fact, I'm not even angry as I've been fearing this for several years now. I thought this wouldn't happen till GM popped his clogs but it seems like the deadline has been moved forward slightly.

My main hope is that we can somehow avoid extinction. I know people will say that "the spirit lives on" with a new club but it won't be the same. Very similar but the Pars I love will be gone and that will leave me very sad indeed.

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Fingers crossed we somehow pull through this farce! I dont know the exacts of what goes on from within the club , but I cant help feeling that we are gonna be ok! Maybe just naive on my part but i'm staying positive ph34r.gif

How about 200 fans (who could afford it ) rally together and each buy like a 5year season ticket for a reduced price of say £1000ish. I'm sure 2 or 300 of us could do this. It would give the club a much needed boost and certainly help with this season anyway.

Probably very flawed and a silly idea i know, I'm just thinking out loud . unsure.gif

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How about 200 fans (who could afford it ) rally together and each buy like a 5year season ticket for a reduced price of say £1000ish. I'm sure 2 or 300 of us could do this. It would give the club a much needed boost and certainly help with this season anyway.

Probably very flawed and a silly idea i know, I'm just thinking out loud . unsure.gif

You could get a job on the board.

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Does anyone know how often the payments are to HMRC? I suppose it's possible that a local businessman could help pay for this one, but if it's monthly or every couple of months it will be very difficult.

Nearly all the reasons given by your board for your financial problems aren't valid excuses. I hope you survive even though a point deduction would obviously help our cause.

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Many ST holders paying £17 in stead of using their ST. I'm a student and should be paying £11 but will pay £17. Also buying derby discount tickets for £20 each plus my usual food, programme & 50/50 tickets. Roughly £50 coming Pars' way soon. Get your mates, family, colleagues or even lapsed fans you know. Lets get everyone and anyone to East End on the 24th. COYP!!

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Just caught up with the news. Quite an unbelievable statement to see there. Pretty sure that the main points have all been covered.

I'd try to help out the Pars in some shape or form, but as mentioned my main priority are rightly Raith at the moment. I'm a season ticket holder, so I'll get along to three games before the end of the month. Unfortunately, this has come for the Pars fans at a time where people have other priorities with Christmas and New Year approaching. The fans are the ones who deserve some level of sympathy. While Rovers were battling Ayr for promotion, in the back of my head I was wondering 'what about the finances of this? How did we go from signing terrible players for years to getting some excellent players in at the club?'. Its hard to keep an eye on things when the good times are coming along nicely, but in most cases its even harder to change who is behind the scenes and the decisions they make.

I hope the Pars pull through this. As suggested before, hopefully they can limit the damage and cut their cloth accordingly.

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RW, do what your other Rovers supporter on .net has suggested and coming to our next home game vs Dumbarton instead of going to Airdrie vs Raith (the 4th meeting between the two clubs already this season!!). C'mon, you know you want to come and help ;o) lol.

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I really hate it when people spout nonsense online about how they know best and that if they were in charge there wouldn't be any problems, blah blah blah. Truthfully though, I would make a better job of running the club than these guys have.

I love Dunfermline and it means a great deal to me. I'm often quite embarrassed when talking to people who don't follow football when I try to rationalise the money, the time and the emotion I have poured into the club since I started going to games in the late 90's. There is no logical reason behind it, it's more than a hobby and effects me very emotionally at times. All that being said, I would still never risk the future of the club in order to try and win a league or avoid relegation.

It is very saddening to see the state the club is in just now. The worst of it for me is that I'm not shocked in the slightest. In fact, I'm not even angry as I've been fearing this for several years now. I thought this wouldn't happen till GM popped his clogs but it seems like the deadline has been moved forward slightly.

My main hope is that we can somehow avoid extinction. I know people will say that "the spirit lives on" with a new club but it won't be the same. Very similar but the Pars I love will be gone and that will leave me very sad indeed.

Cant let the big team go under what can we do to help......

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I really hate it when dozens of people get banned from dafc.net over the years for stating that Yorkston and co are killing our club.

I also hate it when we were proved right and now others are telling us that we are wrong for bringing this up.

Will I f&&k be paying to get in when I've got a season ticket because clownshoe has budgeted for crowds of 4000 in the first division.


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