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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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I'm no Dunfermline fan but I really cannot imagine football without them. This really would be a disaster if it goes wrong.

I still cannot come to terms with the fact that individuals can do so much damage to a club and people's lives and get off with it.

How do they sleep at night?

This will be sorted.

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It's good to know that, banter & rivalry aside, there are decent fans out there who genuinely don't want to see us go under. We have shat on so many clubs from a great height. We really don't deserve any good wishes but can I just say from all Pars fans - thanks.

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If the CVA goes through, we won't be debt free. There is football debt that the new owners would take on and we would have to pay.

Nobody is happy we're in this situation, and it'll be up to the new owners of the club to build up trust within the local business community again. That is a challenge in itself.

no but the tax payer will be shafted

i would like to see the c***s that incur these debts pulled over the coals for it

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Neil Doncaster in The Record today:

" I’m led to believe the situation at Dunfermline is not as bleak as has been made out "

Finger on the pulse there Neil.

I hope he's right but if Cockwomble said it was raining outside I would have to either open the curtains or the door to see for myself.

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Thanks for the early messages of support - it means a lot as we know people will be screwed over. The creditors have to choose if they want to get virtually nothing or if they want to see the club die.

If it does all go through we'll have East End Park back too and that's something I could never have imagined not long ago.

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Said it earlier in the thread and I'll say it again - having been there myself as an Airdrie fan, I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I felt in 2002.

Spending money you don't have is tantamount to cheating - but almost every club (and business) will do it at some point. It's only when that spending gets out of hand that it comes to people's attention - like it did with Airdrie and it's now doing with Dunfermline and Hearts.

This usually happens by the hand of inept (or corrupt) individuals, and is certainly not the fans fault. It's not fair on them to face losing their club.

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If it does all go through we'll have East End Park back too and that's something I could never have imagined not long ago.

will this be lease based or is a bank bailed out by the tax payer writing off 12 mill loan or whatever it is on east end park?

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will this be lease based or is a bank bailed out by the tax payer writing off 12 mill loan or whatever it is on east end park?

It will be purchased by pars united. It will involve most of the debt being written off.

I imagine if the cva is successful we will find out alot more of the details of the offer over the coming days/weeks.

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Does anyone know the rough percentage distribution of the creditors? Sounds like the majority are (or claim to be) Dunfermline fans therefore although they'll be severely out of pocket they won't want to kill the club. Obviously that is where BJ's "hopefully" comes from.

Good Luck anyway the day boys, but sounds a wee bit unpredictable how the vote is gonna go. :unsure2:

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It will be purchased by pars united. It will involve most of the debt being written off.

I imagine if the cva is successful we will find out alot more of the details of the offer over the coming days/weeks.

I'm not so sure the deal on East end park is so clear cut. Saving the club is the (relatively) easy part. Purchasing the stadium will depend on Pars United (who will then be DAFC) offering more than KPMG could secure elsewhere. The development value of EEP will determine the costs of this..... may mean more digging deep for you guys if you want your own stadium to play in.

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