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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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So £15 per game = £270, or £230 for a ST? So it only represents a saving if you make 16 from 18 games?

To me that isn't enough of a saving. At Hibs it's hovered at 17 or 18 from 19 recently which is one of the reasons I stopped mine.

(I know it's not as bad in SFL because there are fewer/no midweeks and only Rangers games generally get moved for TV).

Yeah, season tickets at East End Park haven't been value for money for years now.

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Enjoy your time in Division 2. You might be there a while with the team you currently have.

Oh it's so unfair having to play kids in your team and compete against full time teams with huge budgets. How will you possibly cope? Every other team is full-time, with bags of cash and a team of experienced professionals.

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Are you seriously attempting to suggest that Dunfermline's wage bill was less than that of Airdrie on the last game of the season?

You had your chance against us, the worst performing Airdrie team in living memory, unconfident schoolkids and part timers. You blew it.

Do you post about Airdrie as much as you do about Dunfermline? Fucking obsessed by us.

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Enjoy your time in Division 2. You might be there a while with the team you currently have.

Oh it's so unfair having to play kids in your team and compete against full time teams with huge budgets. How will you possibly cope? Every other team is full-time, with bags of cash and a team of experienced professionals.

Hate the Pars more than you support Cowden.

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Enjoy your time in Division 2. You might be there a while with the team you currently have.

Oh it's so unfair having to play kids in your team and compete against full time teams with huge budgets. How will you possibly cope? Every other team is full-time, with bags of cash and a team of experienced professionals.

Your sympathy at this difficult time is appreciated.

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At Falkirk once you make 13 home games you start to save on the walk up price.

That's much more reasonable, generous even. As a rough guide I'd think buying a ST should give a 25-30% saving or so.

Ultimately the club is asking you buy the season upfront, and give them the ££ upfront (granted some do staged payment schemes).

Handing-over cash in advance, and paying-up before you know how the team will fare and when games will be, should give a discount.

I stopped mine at Hibs last season when it only represented a saving if you made 18 from 19.

Around the time I'd normally renew, the club exercised this bizarre SPL right to postpone a league game to play a friendly.

That pushed our home game against St Johnstone onto a Wednesday night in September which I couldn't make.

So from the off I'd need to make all 18 other games to make a saving, before you considered TV changes/midweeks/postponements and of course the possibility 18/20 balance of H/A games leaving you down whatever happened.

That was pretty unlikely so I decided to drop the ticket and simply pay at the gate last season.

Of course, that then sees you go less often. When you've bought your ST in advance your more inclined to go along whatever happens, having already paid. You've that extra incentive to make it along - even if it's inconvenient timing, or clashes with something else, or the team's playing badly.

I accept that the Pars may need every ££ available to stay afloat (and stay full-time?) but £40 saved from £270 isn't that much, tbh.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Can hardly believe the ongoing hubris with some DAFC fans following on from what's happened.

You are not a big club, AND you may be only weeks away from not being a club!! :wacko:

What really gets to so many fans of other clubs is that the some Pars sound more and more like the Sevco crowd, HEY! yer club was run by cheats,end of, get over it!! :shutup

BTW I genuinely hope you do get back on an even keel and make it back up to the First but, puleees, some of you need to stop whining.

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Our season ticket prices are about what I'd expect them to be. They seem to be about what the other clubs are charging, maybe slightly higher but you'd expect that from the relegated club. Possibly a slight cashing in on the emotion around the club.

That doesn't stop the season tickets don't offer enough value debates, or the arguments that football is too expensive overall anyway arguments. But they've been going on for for years anyway, this year is no different.

On another point, can we pretend that we are like everyone else and that everything is fine and talk about building a team for next season? I've got a few random thoughts.

On over 21s, hopefully we can keep those that are still here. On new signings has the trialist loophole been closed? What about signing amateur players are they allowed? possibly somebody wanting to put themselves in the shop window/ willing to do us a favour (yes I know that sounds stupid) someone like Gary mason would be useful(I've plucked his name from thin air btw) , maybe McCann would be willing to sign on as emergency cover. What about the released players that haven't since found clubs? Could they technically be considered as re-signing , given that we are the last club they registered for? What is the status of willis and Boyle? Can they be re-signed?.

On under 21s, if possible I'd like to sign a couple of wingers and maybe a centre back. Any ideas if their are players available ?particularly if we can get them on loan and pay very little of their wages, I'm thinking maybe Paul George at Celtic, seemed useful against us in the youth cup final.

Now back to reality and the far more important things that surround the club.

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Since they guys haven't been getting their full wages, the budgets won't be bigger. Never mind the fact that the high earners have all been released.

What are you saying? That the fact these players haven't been getting paid their contracted amount is ample excuse for them not being arsed? Your team was far more experienced and expensive than Airdrie and Alloa, you lost both games. Why?

I haven't seen or heard any Pars fan say the players haven't been trying so that is just complete nonsense.

I'll quote GordieBoys twitter for you:

Congratulations to Alloa on their promotion to the 1st Division. There's no way they will drop a 3 goal lead to those shitebags

Can take getting beat but when we don't offer any resistance whatsoever that really grinds my gear

After calming down and re-assessing last night's game I stand by every word I said. Getting beat is acceptable. Chucking it is not.

It's nice to see not all Pars fans are caught in cloud cuckoo land. Why you feel a kind of togetherness with a team of ' shitebags ' who are guilty of ' chucking it ' is beyond me. Losing 3 huge games to part time opposition in a month? The management and squad should be hounded out of Dunfermline and never be allowed to wear the strip again.

Seeing as without the points deduction we would have stayed up, it's is clearly the reason we went down. Whether deserved or not, we were relegated because of it, not the performances on the pitch.

A crowd higher than the 3rd best team in the top flight yesterday shows how much the fans have gotten behind the team lately. The atmosphere at games has been really good and people are having fun at games. The players appreciate the support and we appreciate their hard work. I've already got my ST for next season and I just hope I get a chance to use it.

Your full time squad had two chances to stay up. Beat part time relegated Airdrie at home in a one off match or beat part time Alloa over two legs. Your team miserably failed to achieve either.

JJ can dress it up all he likes, it's his and the players fault. How those two failures can be regarded as anything other than humiliation and disgrace by the Dunfermline fans frankly defies belief.

At least you're having fun.

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270 quid for a season ticket in the Seaside League.

Who's charging that? Adult season tickets at EEP next year are £215 if bought before June 22nd, £230 after that date.

Sent from my GT-P5110 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Your team was far more experienced and expensive than Airdrie and Alloa, you lost both games. Why?

I've heard Allan Smith, Kerr Young, Ross Millen etc are all publishing their autobiographies this summer to celebrate their lengthy careers. I don't expect you'll be buying one as you clearly know all there is to know about our players.

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Got confirmation from a Pars Trust member that there was a meeting last night at the Alhambra and that Pars fans are to expect bad news. Major cut backs will be in operation ahead of the new season with Jefferies heading out the door along with many first team players. Trust and Jackson also not confident that Dunfermline will be out of admin by the start of next season with the possibility that they won't be able to fulfil all fixtures whilst in the 2nd Division. Rumours from this meeting are that Craig Dargo may be appointed as player/manager.

Not fishing here and from what I'm led to believe this has not been made public knowledge as of yet. Just going by what I was told from a Trust member.

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Lex, you are trying too hard. That post was a long, rambling pile of nonsense and I'm sure when you look back at it you'll be embarrassed you took so long out your day to construct it.

No good news re: meeting on Wednesday but I didn't expect anything positive really. Under 20's set up to get scrapped, 'senior' players to be offski and JJ moving on. Very grim.

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