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17 hours ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:


Still don't think so tbh



We'll see, seemed to get the same send off Sami got... then again Sami was pretty much working NXT and main roster at the time

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I don't think it was quite the same quality as we've  had on other Takeover shows.  Still a great show though.  Perhaps struggled due to having three matches on the card that didn't really mean much.  One was a vehicle just to get Aries on the card, one was effectively a lengthened squash match to introduce Roode and one was them saying "honest, we've still got women on the roster".  None of those three were that bad though - Roode's entrance was brilliant and so was the weird springing corkscrew stunner finisher for Ember Moon.

The two main events were great though.  Expected result for Bayley, and in the time since she's moved up to RAW.  Was the right decision, Asuka is the better champion, but what really is there left for her to do in NXT?  I'd call her up in a similar way to how Paige was way back.  Have her vacate the title rather than drop it, because if we're waiting for someone to come in that deserves to take it off someone like Asuka, we'll be waiting a while.

Then Naka-fucking-mura.  What an absolute star that guy is.  I have never been more invested in any wrestler in WWE.  I could see his actual in-ring work getting stale on a long-enough timescale, but when you add in the charisma he has, I don't think anyone would care if it did.  He is absolutely brilliant to watch, and definitely the right decision for winning the title.  Did Joe actually  break his jaw or was it just a great selling job?  If it is broken, it'll give him some time to rest up, then have him debut on the main roster as a surprise.  Not sure who would be next for Nakamura though, similar problem to Asuka.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Itami is out long term again, bad neck injury after a badly botched power slam from Riddick Moss. The video is floating about and it's not pretty. You have to make the assumption that he's now pretty much done as far as main roster stardom goes.

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Has had a couple of decent matches over here too. She's definitely naw bad at all. Should be a good match there.

As for Itami, he's not having the chance to click in NXT at all. It's been freak accidents though, not recurring injuries, so he's still got a chance I think. He's cursed there though.

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SO frustrating Itami can come over with that pedigree and get stuck in developmental for two years taking horrorshow bumps off green as shit big lumps like that, all the more reason to get the likes of Naka and Joe up now before some rookie breaks their back in a high school gym house show. It's the major downside of NXT for all the good it has going.

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Sounds like they wanted Trish, but she since found out she's pregnant, so they went for Mickie James instead.  Right decision, but they shouldn't have got into this position in the first place.  NXT is still supposed to be developmental, so doing things like this just seems wrong.  I know why they've done it, but it's purely because they've not managed to build up anyone beyond the women that got called up.  Just shows how half-arsed and rushed the brand split was really.

Still, it'll be a good match.  Just checked the card and looking good.  Assume the Dusty Classic will be The Authors of Pain vs...Sanity?  Or could be Aries.  Weak side of the bracket.  I'd like to see Ciampa finally turn on Gargano and give them a decent feud leading into the next Takeover.

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