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Destroying your best mate to win the title, terrific. I think my favourite of the night was Balor vs Neville. Another solid showing from Hideo and Tyler Breeze, I really rate Breeze. Also, Kalisto & Sin Cara were not on their game tonight.... Disappointing. The divas match was good but I felt a bit let down by the finish. I love Sasha though.

I thought we were going to get a Soloman Crowe debut tonight? :(

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I saw the best part of this but fell asleep midway through the final match.

It was a decent-enough PPV - I think it suffers in comparison to Revolution (now THAT was amazing). The match between Balor and Neville was incredible - I had a strong suspicion Balor would win but the number of counters and close calls made it something special. Itami and Breeze also gave a decent account of themselves - when's he going to drop the GTS?

The tag-team match was full of botches and I can't really get behind Baron Corbin. He looks the part, but that's about it. The Divas match was solid too.

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Hideo Itami vs Tyler Breeze was a very decent opener to the show and in my opinion the best match Itami has put on since arriving in NXT. 7/10

Corbin vs Bull was the best of their matches to date but for a no dq match I thought it was a little disappointing. In the last two matches of Corbin we have seen just how much he has to learn in the ring, looks very stiff and thought Bull came out of it looking much better. Probably my least favourite match of the night 5/10

We knew Balor vs Neville would be good and it didn't disappoint. Match of the night and would love to see a rematch at some point. I thought it was obvious Balor would win so I was surprised about how little that took away from enjoyment of the match. Some great spots and really good finish. Not sure where Neville goes from here. 9/10

Tag Title Match as mentioned in previous posts was ruined by Sin Cara and Kalisto however I still enjoyed it in its own way and really like the look of Blake and Murphy. Hope they invest some time in these guys to fully see what they can do. I enjoyed the stuff that wasn't botched. I liked the Solomon Crowe tease at the end of the match 6/10

The Fatal4Way - I think that may be my favourite multiple women match in many many years. Thought it was very entertaining and some really good moments. Every woman impressed me. Night and Day to the crap we get served on the main roster. The finish surprised me but on reflection I quite liked it for that very reason. 8/10

I liked Zayn vs Owens. Similar style match to the Cena vs Lesnar one. I haven't seen any of Owens stuff prior to NXT so I'm not sure what he is capable of or any limitations he may have. Enjoyable and look forward to them both upping their game in their next match. 7/10

Overall 7/10

Edited by DavidMcG
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Am I missing something here? Been seeing people raving about the main event but I thought it was pretty bland, almost no flow. I did enjoy the finish however, but that's about it.

Just another thing, I hope we see Balor with something different painted on himself next time. Got to keep it fresh.

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They have brilliant brawls, but purely because with weapons and stips, those two guys are willing to merely bump their way to something special.

Normal one on one matches are usually pretty good at best. Certainly nothing truly great between them. Last night was probably their best normal match, and I was still underwhelmed.

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Just another thing, I hope we see Balor with something different painted on himself next time. Got to keep it fresh.

I was thinking the same thing, I was hoping for something outrageous but it was, "Oh, he was doing that the last time".

I really hate to nit-pick like this, maybe because Revolution was just so damn outstanding. It set the bar too high.

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Poet of the Macabre, on 12 Feb 2015 - 16:46, said:

One of the most ridiculous things I've read in my life tbh.

Really? It did many things right. Owens looked great, and Zayn was a superb underdog. But the match just didn't click at all, like every other one on one match they've had in their careers.

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I thought the Owens Zayn match was pretty solid 7/10 with an outstanding 10/10 finish. It was clear for about 4 or 5 minutes before it was called that there would be no rally, no heroic comeback....just a vicious, evil, relentless beating.

THAT'S how you book someone to look like a dangerous b*****d.

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djchapsticks, on 12 Feb 2015 - 21:40, said:

It was clear for about 4 or 5 minutes before it was called that there would be no rally, no heroic comeback....just a vicious, evil, relentless beating.

Aye, I liked that a lot. My only fear was that Owens would get DQed for not coming out of the corner or something. Both Zayn and Owens were booked incredibly well.

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Aye, I liked that a lot. My only fear was that Owens would get DQed for not coming out of the corner or something. Both Zayn and Owens were booked incredibly well.

Agreed. I was thinking before it, how they would manage to make Owens look a credible threat and have him lose his very first meaningful match or how they'd make Zayn strong but have him drop his title on his first meaningful defense.

Well, they shut me up. I haven't seen any of their stuff together in the indies but agree that it felt a bit disjointed in the early stages even if I can't agree that there is zero chemistry there. I reckon there is a lot more mileage in this and they'll only get better.

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Stupidly read the spoilers for the NXT tapings last night. Next week's show looks immense with a couple of great surprises. Don't look at the spoilers!

All 4 episodes on paper look terrific

Rhyno returning is a bit out of left-field, would assume that like Kendrick he is back doing some training for them at the development centre

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