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Evil Neighbours Thread

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Maybe its you. By the amount of time that I assume you spend in your garden, (painting fences etc) maybe you yourself are becoming a crabbit old b*****d, have you ever stuck a knife in a wanes fitba yet? tongue.gif

Seriously though, If you don't want neighbour mediation, then I would suggest not lowering yourself to their standards such as using air horns etc. I would let them know their card is marked, that you seen him paving out the back without any discomfort and anymore of their shite and you'll be reporting them to the authorities for benefit fraud. By the sound of them, its most likely the boyfriend isn't claiming to stay their either.

Theres nothing worse than a bad neighbour. Hope you get it resolved.

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Through trying to be decent, and do the right thing, you've allowed this to drag on for way too long mate . You see, people like the charmers you've described here, don't see you as being a good, considerate neighbour..they see you as a mug .

However, there are two methods that you can employ to get some peace in your own home ;

Firstly, there's the legal route which involves the police, the local council, and the Environmental Health services . If used properly this method will work, but will probably take some time .

The second method isn't a legal route( so I won't go into details here ), but it's guaranteed to work pretty quickly .

PM me if you're interested in futher info on these solutions . :)


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between the burd upstairs & her mutt i dont know who is worse

she's... well shes a screamer dry.gif

& the dug is constantly going

does anyone know where you get those silent whistles that drive the dogs nuts?

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between the burd upstairs & her mutt i dont know who is worse

she's... well shes a screamer dry.gif

& the dug is constantly going

does anyone know where you get those silent whistles that drive the dogs nuts?

Her mutt or her muff ? :)

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Put a bag of flaming dog poop at there door?

Kidnap the dog and send them a sausage though the letterbox?

Or as someone else has suggested destroy there crutches and watch them crawl around with no dignity for a wee while

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The guy upstairs from us is an utter c**t. Always banging around making ridiculous noise and then denying it. i don't understand why someone can be walking up and down every night form 8pm till about midnight then again form around 6am till 8am. Does the noisy fucker never sit down?

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does anyone know where you get those silent whistles that drive the dogs nuts?


I bought one of them as a youth and caused havoc cycling down the high street whistling away.

Dug outside Argos slipped it's lead and bolted off with a seething look on it's face.

I chuckled. :lol:

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My sister has problems with her upstairs neighbours. At one time they were keeping a horse IN the house. An UPSTAIRS house! By all means keep a diary, and don't stoop to their level, but judging by my sister's experience the authorities will be useless. Move house.

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My sister has problems with her upstairs neighbours. At one time they were keeping a horse IN the house. An UPSTAIRS house! By all means keep a diary, and don't stoop to their level, but judging by my sister's experience the authorities will be useless. Move house.


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My sister has problems with her upstairs neighbours. At one time they were keeping a horse IN the house. An UPSTAIRS house! By all means keep a diary, and don't stoop to their level, but judging by my sister's experience the authorities will be useless. Move house.

It's not unusual.


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Alternatively, take pictures or film the guy lifting slabs etc and tell them that if they don't shut the f**k up you'll show the benefit fraud folk.

I'm still in total favour of a brutal double murder though. Bludgeon them into oblivion with their own crutches.

I was just going to post about her having a new bloke living at her house when she is getting benefits for herself.

Edit: Just to add that I was chatting to Nelly the elephant from upstairs the other day and the reason she has her hoover on so late at night is to get rid of spiders. :blink: I'm sure there are other ways to get rid of them,that don't include her putting her hoover on at 12pm.

Edited by saints1884
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