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Evil Neighbours Thread

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PS - My ex neighbour was an arsehole. A total junkie riot-creating c**t.

When I moved out I got hold of him one day and gave him prior warning that one night I would be back and would cause him some damage.

About a year later I ran into him and he had cleaned up a wee bit. I gave him the courtesy of a "How you doing" (because despite being a junkie he wasn't too bad).

He replied with "You know exactly how I'm doing" and then walked away. I found out a little bit later that someone has been reguarly leathering this guy every month for about a whole year.........and he clearly thinks its me :lol: :lol:

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I was just going to post about her having a new bloke living at her house when she is getting benefits for herself.

Edit: Just to add that I was chatting to Nelly the elephant from upstairs the other day and the reason she has her hoover on so late at night is to get rid of spiders. :blink: I'm sure there are other ways to get rid of them,that don't include her putting her hoover on at 12pm.

circus-elephant.jpg?w=220 Cheek of that c**t, pullin me up ! Right through his ceiling I'm going...right through his fuckin ceiling !! :)

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DAFC i feel your pain, i really do. when i lived down south me and the Mrs lived next to a couple with four weans. i could tell you some stories about what we had to put up with.

your situation is bad cause the two people are disabled.some will say basically you are a heartless b*****d for victimising two vulnerable people who are not causing you any harm. that is the trouble here, disabled people are socially exempt from being cuntish, society will say that they don't know any better. when you scream about how crafty these fuckers are you will be met with a wall of outrage. if i were you i would move mate as there aint going to be any form of positive outcome for you on this one. admit the fight has been lost, pack up your fake bird of prey and move on to pastures new.

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It could be worse. The Da Vinci rapist has just been moved into a cottage nearby and the police told all the neighbours not to be afraid to chat with him if he says hello. I drove past earlier and there were a load of people standing outside the cottage, probably just wanting a friendly chat with him . wink.gif

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The guy upstairs from us is an utter c**t. Always banging around making ridiculous noise and then denying it. i don't understand why someone can be walking up and down every night form 8pm till about midnight then again form around 6am till 8am. Does the noisy fucker never sit down?

He does from midnight 'til 6am. <DOH>

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circus-elephant.jpg?w=220 Cheek of that c**t, pullin me up ! Right through his ceiling I'm going...right through his fuckin ceiling !! :)

:lol: She was moaning about being single and having to save up to get things fixed in her flat. This year so far she has had gas central heating fitted a new kitchen and gas installed in her flat and had her car fixed twice.

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My first flat was this bogging wee number in Dalry. My favourite neighbours were the fucking bum balloons above us, who's bedroom was right above ours. Usually you'll know your neighbours are shagging because you'll hear some kind of rhythmic noise and go "that'll be the bed getting knocked about because their riding" - not the case with these dafties.

The Betty was one of they "noisey customers". But not an "ooo" or "ahhh that's the spot" kind of noisey. For the entire duration of her getting her bacon vault filled in by her man friend, at the top of her voice, she'd make this noise which was identical to the noise Dr Zoidberg makes in Futurama when he skuttles away. A sort of "WOOOOOP-WOOOOO-WOOOOP" noise.


Every night.

For about an hour.

I really should have evened the score up by blowing into a kazoo the whole time I was getting my hole but sadly I didn't think of that at the time.

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My first flat was this bogging wee number in Dalry. My favourite neighbours were the fucking bum balloons above us, who's bedroom was right above ours. Usually you'll know your neighbours are shagging because you'll hear some kind of rhythmic noise and go "that'll be the bed getting knocked about because their riding" - not the case with these dafties.

The Betty was one of they "noisey customers". But not an "ooo" or "ahhh that's the spot" kind of noisey. For the entire duration of her getting her bacon vault filled in by her man friend, at the top of her voice, she'd make this noise which was identical to the noise Dr Zoidberg makes in Futurama when he skuttles away. A sort of "WOOOOOP-WOOOOO-WOOOOP" noise.


Every night.

For about an hour.

I really should have evened the score up by blowing into a kazoo the whole time I was getting my hole but sadly I didn't think of that at the time.

This is new terminology for me, but kudos for the threesome ! :)

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Last night

Me:washing machine on quickly after fives for 25 mins at 9PM

Them:no noise from 9-12 then I put lights out

12-1:30AM - slamming doors, stomping around and shouting at their dog out the back, they shout at it at certain points of the garden to do the toilet?

WTF just let it have a pish in peace without shouting "NOOOOO" "NOOOOOOO" "good girl" every ten fucking seconds!

It's a dog not fucking space invaders you weirdos

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Last night

Me:washing machine on quickly after fives for 25 mins at 9PM

Them:no noise from 9-12 then I put lights out

12-1:30AM - slamming doors, stomping around and shouting at their dog out the back, they shout at it at certain points of the garden to do the toilet?

WTF just let it have a pish in peace without shouting "NOOOOO" "NOOOOOOO" "good girl" every ten fucking seconds!

It's a dog not fucking space invaders you weirdos

dug whistle for this..

record it, play it through a timed alarm through-out the day while you are at work.

they will be far too bloody knackered from the dog randomly goin ballistic to be up all night.. then turn the tables.

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