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Evil Neighbours Thread

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These ultrasonic things are useless. This morning saw another mouse darting across my kitchen floor. If I wasn't barefoot at the time I would have stomped it.

Our neighbour, after Christmas, threw his tree in to his front garden for a few weeks, then transferred it to the boot of one of his (three) cars. Now? It's still there, all brown. Car hasn't turned a wheel in months. Really grating on me now.

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As I was moving into my first house, the neighbours knocked on my door and asked me if they could have a cup of sugar. I laughed and thought they were joking. They were deadly serious!

Real life minks.

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Found out neighbours are basically fucked and looking to move ASAP due to their disabilities getting worse.

I had a conversation two years ago with them and suggested a ground floor flat. Instead they've been effectively prisoners upstairs since then and ruining my sleep every night to let their dog out after midnight. Feel bad for them but also annoyed at their stupidity for persevering with a no win situation.

They've been on really heavy duty pain killers so this probably explains their mentalness.

Should be over soon, thank feck.

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Found out neighbours are basically fucked and looking to move ASAP due to their disabilities getting worse.

I had a conversation two years ago with them and suggested a ground floor flat. Instead they've been effectively prisoners upstairs since then and ruining my sleep every night to let their dog out after midnight. Feel bad for them but also annoyed at their stupidity for persevering with a no win situation.

They've been on really heavy duty pain killers so this probably explains their mentalness.

Should be over soon, thank feck.

"Accidental oberdose" eh?

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  • 1 month later...

Not so much an evil neighbour, but the auld dear in the flat above has been having work done, come home tonight to find several cracks in my ceiling, she stays alone and is quite a nice wee woman, the only issue I have with her is that she has the telly blaring cos she's a bit corn beef. Don't know what to do we have a common buildings policy, do I need to let her know if I'm putting a claim in?

I think you may find there's a big excess on the Policy. You'll have to argue who's going to pay that.

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Not so much an evil neighbour, but the auld dear in the flat above has been having work done, come home tonight to find several cracks in my ceiling, she stays alone and is quite a nice wee woman, the only issue I have with her is that she has the telly blaring cos she's a bit corn beef. Don't know what to do we have a common buildings policy, do I need to let her know if I'm putting a claim in?

Was it a face lift or her tits?

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Not really evil, but the neighbours we share a wall with have had the builders in today to renovate. Went to work this morning and discovered a hole through the wall in the downstairs hallway. Popped in next door to see the builders, who looked a bit abashed and said they "hoped we'd have fixed that up before you noticed" :lol:

Potential for evil is still high, I guess, as the hole was still there when I came home :(

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Same flat as above - the upstairs neighbour when we moved in was..."staunch", I suppose you'd say. Union flags draped out of the windows, pipe and drum music at full blast 24/7, the whole shebang. Spent his days hanging out the windows screaming the foulest sectarian abuse I've ever heard at anybody that happened to be passing. Did a nice line in aggressive racism too, as I discovered when I ended up on the same bus as him and a wee Pakistani gentleman. He hadn't previously made this guy's acquaintance, but felt quite comfortable singing songs about his negative views on Pakistanis and immigrants in general, before getting up and screaming abuse in the guys ear from about a foot away.

Three weeks later, he was gone. Apparently he'd been a problem for the council for so long that they had him shipped out to another council area. Who gave him a nice three-bedroom house :blink:

You could have just saved time and said the guy was a Sevco fan

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