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Evil Neighbours Thread

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Went round and was accused of harassing them by asking where the payment was! Small claims court then...


Is this arrangement a formal one or just a verbal one between you ? If its the latter you might be fecked. Good luck with it though mate.

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If its a verbal agreement then, you'll be lucky to get anything.

Completely bizarre that you would front the money for these ' Neighbours from hell.' They can't be that bad if you are helping them out. Need to just take it on the chin and learn from it.

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Having a bit of bother with the hairdressers below my flat. They have the tv for the music mounted to the wall so the vibrations and thumping from 8AM-5:30 Tuesday-Saturday. Have asked several time for it to be tunred down hoever turns out volume is not the issues its the vibrations as its not grounded.

Police been out several times and i have had a warning for breach of the peace due to going down and kicking up f**k about it.

Enviromental health now involved and they are going to get them to move it the tv/ ground it or put rubber foam around it to stop vibrations.

c***s all 3 of them that work there, the owner being a tranny and the other 2 being wee trolls.


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I have been at this address for 14 years and count on the one hand how many times I have said hello to my neighbours, they stopped trying to engage in any way a few years back.

Wife says I'm a weirdo but i've explained that staying next door to someone doesn't meant you have to talk to people. They tend to give me a wide berth, never come to the door for anything, it's magic. Start out how you intend to go on.

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If its a verbal agreement then, you'll be lucky to get anything.

Completely bizarre that you would front the money for these ' Neighbours from hell.' They can't be that bad if you are helping them out. Need to just take it on the chin and learn from it.

Long story short, I thought most of their boggle was because of the last neighbours putting up a fence without telling them about it.

I thought well if I do this they might change and be more considerate at night, turns out they're just complete p***ks.

At the end of the day I've paid for a shared fence so I haven't really lost out it's just they agreed to pay half.

Regarding the law, under scots law it doesn't have to be written and I have witnesses, the guy who built the fence and family members.

They haven't said they wouldn't pay but tried to fob me off with complete lies and when I challenged them they got flustered and came out with the harassment bollox.

It would be priceless if it ended up with bailiffs going round taking their stuff, no sympathy.

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Long story short, I thought most of their boggle was because of the last neighbours putting up a fence without telling them about it.

I thought well if I do this they might change and be more considerate at night, turns out they're just complete p***ks.

At the end of the day I've paid for a shared fence so I haven't really lost out it's just they agreed to pay half.

Regarding the law, under scots law it doesn't have to be written and I have witnesses, the guy who built the fence and family members.

They haven't said they wouldn't pay but tried to fob me off with complete lies and when I challenged them they got flustered and came out with the harassment bollox.

It would be priceless if it ended up with bailiffs going round taking their stuff, no sympathy.

There are no bailiffs in Scotland. Only sherrif officers and they wouldn't be taking anything for something like this. Its a pity they're fobbing you off. I seriously doubt they will be made to pay you anything, but good luck!

Spray paint ' paedophiles ' over their front wall. And just spray paint them too, while you're at it - couple of bams. What area are you in?

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Long story short, I thought most of their boggle was because of the last neighbours putting up a fence without telling them about it.

I thought well if I do this they might change and be more considerate at night, turns out they're just complete p***ks.

At the end of the day I've paid for a shared fence so I haven't really lost out it's just they agreed to pay half.

Regarding the law, under scots law it doesn't have to be written and I have witnesses, the guy who built the fence and family members.

They haven't said they wouldn't pay but tried to fob me off with complete lies and when I challenged them they got flustered and came out with the harassment bollox.

It would be priceless if it ended up with bailiffs going round taking their stuff, no sympathy.

I have every sympathy with you mate but realistically write it off to experience. You'll just get yourself more wound up about it and if they've already gone down the route of you harrassing them then the balls in their court. If you really want to get them back then you need to play the long game and when they're playing music or making noise late at night ring the police and get in touch with the council about it. Note everything down and where possible have a witness, preferably not the same one, all the time if you're going round to speak to them directly. If they steal a march on you and make you out to be the bad guy then they'll win. Use the law and the council to your benefit. If they're tenants then landlords have a responsibility as well, use the landlords register to find out who it is (if its a private let).

Good luck with it dude.

Edited cos I'm a 'tard

Edited by chomp my root
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  • 1 month later...

Pretty sure my neighbours are drug dealers. I had the police at my door on Thursday asking if they were in. I told them that I never spoke to them but I hadn't noticed any activity next door for a few weeks. When they were in they would come and go at strange hours, especially during the week. You'd hear them up till 2-3am and whenever they left the flat they'd have plastic bags on them even at 11pm at night which I thought was strange. The fact they've disappeared for the time being is fine by me.

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Went round and was accused of harassing them by asking where the payment was! Small claims court then...


Your first post about these neighbours was in June 2012, yet you're still in the same house, with the same nuisance neighbours. I think you actually like having nuisance neighbours.

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Right hand neighbour - 12:15AM, hammering something outside back garden.

Sets off left hand weirdos who bang about 'till 4AM.

Got shouted at by them for painting my fence the other day.

f**k this, gonna move.

You really should. Less talk, more action.

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Your first post about these neighbours was in June 2012, yet you're still in the same house, with the same nuisance neighbours. I think you actually like having nuisance neighbours.

Having just read through all of this thread I have to agree.

Having lived in the top floor of a tenement all my life all I've ever had to put up with is vaguely regular horrible cooking smells and crying/running children so I don't have any experience with the kind of thing mentioned a lot in this thread, but that the OP has put up with the shite he's listed in here for two years, any sympathy I may have had is gone. Disabled or not, you've had plenty opportunity to get them sorted, either personally or through whatever relevant authority you would use. Trying to be nice at this point is completely redundant and only serves to prove how much of a doormat you are in this situation.

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Your first post about these neighbours was in June 2012, yet you're still in the same house, with the same nuisance neighbours. I think you actually like having nuisance neighbours.

It has been various things though, sometimes you can bare it and sometimes it gets on top of you.

They ended up paying and have calmed down with banging about in the last few weeks, at times like this you say well everything else is ok with the street so no need to move. I'm sure due to their disability and lack of consideration for others it will start again. I think the main issue is the guy and their dog.

The dog is in all day in the heat, standing at the window just wanting out. The guy sleeps all day and gets up at night. The two things together are a recipe for nighttime noise. None of it is really enough to make a complaint.

I really would like to ask why the f**k the have a dog and if they think it's fair that it is couped up all day. A family member comes round at the weekend to do housework for them and they get up early and pretend that it's their norm.

It could be much worse, drug dealing,vandalism late night parties but sometimes it just gets on top of you. As mentioned most of the noise is entirely preventable. Give the dog to someone who will look after it properly and get up and stop being lazy gimps.

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. For the entire duration of her getting her bacon vault filled in by her man friend, at the top of her voice, she'd make this noise which was identical to the noise Dr Zoidberg makes in Futurama when he skuttles away. A sort of "WOOOOOP-WOOOOO-WOOOOP" noise.


Every night.

For about an hour.

This is quite possibly the funniest thing I have read on this forum....

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It has been various things though, sometimes you can bare it and sometimes it gets on top of you.

They ended up paying and have calmed down with banging about in the last few weeks, at times like this you say well everything else is ok with the street so no need to move. I'm sure due to their disability and lack of consideration for others it will start again. I think the main issue is the guy and their dog.

The dog is in all day in the heat, standing at the window just wanting out. The guy sleeps all day and gets up at night. The two things together are a recipe for nighttime noise. None of it is really enough to make a complaint.

I really would like to ask why the f**k the have a dog and if they think it's fair that it is couped up all day. A family member comes round at the weekend to do housework for them and they get up early and pretend that it's their norm.

It could be much worse, drug dealing,vandalism late night parties but sometimes it just gets on top of you. As mentioned most of the noise is entirely preventable. Give the dog to someone who will look after it properly and get up and stop being lazy gimps.

Call the animal folk on them (RSPCA?). Dogs are brilliant creatures and don't deserve such shite treatment. Maybe the dog will get taken away and won't bother you again?

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Call the animal folk on them (RSPCA?). Dogs are brilliant creatures and don't deserve such shite treatment. Maybe the dog will get taken away and won't bother you again?

SSPCA up here but yes, I'd recommend reporting them too. It's just rotten leaving a dog stuck in the house all day.

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