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On 03/05/2024 at 12:07, BFTD said:

Detournement is still here, and has recently posted on this thread. They've just wound their neck in on their new account.

I'd bring back Booitsme7. I didn't get the "here are hundreds of pictures of random tits" thing, but they dumped tons of amusing GIFs on the NSFW forum too and it would be as well being shut down now as they were keeping it alive. Unfortunately, they'd occasionally post shit like footage of a woman being ripped apart by a sex machine  :shutup

Apparently they weren't a bot, as they were big on something like the Chinese Whispers thread, so presumably they were some kind of shut-in considering the sheer volume of posts. Top poster on here for years after being banned, and still #2 I think.

You could just read the Twitter thread if you want spammed with barely amusing short videos we have all seen anyway.

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8 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

You could just read the Twitter thread if you want spammed with barely amusing short videos we have all seen anyway.

I wanted thousands of amusing GIFs that I hadn't seen at all.

He was like an internet digest for non social media users.

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28 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

I thought I was going to be accused of being Detournement (again) 

Your secret identity is safe.

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On 03/05/2024 at 11:49, scottsdad said:

I was watching Masterchef, and they were bringing back failed contestants to give them another go. 

It got me thinking.

Which banned poster would you (if you had the power) bring back, and why?


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9 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

Ha! My previous account was FreedomFarter. So I had a major rebrand, as you can see. That new space makes all the difference.

This is exactly what Detournment would say tbf.

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I never got the HB=Detournement thing, totally different styles, and I'd be amazed if @Freedom Farter was Detournement, very impressive disguise if so, much more in the @MazzyStar mode. Detournement lost me in his username pranksterism when he started extohling great replacement theory and praising Priti Patel when she seized passports from people who arrived in Britain as children but made the mistake of going on holiday to Belgium.


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I'm frankly amazed that anyone thought I was serious about Freedom Farter being Detournement.

I should've gone for Dawson Park Boy.

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7 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I never got the HB=Detournement thing, totally different styles, and I'd be amazed if @Freedom Farter was Detournement, very impressive disguise if so, much more in the @MazzyStar mode. Detournement lost me in his username pranksterism when he started extohling great replacement theory and praising Priti Patel when she seized passports from people who arrived in Britain as children but made the mistake of going on holiday to Belgium.


Haha! You're correct, I am not he. I think if I ever tried using an alias I'd be spotted immediately due to how fucking long many of my posts are. I'm a bloviator.

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8 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

In what way? 

An instance on claiming the edgy left summit on every issue. I've honestly no idea though, it would be a lot easier to have normal conversations if posters wouldn't keep changing their usernames.



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