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Last Book You Read....


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Last book I read was Piece of My Heart by Peter Robinson.

I've now moved on to Blindsighted by Karin Slaughter which was her first novel, despite the fact I've already read books 3 and 2 in that order!

Finished Blindsighted at half 12 this morning! I wish I'd read KS' books in the order she read them as there are references in Indelible (2nd book) and Kisscut (3rd book) as to some of the events that happened in Blindsighted. Really enjoyable read.

I've now moved on to read Picking Up The Pieces by Paul Britton. Britton is a Criminal Psychologist whose first novel The Jigsaw Man detailed some of the serious crimes Britton was asked to provide offender profiling of murderers/rapists/arsonists to police forces in the UK. Picking Up the Pieces is the follow up novel and although I've just started reading it, he has already mentioned that it was he who tipped off the police in the Fred and Rose West cases as to why there were bodies in the garden - the house was already full. It's gonna be a mega read (600 pages) but I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of it.

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Last book I read was Piece of My Heart by Peter Robinson.

I really like Robinson and read them all in order - have kept Piece Of My Heart for holidays.

I would also recommend Stephen Booth if you like Robinson - though it really is worth reading them in sequence because there is a bit of an underlying story.

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I really like Robinson and read them all in order - have kept Piece Of My Heart for holidays.

I would also recommend Stephen Booth if you like Robinson - though it really is worth reading them in sequence because there is a bit of an underlying story.

Yeah, Robinson's good.

Ta, haven't seen any of Booths' books but I'll keep an eye open for them.

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I'll try one of the Rebus ones when I get around to it and see if that makes any difference.

If you're going to, I'd recommend the first one, Knots and Crosses, only because there's a wee bit of a continuing background story, and the odd reference might be lost on you otherwise. But generally Rankin's kind enough to describe each character a little as they're introduced into each novel, so you wouldn't feel completely lost by any means.

If you couldn't give a monkeys about the series, then maybe 'Black and Blue' because it's partly set in the glorious Granite City!

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If you're going to, I'd recommend the first one, Knots and Crosses, only because there's a wee bit of a continuing background story, and the odd reference might be lost on you otherwise. But generally Rankin's kind enough to describe each character a little as they're introduced into each novel, so you wouldn't feel completely lost by any means.

If you couldn't give a monkeys about the series, then maybe 'Black and Blue' because it's partly set in the glorious Granite City!

No, I HAVE to read series' in order, so I'll definitely be starting with Knots and Crosses. I'll have to work my way through until I get to Black and Blue, it seems. Is it a long way to go? :unsure:

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It's the 8th in the series.

That's courtesy of amazon by the by. I've only read Knots and Crosses (which is superb) but i'm going to get the next one or two for my travels this summer. I'll have to read them in order aswell. Anal, oooh.

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I would definately read in order and they get better and better. I overdosed on Rebus as came to him quite late and got a bit bored around The Hanging Garden/Dead Souls. Had a gap for a while and reeled off the four from The Falls in quick order and thoroughly enjoyed them.

I'm another one who has to read a series in order even if there are loads written by the time I become aware of it.

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Guess what book i'm about half way through?

I loved The Curious Dog but this one, i'm not enjoying so much and yet I can't stop reading. Maybe it's because i'm waiting for something nice to happen.

There are a lot of times when I've chuckled, and I like the structure of it and the way it's written. But it's so fucking glum.

Don't stick at it, it's the same all the way through. Never been so disappointed with a book ever. Except maybe Madonna's 'Sex'.

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Guest Ron Burgundy

deep in the mire of the God Delusion by dawkins at the mo...u cannae half tell he is a boffin and not really a writer....binary would be easier work to read.

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I have just finished reading the always-excellent Bill Bryson's latest, The Life And Times Of The Thunderbolt Kid.

I'd urge everyone, especially those who grew up in a town that has now changed, to read it and relate to it.

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Jimmy Lerner - You got nothing coming (notes from a prison fish)


From the back cover: You are convicts, your job here is to lie, cheat, steal extort, get tattoos, take drugs, sell drugs, shank and f**k each other, Just don't let us catch you, thats our job. We catch you, you got nothing coming

Jimmy Lerner tells of his time spent in an unnamed American prison and the crime he commited which landed him there. Laugh out loud funny in parts, great read. Another one for shakey T B)

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deep in the mire of the God Delusion by dawkins at the mo...u cannae half tell he is a boffin and not really a writer....binary would be easier work to read.

I thought it was a great read to be honest.

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I'm 3/4 through Starter For 10 by David Nicholls. Entertaining so far

Finished this this morning after reading a couple of chapters a night for a while. Quite a few embarrassing or cringeworthy moments in this one, but funny with it. I think I'll come back to more of his work further down the line.

I thought I'd try something a bit different, and picked up "Tomorrows God" by Neale Donald Walsch in a charity shop, which I started reading tonight. I wish I'd looked at it a bit harder first - this guy has 'conversations with God', which obviously sees him play the part of God as well as nominating himself to represent us, the little humans.

Having read about a quarter, I've learned precious little from it, apart from his ability to extend 'precious little' into 65 pages. I paid my 50p, so I'll finish it eventually regardless.

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I just ordered Butchers Boy by Thomas Perry and Cold Granite by Stuart MacBride.

I am currently reading White Teeth by Zadie Smith, which my fiancee has informed me si a girls book. It's good though :ph34r:

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Unforgivable Blackness - The Rise And Fall Of Jack Johnson ~ Geoffrey C. Ward

Biography of the first black heavyweight boxing world champion which I can't recommend highly enough. Although I was obviously aware of the explicit racism that existed in America at the turn of the 20th Century, some of the newspaper articles concerning Johnson that the book reproduces beggar belief and are genuinely horrifying. They only just barely stop short of advocating the lynching of him when he wins the title.

The fact that he proved his supremacy over the white man in the ring ,and also had a penchant for white women, meant that the American establishment set out to destroy him. Johnson was by no means an angel but the treatment he was subjected to was downright disgusting and scary.

One of the best biographies I've read in a long time.

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Guest shazzz

Currently reading

nikki sixx biography .. An education in rebellion

before that the last book I read was Motley Crue The Dirt

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