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Last Book You Read....


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Guest Ron Burgundy

not really a book but I did read my girlfriends Heat magazine while taking a dump last bight.

Colleen Rooney or whatever shes called is a talented writer, make no mistake.

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Marley and Me by John Grogan. Was brilliant. Anyone who has ever owned a dog should read this book. I cried most of the way through it because it reminded me so much of my wee dog. It was really good. :)

Yep, it was really good.

Walking Ollie is another dog book that was funny. Another, I can't remember the name just now about a guy who got a dog (doberman cross I think, and it helped him out of alcoholism and stuff. I'm sure he called the dog Michael) It was really good but I'm annoyed I can't get the title.

I did have a tear in my eye with them all. :rolleyes::)

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Just read a book about the making of The Stone Roses 1st album. It was pretty 'matter of fact' and explained everything for Americans which was annoying. However, the interviews with the original members about how the band got started are excellent.

I've just started reading The Damned United and it's already got me hooked.

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Just read a book about the making of The Stone Roses 1st album. It was pretty 'matter of fact' and explained everything for Americans which was annoying. However, the interviews with the original members about how the band got started are excellent.

I've just started reading The Damned United and it's already got me hooked.

What's the name of the book about the Roses?

Damned Utd is excellent, I read GB84 by Peace, it's very good as well.

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The new Harry Potter book!

And do you know what...I loved it!!! Best Harry Potter book ever! until the next one (they will be a next one!)

Oh and I've also read The Rule Of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomson in the past few weeks - good book.

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Debbie and Rowan, I've listed plenty of books recently which might interest both of you and I have approx another 40 or so which will be going on over the weekend, feel free to have a swatch B)

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Debbie and Rowan, I've listed plenty of books recently which might interest both of you and I have approx another 40 or so which will be going on over the weekend, feel free to have a swatch B)

Cool. I usually get an email when you add new stock.

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Is that the one where he forgets to mention he was inthe SS?

NO! The whole point was that he ADMITS being recruited to the Waffen SS aged 17 at the end of the war. :angry:

When Peeling the Onion was published in Germany last year, Gunter Grass faced a hailstorm of disdain after he revealed that in the dying months of the Second World War he had been enlisted, aged 17, into the Waffen SS.

Read the rest of the critical article here...

Gunter Grass

I'm not defending him, but having a dig at an 80 year old who was coerced into joining the last remnants of a defeated army in 1947 aged just 17 is a tad hypercritical, particularly bearing in mind the reparation he has made through books like Die Blechtrommel, Katz und Maus, Hundejahre, örtlich betäubt, Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke, Der Butt, Das Treffen in Telgte, Kopfgeburten oder Die Deutschen sterben aus, Die Rättin, Zunge zeigen-Ein Tagebuch in Zeichnungen, Prosa und einem Gedicht, Unkenrufe, Ein weites Feld, Mein Jahrhundert and Im Krebsgang, not to mention his art works, plays and poetry. My favourite is the re-working of the Corialanus story - Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand. Ein deutsches Trauerspiel.

Incidentally, John Irving of 'The World According to Garp' fame studied under Gunter - didn't seem to do his liberal and humanitarian tendancies any harm.


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Just about finished Hard-Boiled Wonderland and The End Of The World by Murakami Haruki. Not a patch on Wild Sheep Chase, but a pretty good read too. I recommend them highly if you haven't read them yet.

Next on my list, a few whim purchases: The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler, Until I Find You by John Irving, and Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Will let you know.

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Finised reading Grey Area, a book of short stories by Will Self. Good for the most part, he's quite verbose (as you'd expect) but it still flows fairly well. Quite an imagination, although the graphic sex descriptions are quite hilariously bad in places. 7/10

Now halfway through JG Ballard's "Kingdom Come", about London motorway towns going mental in the wake of a shooting at a local shopping mall. I've not read that much Ballard (read The Unlimited Dream Company years ago, it was pretty nuts) but I get the impression this isn't as weird as some of his stuff. It is making fairly valid points about consumerism and modern society though. Enjoying it so far!

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Until I Find You by John Irving,

Is that his most recent one that's partly set in Edinburgh? If so, I got part of the way through it but put it down and never got round to returning to it as it never really grabbed me. Intend having another attempt at it though.

Used to really adore John Irvings novels but I think he's gone off the boil a wee bit recently. That's not to say that they'e not still well worth reading though.

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