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The LOLverpool Thread

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Who said they do?

You are seeing it from a referee perspective. I am looking from the player perspective. Everyones job would be easier if referees and players could have a laugh together.

No it wouldn't, and how often are referees laughing in top level games? They are in an enormously high pressure position and so are the players. They would much rather just get on with it.

But of course what I'm describing isn't "having a laugh at all" it's players deliberately cheating by berating the referee. I'm not saying fine them for making shit jokes.

if you feel hard done by you are going to complain to the officials, that happens in every sport

footballers take it to extremes however

Really, so you have examples of this happening in rugby/cricket/NFL?

Yeah, they do take it to extremes as they do it, and it's not a problem in any other sport.

It's all about picking the players to talk too, some players don't deserve a coversation. It's not rocket science to pick out who is a bit simple and doesn't get spoken too.

How often does a player accept a referee's explanation and walk off feeling pleased?


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Under what circumstances do players need an explanation?

I never said anyone "needed" an explanation, thats your rather desperate and pointless attempt to deflect from your failings.

And yeah, you pretty much ignored all of this post:

I answered the only point that seemed relevant and not just your juvenile ramblings. I didnt realise it was a rule now that every single point had to be addressed, but if thats the rules, I'll give it a go.

Ah right, and in your fantasy I take it the players are delighted at the chance of an explanation and fully accept it?

I dont know, you'd have to ask the players. Ive certainly seen examples of players talking to referees and getting on with the game. The point is, and I'll expand below, that interaction between the referee and players is a more positive situation than your idea of total silence.

Yeah fucking right. They know for a fact they have pulled someones shirt or committed so other blatant foul. How often do they genuinely not know what a decision is given? Maybe 1%?

Maybe 99% Made up statistics arent particularly helpful or specific.

And, be specific, in what sports is it commonplace for players to approach referees and shout at them either during breaks or WHILST PLAY CONTINUES? Are you seriously suggesting that cricket has the same problem with dissent as football?

Ive covered disent and other sports have already been pointed out to you where the players and officials communicate during the game. Not sure what your fixation about shouting is though.

If you actually know the content of these conversations you'd know how needless they are.

"I got the fucking ball ref!!!"

"No you didn't, you hack at him from behind when the ball was 5 meters away".

"I got the fucking ball ref!!!"

Great explanation. Lets have more of that and less football. It certainly enhances my viewing enjoyment, and is definitely not needless pre meditated cheating.

Again, totally over simplistic example of a conversation using a limited scenario.

The crux of the whole thing is that what we're really talking about is people management. Luckily, you're brand of "do as I say, dont question me" authority went out with the ark and modern management is all about communication.

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suarez' continual diving gave the ballboy the impression that was the normal thing to do, so he copied him :ph34r:

He also handled the ball without a second thought.

#badsuarez #luisatemyhamster #ballmanblamessuarez

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here's yer cricket

Excellent, very isolated news worthy incidents that happen once every few years. Dissent in cricket is clearly on a par with football.

I never said anyone "needed" an explanation, thats your rather desperate and pointless attempt to deflect from your failings.

I answered the only point that seemed relevant and not just your juvenile ramblings. I didnt realise it was a rule now that every single point had to be addressed, but if thats the rules, I'll give it a go.

Ive covered disent and other sports have already been pointed out to you where the players and officials communicate during the game. Not sure what your fixation about shouting is though.

Uh no, it's a point you have repeatedly and utterly failed to address. There is absolutely no need for a playerto talk to a referee - ever. And this is something your posts - beyond the childish personal attacks - have never addressed.

You'll give it a go, except for the points you have no answer to of course


I dont know, you'd have to ask the players. Ive certainly seen examples of players talking to referees and getting on with the game. The point is, and I'll expand below, that interaction between the referee and players is a more positive situation than your idea of total silence.

Maybe 99% Made up statistics arent particularly helpful or specific.

How, exactly, is it more positive? Be specific? Why can other sports manage without it? Of course referees could still talk to players, but they should initiate the conversation.

Again, totally over simplistic example of a conversation using a limited scenario.

The crux of the whole thing is that what we're really talking about is people management. Luckily, you're brand of "do as I say, dont question me" authority went out with the ark and modern management is all about communication.

It's not limited at all - it is incredibly accurate. You see it happen all the time. Players never ever accept the explanation, that's never why they ask. It's astonishing people think the referee says "clear penalty, he just kicked him the shin" only for the player to "yeah I agree, good call ref". What planet are you living on? Do you really believe that players don't pre meditate putting the referee under pressure? Are you that naive?

The refereeing authorities have their own, significant, problems with this issue and that's why it needs to be sorted out by the highest authorities.

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What are the cricketers doing when they scream "HOZAT!" at the top of their voice every other over, trying to influence the referee and ergo "cheating".

So you do think that cricket has the same problem with dissent as football?

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I have no idea having never played cricket, I was just giving an example like the throw in one you gave as it being "blatant cheating".

It is blatant cheating - claiming for a throw in that's not yours really can't be anything but cheating.

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Uh no, it's a point you have repeatedly and utterly failed to address. There is absolutely no need for a playerto talk to a referee - ever. And this is something your posts - beyond the childish personal attacks - have never addressed.

You'll give it a go, except for the points you have no answer to of course

Again, which points do I have no answer to? Be specific

I havent "failed to address" dissent, it just isnt that relevant. You seem to be using it as some sort stick to beat down the suggestion that referees and players shouldnt communicate. The two arent mutually exclusive, or inclusive. More communication isnt going to mean more dissent, neither is it going to lead to more.

Again your idea of "need" is also irrelevant. Its not about need its about want, a want to improve the game.

How, exactly, is it more positive? Be specific? Why can other sports manage without it? Of course referees could still talk to players, but they should initiate the conversation.


If you cant see how applying modern, proven, management techniques will make things more positive, thats your problem not mine.

And in what other sports do the players and officials not communicate? Be specific.

It's not limited at all - it is incredibly accurate. You see it happen all the time. Players never ever accept the explanation, that's never why they ask. It's astonishing people think the referee says "clear penalty, he just kicked him the shin" only for the player to "yeah I agree, good call ref". What planet are you living on? Do you really believe that players don't pre meditate putting the referee under pressure? Are you that naive?

The refereeing authorities have their own, significant, problems with this issue and that's why it needs to be sorted out by the highest authorities.

Again, your idea that players "have" to agree with a decision is irrelevant and another attempt at diversion. This isnt about some magic wand that will suddenly make players agree with referees, its about building relationships (not personally, of course) and respect. Again, if you cant see how this would have a positive effect on the game, thats very much your problem and Im not going to waste my time trying to explain it to you.

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Excellent, very isolated news worthy incidents that happen once every few years. Dissent in cricket is clearly on a par with football.

Did i say it was on par? No i didnt, you are once again making things up to suit your argument, infact i even said that while it happens in other sports, footballers take it to extremes

You asked for an example in cricket and i gave you one

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Again, which points do I have no answer to? Be specific

I havent "failed to address" dissent, it just isnt that relevant. You seem to be using it as some sort stick to beat down the suggestion that referees and players shouldnt communicate. The two arent mutually exclusive, or inclusive. More communication isnt going to mean more dissent, neither is it going to lead to more.

Again your idea of "need" is also irrelevant. Its not about need its about want, a want to improve the game.


If you cant see how applying modern, proven, management techniques will make things more positive, thats your problem not mine.

And in what other sports do the players and officials not communicate? Be specific.

Again, your idea that players "have" to agree with a decision is irrelevant and another attempt at diversion. This isnt about some magic wand that will suddenly make players agree with referees, its about building relationships (not personally, of course) and respect. Again, if you cant see how this would have a positive effect on the game, thats very much your problem and Im not going to waste my time trying to explain it to you.

The most specific way of dealing with Supras' nonsense is putting him on ignore. He's the only poster I've done that with on this forum, and every thread reads so much better for it (apart from when people quote him - Div needs to find a way of sorting that!)

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They are getting pumped by Oldham so a pre-emptive bump just in case the grief merchants cant turn it round.

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Surely there must be a point when the likes of Henderson, Allen, Borini and others are told, 'Look, you've obviously been decent for other clubs before, but since you've come here, you've become/been utterly rancid. Move on to somewhere where you'll find your natural level, like someone's back garden'.

They're awful, offer nothing to Liverpool and actually make them a poorer side when they play as far as I'm concerned.

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