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The P & B Beer, Lager, Ale, Stout and Cider Guide


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That's the one! I've got a bottle of the Ben Nevis in the fridge too, looking forward to it!

I was in Aldi earlier, I've got a few decent ones including Cock O The Walk, Seven Giraffes and a bottle of the delightful Caledonian Flying Scotsman bitter, which I had on draught in edinburgh at the weekend there, and it was fantastic.

Beer. It's great!

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Beer: Thwaites - Very Nutty Black

Abv: 3.9%

Style: Mild

Aromas: Milk chocolate, bread yeast, sweet dark malts, dark fruits, faint hint of candy floss

Taste: Mild coffee, brown sugar, molasses, slight nuttyness, sweet maltyness

Overall: Not too much to say. Tasty mild. Very drinkable and would imagine it as a good session beer due to it's smoothness and low Abv. Nothing out of the ordinary but decent quality and well brewed and a good example of an older style of beer by a good brewer. Good one for those with a sweet tooth.



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Beer: Williams Bros Kelpie

Abv: 4.4%

Style: Traditional Stout (Also saw the terms "Scottish Gruit" and "Ancient Herbed Ale" banded around for this.

Aromas: Dark roast, brine, faint saltiness, smell of the sea, rich coffee, cocoa, some nuts. If anyone's had an Oyster stout this smells quite similair

Taste: Quite chocolatey, just a hint of a salty taste but way in the background and compliments the beer, very faint hop bitterness, faint smoke, dark maltiness

Overall: Something you'd be forgiven as dismissing as a novelty beer but it's actually quite enjoyable. Although they name it "ale" I'd say it's a stout. Very drinkable and tasty for a 4.4%. The seaweed is in the background and adds something unique to this. The supermarkets don't tend to have this one (despite having a few other Williams beer) but Aldi have it in at the moment so I'd recommend picking one up. I think stout/porter fans would be intrigued by this as a change from the usual chocolate/coffee stouts.



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Although I'm a more upmarket man myself, I followed the advice on here and sampled the selection in Aldi yesterday - great choice and impossible-to-beat prices; but what a miserable shopping experience! They wouldn't allow me to use the basket to carry my treasured purchases to the car 50m away. I'd half a mind to tell them to put them back on the shelf, but I'd invested 20minutes examining the beers, so bought one of their flimsy carrier bags and got 16 bottles into it, whilst a queue of the great unwashed grumped and groaned with their trolleys full of Monster Munchs and frozen mini Kievs.

Will make a start on the beers tonight.

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Had a bottle of the Orkney Brewery's 'Clootie Dumpling'. A spiced winter ale. Lovely stuff, markedly better than the Inveralmond Brewery's 'Santa's Swallie'. I would give them 8.5/10 and 7.5/10 respectively.


Also after reading on here that Aldi's had a beer festival on, last week I picked up a bottle of 'Claverhouse' by Strathaven Ales. I did not know there was a brewery in Strathaven. It was a fine drop, I would highly recommend it. 8/10


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Beer: Burnside Brewery - Black Katz

Abv: 3.6%

Style: Mild

Aromas: Sweet and malty, some dark fruits (possibly dates), hint of citrus, faint dark roast, light chocolate

Taste: Mild liquorice, some expresso, toffee malt, slight bitterness, hint of nuts

Overall: Another one of the Aldi purchases. Actually opened a bottle of M-Pire from the same brewery last week but didn't finish it as it was utter pish. This is better. Not a whole lot going on and it's a little bit watery but it's a reasonable mild and has a nice faint lingering bitterness to counteract the initial sweetness.



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Beer: Burnside Brewery - Black Katz

Abv: 3.6%

Style: Mild

Aromas: Sweet and malty, some dark fruits (possibly dates), hint of citrus, faint dark roast, light chocolate

Taste: Mild liquorice, some expresso, toffee malt, slight bitterness, hint of nuts

Overall: Another one of the Aldi purchases. Actually opened a bottle of M-Pire from the same brewery last week but didn't finish it as it was utter pish. This is better. Not a whole lot going on and it's a little bit watery but it's a reasonable mild and has a nice faint lingering bitterness to counteract the initial sweetness.


Got one of those along with a few others from Aldi, didn't like it. Preferred the one from the Deeside Brewery.

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