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It depends how Davis plays it really, i don't think Magalhaes is going to be able to pull him down easily at all but if Davis tries to wrestle instead of keeping it standing up then i think Magalhaes bjj catches him out. I wouldn't be relying on taking it down and keeping top control against someone with the jiu-jitsu chops of Vinny,

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I think a move back to MW would be sensible for Catone.

Anyone know what time the FB fights are due to start? I'm guessing about midnight now that Catone-Head is off?

Doubt we'll get anything before midnight now, was due to go on air at 23.30.

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Now that was a lucky escape for Jones, title-wise. Completely deserved win of course, Sonnen didn't have the strength to compete on the floor as expected.

Epic overhand cricket bowl KO from Big Country. Did Kongo throw a punch? Abysmal fighter at this level. Kudos to Roy for holding back on throwing a further pummeling punch while Kongo was temporarily out with his head on the canvas.

Davis impressive with his hands and movement. Bisping comfortable, but again looks short of power.

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Jones was way too good for Sonnen as expected. Three rapid takedowns, a knee in the stomach that almost went through him, good work with the punches and elbows on the ground. Then we find out if Chael had weathered the storm and finished the round he'd be champion in all likelihood given Jones toe. Wow, that'd have been something! That break was just horrid to watch. Ewww!

Elsewhere, Miller-Healy was fight of the night, great battle. Very interesting to see who gets matched up with Healy next.

That eye poke Belcher took was NASTY, hope the dude's OK.

Sara McMann looks handy for a run at the top of the woman's division.

Big Roy lands another right, and finds himself looking at Cormier or Hunt next.I like Hunt for him personally.

Horrible stoppage in the St.Preux-Villante fight, and some pretty funny scoring too.

Leonard Garcia is sure to be on the way out in the next cut list, so so poor there.

Pretty weird event with some of the stoppages, I would imagine you would be pretty disappointed if you had bought tickets with some of the stuff that went down.

Few other tidbits thrown in the press conference include JDS getting the next HW shot if he beats Hunt and Dana all but revealing that Anderson Silva called him post-event to ask for Jones. I wonder if Bones isn't going to be looking at the likes of Velasquez instead though after he breaks the defence record.

Edited by Christophe
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Aye. It would have been very interesting had Sonnen made it to the end of the round, which IMO, a ridiculous stoppage prevented from happening.

Bad one for Belcher too although the fight was in the bag for Bisping at that point.

Usual big power shot from Nelson that, when hitting the bullseye, is a lights out. Kongo is like Frank Bruno. Built like a brick shithoose, can hit like a train but turns into a drunk robot when hit.

Vinny, Vinny, Vinny. What were you doing?????? Only daft folk stand still and let somebody punch them in the puss. All I can say is, that he's lucky that it was Phil Davis who was punching him. Had that been a Thiago Silva or a Shogun Rua then he would be waking up sair today.

Miller and Healy was a cracking fight. It was one of them that could've ended at any time from a good strike or a submission.

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Wasn't a great card overall.

Healy-Miller was brilliant though, I loved that. Two guys going to war as expected. Healy could be a dark horse in that division along with Thomson, Miller's tough as nails and he'd have decisioned him for sure if he hadn't finished him. If Cerrone can win at the end of the month I'd like to see them go with Cerrone-Healy next, but Healy might even be above that level already. Ross Pearson needs another fight so they could go with that option too. Miller-Melendez could be a good booking as well.

Magalhaes as expected had no business being in with a guy like Davis, who is top 5-10. Davis should probably only be 1 or 2 wins away from a title fight, but for whatever reason they keep booking him against guys below him in the rankings. The winner of Teixera-Te Huna or one of Shogun or Henderson if they win would be good next steps for him.

Nelson isn't my favourite fighter by a long shot but he was one of the most impressive guys on the card. I think he deserves a big fight after this and it sounds like he'll be getting it with either Cormier or Hunt next. I'd probably cut Kongo tbh, he's either losing or in hugging contests these days and he's getting old.

Bisping-Belcher had a disappointing finish to it but I thought it was an OK fight, certainly didn't deserve the boos it was getting. Bisping's stand-up is quite a bit better than he gets credit for, and I think Belcher was surprised at the pace he can keep. Belcher looked pretty poor here but I think Bisping made him look that way. Bisping-Okami probably makes sense now but I can't say that's a fight I'd particularly want to watch.

Jones-Sonnen was the domination expected but not quite in the manner I thought it would be. Jones obviously wanted to show he can outwrestle an elite wrestler and did so comfortably. He was noticeably stronger than Chael and I see Sonnen has said as much after the fight. Hopefully the injury doesn't keep him out for too long but obviously it looked a bad one. As for Chael, I think he will take another couple of fights, he seemed pretty dejected after the fight but I think he can still have one more run at 185. There's still a good few fights I'd love to see him in at that weight, and potential Wanderlei and Vitor fights could be decent money spinners for him. If his head's not in it though then good luck to him, he's played a big part in getting me into the sport as much as I am now and it'd be a shame to watch him fight on if he's not going to be good at it. No point in getting his head caved in when he's got such a promising media career ahead of him.

The prelims were largely shite, a couple of weird/unfortunate finishes in there. McMann looked impressive but it's tough to know how much the gulf is between these fringe top 10 women and the likes of Tate/Zingano etc, and that's before you even go up to Rousey. Leonard Garcia looked dreadful again. Siler-Holobaugh was good though, probably the second best fight of the night.

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