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Catching up on this weeks TUF. I smell a double turn coming. I am beginning to dislike Rousey, although I am pretty much indifferent towards Tate. I can see me hating Rousey by the time they fight.

Tate seems normal, Roussey seems unhinged like she's on the edge of a rage breakdown half the time.

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I never really understood her saying that Tate was smiling at Bayzlers loss. Surely she was celebrating her teams win? But like already said, she looks on the edge of a mental breakdown most of the time.

Seriously something wrong with her head.

Nothing like a barrage of fists to the face to deal with over-cockiness and dismissiveness of an opponent. Pena far hungrier and up for it and not at all scared like the Rousey team were trying to make out. Good shit.

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Is TUF worth watching? Can't say I'm a huge fan of the format but I fancy Miesha Tate quite a lot.

Only my second (or 3rd) time watching parts of a season. Worth giving it a try, especially since Tate's best bud is also tasty as feck.

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Hard to tell, it's only two episodes in but the girls in with guys has added a bit of interest. Rousey and the girl she had fight first have been absolute arse holes and lost their first fight, Rousey then tried to make Tate celebrating her girls win seem like her mocing Rousey and her fighter. At this point im rooting for Team Tate.

Anyway, any Ric Flair fans will appreciate this from last night.

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Another TUF, another bizarre bit of soap opera from Rousey (and her dog). This Gutierrez guy has been an absolute wankstain from episode 1, hope he gets a sound thrashing.

Psyched for the Jones Gustafsson fight. If he plays his cards right, Alexander can make a real go of this.

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Gustafsson has zero chance tonight, his big win is jabbing and jogging to a decision over a shot Shogun who Chael demolished in a round. He isn't particularly good at anything and Jones is the best of all time.

I don't think anyone will see it going any other way bar to Jones. Even Gustafsson is probably privately realistic about his chances.

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The fact they have promoted this fight on the fact that GUstafsson is tall says it all. Not that he poses a threat on the feet, he may KO Jones etc.....no, he's just really, really tall.

Whilst I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility that Gustafsson wins, but I find it nigh on impossible to make an argument tht he will win. I can see Jones dominting Gustafsson, then dominating Texeira....then what?

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Psyched for the Jones Gustafsson fight. If he plays his cards right, Alexander can make a real go of this.

Gustafsson has zero chance tonight, his big win is jabbing and jogging to a decision over a shot Shogun who Chael demolished in a round. He isn't particularly good at anything and Jones is the best of all time.

I don't think anyone will see it going any other way bar to Jones. Even Gustafsson is probably privately realistic about his chances.


What a fight, what a fight!

The mystique of Jones found out a bit tonight - finally faces an opponent that can bring more than a dagger to a rapier fight and he looks half the fighter. Unable to intimidate and outstrike through a huge reach advantage, Gustafsson able to strike with less fear than most. Gustafsson also a bit faster with the hands and feet, and looked a good bit stronger. Jones missing with numerous head kicks that might have connected against the less rangey opponents, having to revert to continued defensive kicks to Gustafsson's leading knee and keeping his head well protected. Massive heart from Gustafsson, who took 2 or 3 big elbows, looked tired by the end of the 3rd and literally exhausted by the middle fo the 5th. Credit to Jones too for sticking in when being hit so much, he also looked like he had little left in the tank by the end.

Gustafsson won that 48-47 at least for me, Jones possibly shading 2nd and taking the 5th. The judge scoring it 49-46 is on crack. Gustafsson was winning the 4th easily before Jones landed the spinning elbow and a couple of follow-up strikes that actually landed, so Gustafsson still takes the 4th for me. Add in 11/12 takedown defences, 2 takedowns to 1, more significant strikes, Jones' bust up face and limping out of the octagon, Gustafsson can be more than a bit agrieved.

The four fights leading up to the main event were absolute pish.

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Best fight I've watched in ages, certainly the most compelling fight involving Jones.

Gustaffson more than held his own and probably only lost the last round because he was gassed. No way did Jones win it by 3 and I think even a 2 round victory was being generous to him.

Has to be a rematch at some point soon.

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