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Plus I would guess that the larger % of Brit Army were prods.............

So we have VT being ignorant but this trumps it.

I expect that the majority of the army could not give a f**k but in your small world calling them prods matters.

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Bollocks, complete and utter bollocks. If it is such a minority why is it still going on ? Shouldn't it have been bred out by now ? It will always be the majority until they stand up to the terrorist instead of hiding them.

The minority are involved in terrorism....

think before you type drivel..... just think.

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This is just bluster. Fewer than half the IRA targets were known Protestants. Fewer than 70% of the UFF targets were known Catholics. This is why 'yes/no' is crass.

The overwhelmingly majority of non-military targets by each and total organisations were clearly, overwhelmingly selected on a sectarian basis. I'm afraid you'll just have to deal with that evidence-grounded fact with a little less tears and whataboutery in future.

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Aye, I'm definitely the one who's being ignorant here.

Did people in Northern Ireland kill each other based on which religious sect they followed? yes or no will suffice.

And that's before we even get started on the rest of your outlandish claims.

a minority were involved in terrorism, your sweeping generalisations are laughable, as you are being serious. ?..

fill your boots with the rest of my outlandish claims in your own time.....

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So we have VT being ignorant but this trumps it.

I expect that the majority of the army could not give a f**k but in your small world calling them prods matters.

Well actually, you were the one using British personnel to 'prove' the absence of a sectarian pattern in the IRA's activity - practice what you preach then and account for the around 80% of non-military targets who were Protestant. Just a coincidence?

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Well actually, you were the one using British personnel to 'prove' the absence of a sectarian pattern in the IRA's activity - practice what you preach then and account for the around 80% of non-military targets who were Protestant. Just a coincidence?

There are 2 points here. The important one is that a large number of 'kills' were not sectarian which is why 'yes/no' is crass.

The less important one is that you are useless at sums:

Total IRA non-military kills: 1,126

Total IRA Protestant kills: 790

% IRA Protestant kills: 70%

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Quite pos correct for 40 years out of 800 years of butchery..... do go on....

You do realise that 800 years takes you back well before the Reformation? If the Norman invasion is your starting point then that takes things back to Pope Adrian IV and his Papal Bull to Henry II of England, and if the Pope is infallible...

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You do realise that 800 years takes you back well before the Reformation? If the Norman invasion is your starting point then that takes things back to Pope Adrian IV and his Papal Bull to Henry II of England, and if the Pope is infallible...


Rascist killings/sectarian killings..................podado/potatoe.

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So we have VT being ignorant but this trumps it.

I expect that the majority of the army could not give a f**k but in your small world calling them prods matters.

ffs, of course it 'matters' in relation to them joining up to a foriegn Queen/Country etc.

A large % of Catholics will not go near the Forces, a small % of Prods will not go near the Forces.

If more prods join up, then more will have been whacked.

Do the fuckin Math as they say.

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There are 2 points here. The important one is that a large number of 'kills' were not sectarian which is why 'yes/no' is crass.

The less important one is that you are useless at sums:

Total IRA non-military kills: 1,126

Total IRA Protestant kills: 790

% IRA Protestant kills: 70%

A majority of kills were sectarian, especially when removing the military personnel which was a different issue: Norn Irish kills were overwhelmingly sectarian. Sectarian targeting is by far the most predictable and clear pattern for all groups, which is why your foot-stomping indignation flies against the broad social science consensus on the conflict: as a murderous sectarian-driven dispute. Your objections simply do not stand up to the facts, and your smoking-gun source has actually just shredded your delusional beliefs. Deal with it.

And the fact that you think the difference between 80 and 70% would help you stall for time in dealing with the fact that the IRA and every other scumbag group operated sectarian selection, as just outlined by, erm, your own source is simply baffling, cringeworthy stuff.

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Right well if 100 people can say 'Mrs Bunfield' then I can quote Eddie Izard for the 3rd time:
Right well if 100 people can say 'Mrs Bunfield' then I can quote Eddie Izard for the 3rd time:
Eddie would know...... he lived in Co Down
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And the fact that you think the difference between 80 and 70% would help you stall for time in dealing with the fact that the IRA and every other scumbag group operated sectarian selection, as just outlined by, erm, your own source is simply baffling, cringeworthy stuff.

There is no stalling. Lots of killings by paramilitaries during the troubles were of people, "Not from the other side". The most guilty here are the IRA whose 'kills' were fewer than 50% 'known' Protestant. This is plenty enough to render the 'yes/no' question as crass.

I am amazed that you disagree here and can only conclude you're trying to argue for the sake of arguing.

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