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TBF my "stuff" is not that "heavy" compared to many of the posters' on here, things will work out one way or another, but thanks for the thoughts, it really is appreciated

In my opinion you've gone through an exceptional amount. Regardless, this thread isn't a comparison of scenarios. Its absolutely fantastic people like posters take the time to offer their experience and help to others who are in a position where they feel completely isolated. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is open up and talk to others who know what you're going through.

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Today has been a bad day memory wise but a good day in terms of looking forward

Do you do much exercise Raider? I know it's hard as f**k to get out that door at times but it's well worth getting out and even if it's only a wee walk round the block to start off with. I try and do at least 30 mins of exercise a day. I've even joined the gym and get there every 2 days. It WILL help.

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I do the garden (which I hate) and I go for a walk every day, at least 30 mins

ETA if I had a decent bike I'd be out on that every day

Edited by Raidernation
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I feel almost the same as DA Baracus said a couple of pages back about loneliness, I don't have many friends and out of the ones I do, I only really hang out with one, who is always with his girlfriend, so I feel like there's not much point in hanging out with him either. With a girlfriend situation, it's been awful, I've never had a proper one, I had an internet 'girlfriend' two years ago and I wish I never did it in hindsight as it was a stupid situation (I think I've mentioned that in here before). I was seeing a girl a month ago but she messed me around and I never really felt right which sounds stupid, but I'm not used to something like going out with someone.

Even at the best of times I feel extremely lonely and I have zero confidence still to do anything to rectify that. The only time I feel comfortable speaking to new people is over the internet as that seems like I can be a more confident person than I am.

On another note, my weight seems to have gotten worse again as I am at the biggest I have ever been and it's only making my mood worse, which makes me want to eat more and obviously that's making me heavier. I have no motivation to do exercise at all either.

I have a feeling I wouldn't be so bad if I had a proper job, just now I volunteer to write reports/articles for Forfar, the local paper, the main women's team and occasionally the local junior sides which is keeping me happy and occupied at times but I was meant to be getting a job with my friend at a cleaning company until they decided to go back on an agreement for a job and not hire me at all. I've also applied for as many jobs as I can with no reply from anyone.

Apologies for the rambling nonsense in this but I feel better saying it rather than keeping it all in.

I haven't posted in here since last year so I thought I'd give some form of update on my depression. Whether it actually is depression or not, I don't know, I've been told it's a different thing every time I go to the mental health ward (mild depression/severe anxiety episodes, severe social anxiety, I'm not depressed at all and something like borderline personality disorder).

In the first few months this year I've felt quite down but I'm not exactly sure why and the Moclobemide I was on weren't really helping me, along the same lines as the ones I was on in 2012 so I stopped taking them and I've been feeling slightly better since. This may be due to the fact I've decided to tackle my weight and since mid-May have been going out for a long walk most days which is helping to clear my head and various exercises. I do still feel lonely but not as much as I did in December as I have pretty much resigned myself to never getting anywhere near having a girlfriend.

I am still struggling to find a job but have been getting on well with my journalism as I am now getting Forfar Farmington reports printed in a bigger area paper (I think it covers Tayside, Angus, Perth and Fife but I may be wrong) as well as being told I will get to do all the Forfar Athletic reports for the Forfar Dispatch as well as Forfar Farmington, who are wanting me to do more media work for them. This is all still voluntary just now but I should hopefully be getting some form of payment for doing all these reports soon. The extremely frustrating thing about doing all this is that there are people in the media who write things much worse than me (I'm not bigging myself up here, I'm my own worst critic when it comes to my reports) and I'm struggling to get people to read my stuff, which I know deserves more than just the 50-60 views I currently get on my blog.

Overall I do think things are getting better than they were at the beginning of the year, which is unusual for me!

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Things are a wee bit better for me now after the past 7 months or so. I still have the days where I can't be bothered to do much, I think I have found another good escape for me and its model making, I can lose hours from the world around me while working on a model or two it often helps me refocus on things.

It is also helping I'm getting to see my kids more and I'm now in a better position to try and find a place of my own.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What sort of money problems have you got? I might be able to help as I have been through money issues (loads of debt to various folk including pay day lenders, banks and credit cards).

If you don't want to say it on here, drop me a PM if you want.

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What sort of money problems have you got? I might be able to help as I have been through money issues (loads of debt to various folk including pay day lenders, banks and credit cards).

If you don't want to say it on here, drop me a PM if you want.

Thanks man, just PM'd you..

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