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Sons' sorrow

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Hard night tonight with st mirren bossing us whilst we had an off night.

Mango should put the ball out before the first; the second is a nightmare and by then we're done.

I hear that livvy are a long ball team; that might suit our defence more than tonights opponents. Here's hoping.

I can also see Paul Sturrock and Laurie Ellis taking over D Utd before next Tuesday.

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Ian Wilson in the reporter talking about the stadium move - http://www.dumbartonreporter.co.uk/news/16119501.Dumbarton_FC_fall_at_first_hurdle_in_bid_to_get_outline_planning_permission_for_new_stadium_from_Planning_councillors/

I find this bit fairly unsettling:
“It is unlikely that my fellow investors will have the appetite to pursue a lengthy appeal to the Scottish Government if the proposals are refused once and for all. This week’s decision is therefore critical in securing a long term future for the club and much needed facilities for the local community.”

If this is rejected today I fear for us.  Will Brabco look to find a favourable buyer of the club if they want out? I doubt it.

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58 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Ian Wilson in the reporter talking about the stadium move - http://www.dumbartonreporter.co.uk/news/16119501.Dumbarton_FC_fall_at_first_hurdle_in_bid_to_get_outline_planning_permission_for_new_stadium_from_Planning_councillors/

I find this bit fairly unsettling:
“It is unlikely that my fellow investors will have the appetite to pursue a lengthy appeal to the Scottish Government if the proposals are refused once and for all. This week’s decision is therefore critical in securing a long term future for the club and much needed facilities for the local community.”

If this is rejected today I fear for us.  Will Brabco look to find a favourable buyer of the club if they want out? I doubt it.

It’s unsettling because it’s so transparent. Who really believes they care about ‘long term future’ or ‘much needed facilities’? Investment return seems to me the only objective here and if that involves plopping an historic sports club in a Renton swamp or paving the way for its deletion entirely then so be it.

Edited by Consolidate
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For reasons disconnected from common sense I expect the Council to overturn the Planning Committee recommendation, but that merely changes the colour of the elephant on the club badge from black to white.  I have utterly no confidence in Brabco to deliver a coherent road plan never mind a full stadium development, and as Consolidate points out above, it all then becomes an exit strategy for them, especially if the team is relegated.  This will get messy, and soon.

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Leaving all the terrifying prospects aside there really is something seriously unlikeable about Ian Wilson. I'm not even talking like he's a bit of an arsehole, he's a full on smug bawbag who's face you'd never tire of punching.

The fact Brabco have even remotely allowed him back into the public eye with this stadium move has me questioning if they actually have the mental capacity to plan and organise the building of a stadium.

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Pretty irrelevant compared to recent events, but I got an e-mail today regarding the Retro at the Rock event, which had been switched to Barrowlands - it's been cancelled altogether now.

Your Radio are now admitting that it's due to poor ticket sales, not the council refusing licences or anything like that.

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Pretty irrelevant compared to recent events, but I got an e-mail today regarding the Retro at the Rock event, which had been switched to Barrowlands - it's been cancelled altogether now.
Your Radio are now admitting that it's due to poor ticket sales, not the council refusing licences or anything like that.
I wouldn't worry, The Charlatans have a long-standing residence down there.
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9 minutes ago, Howlin' Wilf said:

Planning refused at Dalmoak. Narrow vote mind you, 10-9.

Hopefully there will be no snap judgements and all parties involved will take a bit of time to examine the implications and make a rational decision on what the next steps are.

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I have always been of the view, expressed over several years here over the various plans, that  the move not going ahead would have more serious consequences than it going ahead. That is where we are now.

Funnily enough, I think the upshot of today's meeting would have had the same outcome no matter the decision. Both I think would have seen Brabco sell. If approved they'd have sold the idea with permission, to a developer and recouped their losses. As it is, unless they go for an appeal to the Scottish Government or a judicial review, (both high risk and high cost) then the only way that they have of recouping any of their money is to sell their shares in the club or selling the club's asset.

Neil Rankine tried to sell the club for eight years and he had not one nibble that included the club staying where it was.

Brabco have absolutely no chance of recouping their money by selling the shares.

There could be trouble ahead.

Edited by Howlin' Wilf
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