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8 minutes ago, Howlin' Wilf said:

I have always been of the view, expressed over several years here over the various plans, that  the move not going ahead would have more serious consequences than it going ahead. That is where we are now.

Funnily enough, I think the upshot of today's meeting would have had the same outcome no matter the decision. Both I think would have seen Brabco sell. If approved they'd have sold the idea with permission, to a developer and recouped their losses. As it is, unless they go for an appeal to the Scottish Government or a judicial review, (both high risk and high cost) then the only way that they have of recouping any of their money is to sell their shares in the club or selling the club's asset.

Neil Rankine tried to sell the club for eight years and he had not one nibble that included the club staying where it was.

Brabco have absolutely no chance of recouping their money by selling the shares.

There could be trouble ahead.

How much did Brabco pay?

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11 minutes ago, Nowhereman said:

How much did Brabco pay?

Depending on who you believe, anything between £600k and £1m. I suspect something towards the top end of that if you include the £200k owed to Rankine. However, I'd imagine that significant money has been spent again  during the process of public consultations, putting applications together, Gilbert Lawrie's annual salary over several years, Roddy's retention as a consultant and the planning process.

The shares are worth nothing. They (the shares) are in a loss making company with a significant debt (although we don't know what that is because there has been no AGM for years). There is now a schedule of maintenance and renewal which will have to be attended to (circa £250-300k). The company has one heritable asset, worth nothing in its current use.

Unless there's a white knight out there, any potential buyer would arouse suspicion.

Edited by Howlin' Wilf
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14 minutes ago, Howlin' Wilf said:

Depending on who you believe, anything between £600k and £1m. I suspect something towards the top end of that if you include the £200k owed to Rankine. However, I'd imagine that significant money has been spent again  during the process of public consultations, putting applications together, Gilbert Lawrie's annual salary over several years, Roddy's retention as a consultant and the planning process.

The shares are worth nothing. They (the shares) are in a loss making company with a significant debt (although we don't know what that is because there has been no AGM for years). There is now a schedule of maintenance and renewal which will have to be attended to (circa £250-300k). The company has one heritable asset, worth nothing in its current use.

Unless there's a white knight out there, any potential buyer would arouse suspicion.

Anyway, it's taken our minds off Saturday and last night :thumsup2

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32 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

McColl and Bollan both declared an interest.

Anyone know what it is?

McColl as Leader of Council had to sit the debate out, for what it's worth he was in favour of the new development.

Bollan? Who knows, perhaps against it, unless some sort of Che Guevara bones were found on the site & a museum built in honour.

Maybe something more to do with Renton, being in close proximity? Complaints from residents?

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2 minutes ago, Silverton End said:

McColl as Leader of Council had to sit the debate out, for what it's worth he was in favour of the new development.

Bollan? Who knows, perhaps against it, unless some sort of Che Guevara bones were found on the site & a museum built in honour.

Maybe something more to do with Renton, being in close proximity? Complaints from residents?

Why would he have to sit it out because he is leader of the Council?

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McColl had came out before the planning committee had sat to state his support; I imagine he wasnt allowed to vote in case he was considered to have made his mind up beforehand.

It was a procedural issue that stopped Bollan voting but I believe he was against it.

I had heard that £1 million had been spent already on the application.

Anyone have John McFalls phone number?

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Pretty scary stuff. Am I right in saying that even if we found a new owner that had a decent bank account and passion for the club Brabco would still own the stadium grounds and therefore could punt us off to sell for housing?

What a brutal season it's been on and off the pitch - build up and 89 minutes of the cup final aside.

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1 minute ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Now, here's a thing.... apparently Rangers are adding a stand at Murray Park. If so, what price a bolthole for Brabco to allow them to recoup their outlay ?
So8, as our Milngavie correspondent can you please confirm the above ?

I can confirm that Rangers were successful in recieving planning permission for a stand and brand new state of the art floodlights at Murray Park. Will be suitable for league football too according to my insider source - though I don't think his knowledge of ground regulation is too hot. Doesn't look big - a bit like the stand at the K Park in East Kilbride.

I can't see it because of the distance between G82 and G62. But you never know. As handy as it would be to have Sons literally playing outside my bedroom window I could think of nothing more demeaning than playing at another club's training ground.


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29 minutes ago, sonsism said:

Pretty scary stuff. Am I right in saying that even if we found a new owner that had a decent bank account and passion for the club Brabco would still own the stadium grounds and therefore could punt us off to sell for housing?

What a brutal season it's been on and off the pitch - build up and 89 minutes of the cup final aside.

Not so much the way you have portrayed it. If Brabco can find a buyer for their shares then that buyer would, in effect own the stadium.  However for Brabco to sell to a genuine buyer with the club's interests at heart would be unlikely because of the debt and maintenance issues the club faces. Unless Brabco were prepared to take a pretty massive hit on their "investment" of course.

I can only repeat that Rankine had the club up for sale for eight years in a much more favourable economic climate than now. He had zilch interest from anyone who wanted to keep the club in its current location.

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Pretty scary stuff. Am I right in saying that even if we found a new owner that had a decent bank account and passion for the club Brabco would still own the stadium grounds and therefore could punt us off to sell for housing?


What a brutal season it's been on and off the pitch - build up and 89 minutes of the cup final aside.






Club own the current ground. Brabco are majority share holders in the club and could effectively exercise control if they chose to, but they couldn't divert assets or money without it getting very messy and very public


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12 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:



Club own the current ground. Brandon are majority share holders in the club and could effectively exercise control if they chose to, but they couldn't divert assets or money without it getting very messy and very public

Brabco and the club are indivisible. You wouldn't credit the ways that money or assets can be diverted, away from the public gaze.  Remember Clydebank?

Edited by Howlin' Wilf
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31 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

I can confirm that Rangers were successful in recieving planning permission for a stand and brand new state of the art floodlights at Murray Park. Will be suitable for league football too according to my insider source - though I don't think his knowledge of ground regulation is too hot. Doesn't look big - a bit like the stand at the K Park in East Kilbride.

I can't see it because of the distance between G82 and G62. But you never know. As handy as it would be to have Sons literally playing outside my bedroom window I could think of nothing more demeaning than playing at another club's training ground.


*Flashback to sharing at Cliftonhill*


 (Shudder X 2)


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Brabco and the club are indivisible. You wouldn't credit the ways that money or assets can be diverted, away from the public gaze.  Remember Clydebank?

I do.

And you can look at more recent examples such as the Oystons at Blackpool.

But how would they take the money out? Interim or end of year dividends would be public and would mean making payment to every shareholder. As far as I'm aware there are minimal financial burdens between the club and Brabco so anything that gave them any cash or land asset (if, for example, they decided that the club would"sell" them the current ground for a Pound) would be immediately public and would meet opposition, not least because the current club directors would be in breach of their fiduciary duty to the club.

The situation now is certainly more complicated than it was at 1pm this afternoon but speculation isn't going to be helpful right now. We all need a few days to give proper consideration to what happens as a result of the council refusing planning permission.
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Because he 'declared an interest' thus barring him from taking part in the Planning Meeting.

I know he declared an interest. That was why he couldn't vote. Nothing to do with being leader of the council though. Interested to know what his first interest was
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