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"I have said to the players that is my responsibility. I have thanked the players for their endeavours. We lacked quality and know-how in League One and I have to take responsibility for that.”

Take responsibility, how?

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2 hours ago, BallochSonsFan said:

The floodlight thing is easy to laugh at, but there's a more serious point hidden behind it. For years our floodlights didnt satisfy SPFL criteria. We were able to claim an easement from the league because we intended to move  to a new ground and upgrading our floodlights at the current ground was therefore not a viable option.

Replacing the old floodlights that didnt satisfy league criteria for ones that do is a fair cost for us. Make of that what you will, but we'll no longer need to apply for dispensation from the SPFL.

Indeed, but it may have been more honest to give due credit to the former Associate Director who was instrumental in the refurbishment works. 

As a reminder, himself and a fellow Associate Director as well as the Company Secretary and a former Chairman became so frustrated with those 'club owners with ambitious plans' that they all resigned their positions in mid-season.  We should not forget that, and what it tells us.

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Just catching up with today’s pish and my initial thoughts are that Neil McKay and Stevie Farrell can f**k right off. 

The McKay statement is utter drivel from start to finish. To chuck in the nonsense about floodlights and GPS vests is hilarious. Is he expecting praise for replacing floodlights so that they are of an acceptable standard that the league requires!? Does he somehow think that this is some sort of bargaining chip when it comes to balancing out the disappointment of relegation? 

I’m not even going to comment on Farrell’s, I can’t even be arsed wasting energy on that.

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2 hours ago, BallochSonsFan said:

The floodlight thing is easy to laugh at, but there's a more serious point hidden behind it. For years our floodlights didnt satisfy SPFL criteria. We were able to claim an easement from the league because we intended to move  to a new ground and upgrading our floodlights at the current ground was therefore not a viable option.

Replacing the old floodlights that didnt satisfy league criteria for ones that do is a fair cost for us. Make of that what you will, but we'll no longer need to apply for dispensation from the SPFL.

You’re right, it is easy to laugh at. 

Football club fixes below standard floodlights so that meet the minimum league requirements. Woopty fucking do.

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1 minute ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

You’re right, it is easy to laugh at. 

Football club fixes below standard floodlights so that meet the minimum league requirements. Woopty fucking do.

Football club fixes floodlights because the owners are now pretty much certain that Youngs Farm ain't happening and that they can't keep relying on league dispensation would be another way to look at it. If we're spending money on the current ground then its because the owners are having to change plans and look at a future that doesn't involve Youngs Farm.

We all thought that Youngs Farm was balls. If we're spending money upgrading the floodlights then it's a fair indication that the owners now also think that way. Which means we need to be concerned about what their next move is going to be.

We're not spending money on new floodlights if the owners are still pursuing Youngs Farm.

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Surely the Chairman should’ve addressed the manager’s position?

If he’s staying, have the balls to come out and say he retains the full support of the board etc.

Edited by FifeSons
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The floodlight part of that statement is a farce. Yeah they may have been replaced, does noone remember the rangers B game that was postponed because the cowboys that did it just threw the old lights on the pitch and resulted in glass in the goal mouths? Another failure that no doubt cost the club money with that rearranged fixture.

GPS vests? Someone having a laugh? I see amateur players with these on week In week out, it's not exactly new technology and worthwhile a professional football club shouting about.

The statement stinks of sugar coating a shit situation and trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Watch this space for the season ticket renewal emails dropping next week......

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8 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

Football club fixes floodlights because the owners are now pretty much certain that Youngs Farm ain't happening and that they can't keep relying on league dispensation would be another way to look at it. If we're spending money on the current ground then its because the owners are having to change plans and look at a future that doesn't involve Youngs Farm.

We all thought that Youngs Farm was balls. If we're spending money upgrading the floodlights then it's a fair indication that the owners now also think that way. Which means we need to be concerned about what their next move is going to be.

We're not spending money on new floodlights if the owners are still pursuing Youngs Farm.

It’s not that deep.

Neil McKay is mentioning floodlights in his statement like it’s something him and the board deserve praise for or like it’s some sort of progrssive move that they orchestrated. They had to fucking fix them, they had no choice, whether that was via the owners pockets or spending some of the covid grants we received (which I’m led to believe is what funded the “upgrade”).

I’m not sure the owners give a flying f**k what the club spends its own money on.

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32 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:


We're not spending money on new floodlights if the owners are still pursuing Youngs Farm.

Can the lights not be moved to a new location if need be?

I know it's not even close to an ideal solution thing to do, but this is DFC we're talking about here.

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1 hour ago, FifeSons said:

Btw does the form on the Sons Trust site still work for joining up? It mentions 2018.

Trust is hoping to launch a new website soon.

in the mean time if you send a message with contact details then somebody should get back to anybody who wants to join. 


Or get in touch via direct messaging on the usual social media platforms.

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1 hour ago, Boghead ranter said:

Can the lights not be moved to a new location if need be?

I know it's not even close to an ideal solution thing to do, but this is DFC we're talking about here.

Would depend on the specifics of any new ground. At the bare minimum we'd probably need new control set-up, new pylons etc.. Then there's the issue of whether or not those lamps were suitable at a new ground? Would we need more? Would we need different types of lamps for a different lighting set-up? If we were moving in the near future then we'd have replaced any individual failed lamps on the old set-up and stuck another request for dispensation in with the SPFL.

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2 hours ago, the snudge said:

Who runs our website at the moment? Is it DFC admin? The Mackay statement said they were waiting to go live with a new website. My worry is that the new owners have control of it

The trust runs the website. 

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On 07/05/2022 at 10:56, The Moonster said:

The owners will kill this club whether I buy a season ticket or not. Is the plan for fans really just keep putting enough money in to keep us alive and hope we get the club back when these dicks get fed up? 

Fans need to organise some sort of plan or future buyout that fans can get behind, simply asking them to fork out for the team on the park that has failed for 4 seasons now won't work.

Really sorry to see you guys going down, hope you manage to get back up next year. You make some very good points, i feel some of your other Sons posters are buying the magic beans a bit from some of the responses.

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The more I read that statement from Mackay the more insulting I find it. 

The trust rep on the board gives me the absolute fear as well. Now that the chairman has nailed his colours to the mast regarding the ownership situation we really need someone in there who is willing to stand up against everyone else and quite literally be the only opposition in the room. I don’t think for a minute she will do that. I have plenty of other concerns about her as well but that’s now my main one. 

We need shot of Neil Mackay urgently. The owners may be dangerous but having a man in charge who drinks in their pish like soup could genuinely be the death of us. I’d prioritise getting shot of Mackay over Farrell and I think supporters should very seriously consider making their voices heard. I will be emailing the club. I would avoid going through the Trust rep, if you somehow have a contact for her.


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