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Sons' sorrow

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Re my post on our new board member; I knew I'd seen something earlier  https://www.dumbartonfootballclub.com/news/?mode=view&id=5236

"He would like to engage locally with the supporters and fully submerge himself in the community.

Colin's first remit will be to restart and continue the club's goal to launch the Dumbarton Community Football Academy."

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These statements have confirmed what we’ve all been thinking. The board have completely lost it. Mackay is clearly a danger to the future of the football club. He needs to be removed ASAP. This is really, really concerning stuff.

On what planet could you possibly buy into the owners’ drivel and think that Stevie Farrell will take us back up? They are driving us off the edge of a cliff here.

Is there now any other option than to withhold the season ticket money until Mackay and Farrell are gone?

Edited by FifeSons
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This is quite the embarrassment. 

Season Ticket Money wont be leaving my wallet any time soon, not until the relevant parties at board level are removed/replaced. Including our trust Rep

As for farrell and his band of imposteres they can get to fk 

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44 minutes ago, Jordo1872 said:

The Sonstrust have issued a letter to the Club with a copy going to all members with valid email addresses. For those of you who may not have it, I've copied and pasted below.


The Trust Board acknowledge your email of 26th April in response to our enquiries about the ownership of Dumbarton FC. In light of the critical situation on the park over the past couple of weeks, we have delayed our response to your email. Now that relegation has sadly been confirmed, I am writing on behalf of the Trust Board to relay the serious concern of supporters about the current situation at the Club. Regrettably, your email leaves many of our original concerns and questions unanswered. It seems clear to us that Cognitive Capital have bought the 3.4 acres of land from the Club for nothing more than vague promises about building a better future. The following is a list of questions for which we still seek answers: -

• the owners state that the land transaction was made at fair value. How much was this "fair" value and who made this assessment?

• what measures are in place to determine the future value of monies due to the Club, which the owners state will be money or a new stadium? • there is a huge gulf between the cost of a new stadium and the monies that a house builder may make from 3.4 acres of brownfield land. If Cognitive Capital, by way of More Homes DFC, are shouldering all of the risk, then surely there must be a fixed amount payable to the Club now?

• do the owners have a 'Plan B' if they develop the land to the north of the stadium and sales fall short of expectations? We are after all in difficult economic times, taking cognizance of ongoing and significant global price increases for materials currently being experienced in the construction industry. Does the Club accept a lower return on the value of the land if Cognitive don't make as much as they think? If so, then this risk does not rest solely with Cognitive Capital as your earlier response suggests.

• your email says that Cognitive Capital represents a group of investors led by a Norwegian consortium. It begs the question as to why these investors need to borrow a 'modest' £2million from Pendragon Group Ltd., a Private Limited Company based in Oxfordshire.

To summarise the concerns of supporters: the outline planning permission on the land to the north of the stadium should be the club's insurance policy were we to need to fund major stadium repairs, other unexpected costs or to increase the playing budget in an effort to halt our current slide down the leagues. Instead, it appears to us that we no longer own the land and have received an IOU from Cognitive Capital and their consultant/advisor. Our concerns are compounded by our discovery that the recent West Dunbartonshire Council Local Plan no longer contains the original ‘safety clause’, which stated that the current Castle Road site could only be redeveloped if Dumbarton FC had a new ground of their own in the area built and ready for occupation. The Club could therefore be exposed to any future opportunist attempt at relocation.

We note that you have published an update on the Club website following the team's relegation from League One. Unfortunately, the only reference to the Club owners is in a single sentence, claiming that the owners have ambitious plans which, if successful, will provide us with significant revenues and much improved facilities. We believe that if the owners have ambitious plans, then now is a good time to let supporters see the detail. The supporters' view of the Club owners has been forcibly expressed to the Trust Board, most recently at our AGM. The perception of Sons supporters of the Club's owners can be summed up in the following points:-

• loans taken from Pendragon Group Ltd., secured on land belonging to Dumbarton Football Club. This done without the knowledge of the local Club Directors;

• a belief that the primary objective of the new owners was to make money from land deals. The Trust Board was sent documents anonymously, which we did not circulate widely but which would lend credence to this belief;

• no new money invested in the Club despite us being told by reliable sources that this was promised;

• a relatively modest amount of shirt and stadium sponsorship promised by the owners has not been forthcoming,

• two Associate Directors and a former Company Secretary, all committed Sons fans, resigning from their roles due to the owners continually failing to keep to their promises;

• no evidence to date of Cognitive Capital's Director, Henning Kristoffersen having links with international clubs and players. If this perception is wide of the mark, we now need the Club owners, if not in person then through yourself, to give us hard evidence rather than just warm words, that they have Dumbarton FC's best interests at heart.

To this end, I would urge you to reconsider the option of the Club owners and/or the DFC Board holding a public meeting to explain matters to the Club's supporters. The Trust Board's view is that the support deserves that. If the club is soon to be asking fans for engagement and money, there needs to be some effort to try and build a relationship that right now feels non-existent.

We have a deeply unhappy support and not without justification. We know that even loyal supporters are threatening to withhold season ticket renewals if they don't see clarity in the way forward for the Club. For what it's worth, the clear majority of supporters making their views known to the Trust Board or on social media are saying that a change is needed in the dugout. This will of course be a decision for the DFC Board. It would be interesting to know however if a decision on this will be forthcoming shortly and based on footballing or financial reasons.

We do of course echo the comments in your Chairman's statement about the efforts of volunteers who give generously of their time. As I have said on previous occasions, the Trust recognises and appreciates the work which yourself and the other local Directors do on behalf of the Club. We have to recognise however that ownership and the day-to-day running of the Club are interlinked and not separate entities. The Sons Supporters Trust also wish to engage in a spirit of openness and transparency. It is now over a year since the new owners took control of the Club promising a bright new future.

Rather than openness and transparency, there has been opaqueness, secrecy and an apparent recurring theme of the Club owners failing to deliver on promises made. As previously intimated, it proved extremely difficult to try and unravel what has happened to the Club's heritable assets, with records at Companies House revealing a number of charges and securities involving a number of companies. One year on, what is the situation with their proposal to relocate the Club to Youngs Farm. Is this still being pursued? To date the Sonstrust has seen no evidence to support the assertion that the current owners have ambitious plans to take the Club forward. Until such time as Cognitive Capital provides such evidence, we cannot see how effective fan engagement can be achieved.

-- Ends --

Hopefully fans now realise the scale of the mess we're facing.

Trust has a huge fight ahead of it.

Edited by BallochSonsFan
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I've cancelled my standing order to the manager's fund and emailed the club (cc'd the trust too) to let them know and why. I also told them I won't renew my st until the management team have left my club.

I'd encourage others to email the club too since we can't vote with our feet at this time of year.

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Incredible day of disheartening news. 
as said before I’m waiting on what the season ticket price will be

checking out other second div prices suggests we should be getting a 25% reduction mimimum.


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3 minutes ago, cedrick1 said:

Incredible day of disheartening news. 
as said before I’m waiting on what the season ticket price will be

checking out other second div prices suggests we should be getting a 25% reduction mimimum.


I think the "we're going for promotion" chat is a precursor to prices staying as high as possible but I may be wrong.

Edited by The Moonster
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With regards to the part in the most recent statement about having a "proactive pre-season in recruitment and performance". Does this mean we sre not going to treat the league cup group as glorified friendlies now and might have s go? Or will we use the "were a L2 team" excuse now. 

Do the board think by releasing a few statements the anger of the fans is going to go away? Brilliant letter by the Trust there and will be interesting to see the response (if any)


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Look, I am not happy about any of this but, but, but


what is is that people want to achieve by not buying season tickets etc.?


It is not going to change the ownership of the club, quite the reverse really, it suits their purposes.

It is not going to change the manager, that is clear and 

it is not going to change the board.

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1 minute ago, cremola foam said:

Look, I am not happy about any of this but, but, but


what is is that people want to achieve by not buying season tickets etc.?


It is not going to change the ownership of the club, quite the reverse really, it suits their purposes.

It is not going to change the manager, that is clear and 

it is not going to change the board.

The board aren’t listening to supporters right now but they will sure as hell have to if people don’t buy season tickets. 

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4 minutes ago, cremola foam said:

Look, I am not happy about any of this but, but, but


what is is that people want to achieve by not buying season tickets etc.?


It is not going to change the ownership of the club, quite the reverse really, it suits their purposes.

It is not going to change the manager, that is clear and 

it is not going to change the board.

I think it's a last resort for many people, but as BBPF says, how else are people going to make themselves heard? 

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People want easy answers. Unfortunately there aren't any.

On the issue of Farrell then it comes down to how much it would cost to get rid of him compared to how many fans will stay away. If the club doesnt have the money to sack him then we won't sack him. Fans don't need to like that, but if it's cheaper to keep Farrell and lose season ticket sales than to sack him then the manager is going nowhere. I'd love to see him gone and a new manager appointed. If we can't afford to do that then it raises some very serious questions. There's a tipping point where sacking Farrell is still cheaper than losing season ticket sales and that'll be the thing that determines whether or not we can punt him. 

The chairman's statements since Saturday evening have been unbelievably poor, as have his replies to questions from the trust. You've seen what we're dealing with and what we're trying to challenge him on. Unfortunately we've seen good club board members leave over the course of the season because they can't work with the ownership's constant bullshit. So McKay goes - who replaces him? This Colin Pie character? Henning? One of the 4 Architects mob? Thats no defence of Neil McKay, but it is a question we need answered.

If money is the means of solving our problems, and it could go a long way to addressing the big issues, then we sell the parcel of land with planning permission to a house builder. Except that we can't because it appears that we no longer own it. Major club asset - basically a rainy day, get out of jail option - and it doesnt appear to be ours any more. The actions of our owners have contributed in no small part to driving away directors with solid business experience and are contributing to our lack of options for making changes.

The least I'd expect, and something that the trust are pushing for, is honesty from the board, an acceptance of the scale of the problems we're facing and efforts to cut the bullshit and be straight with fans. We'll keep pushing for it and demanding better. If it isnt forthcoming then things will need to get more militant. I'd still hope that there's a way forward where the club board recognises the need for urgent talks and that in turn leads to a chance for fans to have their say. We need a proper look at the state of the club. Finances. Assets. Ownership's current plans. What it's going to cost to change things. Whether or not we can actually afford to change things. There needs to be a change in thinking within the club board and an acceptance that the current situation can't continue. What those changes are? Its going to depend on exactly how bad our business position is and whether or not the club are capable of improving.

We're long past the point where the club board needs to be brutally honest with the trust and the wider support and where they need to make themselves available for proper scrutiny.

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