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15 hours ago, Aidan said:

Adam Hutchinson ladies and gentleman, talk to me?

One of those guys who can play aboot 4 different positions and isn’t particularly great in any of them. I see you’ve signed him as a right back, perhaps he’ll be decent there, I’m not sure he featured there a great deal for us.

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15 hours ago, Aidan said:

Adam Hutchinson ladies and gentleman, talk to me?

Montrose may be a better fit for him.  He joined us when De Bruyne or Van Djik would have struggled and he had injury issues.  Chris Hamilton at Arbroath last season is a good example of a guy who did little on loan here then looked a different player elsewhere.

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Damn damn damn, the score has caused me a nose bleed today. But l couldn't care, great and very enjoyable day. The team did so well. Attacked and defended well. So there's no early day wait and see or told you so. We won so let's enjoy the day. 

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I've cancelled my standing order to the manager's fund and emailed the club (cc'd the trust too) to let them know and why. I also told them I won't renew my st until the management team have left my club.

I'd encourage others to email the club too since we can't vote with our feet at this time of year.
^^^ This guy talks a lot of shite.
I've heard from a very good source this evening that, while Gemmell is training with us, signing him isn't an option Farrell is looking at.
^^^ Aye, him too.
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4 minutes ago, microdave said:

^^^ This guy talks a lot of shite.^^^ Aye, him too.

I don't think you were talking shite in your first post. The board and management were fully deserving of the flak at the time and Farrell couldn't have complained if he found himself out of work. I'm also wary of patting the board on the back for "sticking by" Farrell considering many suggested the reason was we simply couldn't afford it. However, huge credit should go to Farrell for building what appears to be a much better balanced team and if we can keep up our current scoring/conceding ratio we will win this league at a canter, but we're a long way from that. Take one week at a time and see where we are. I still don't think the board are deserving of support but the aftermath of a 4-0 win is not the time to debate that, hope everyone enjoys their night. 

The second post you were talking shite, I agree. 

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38 minutes ago, microdave said:

^^^ This guy talks a lot of shite.^^^ Aye, him too.

I also emailed the club at that time as did many others (I assume), but we've been going in the right direction on and off the park since relegation. Hopefully we've turned a corner, but as the Moonster says, we'll see in time. Let's just enjoy the weekend and look forward to the next one.

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16 hours ago, The Moonster said:

I don't think you were talking shite in your first post. The board and management were fully deserving of the flak at the time and Farrell couldn't have complained if he found himself out of work. I'm also wary of patting the board on the back for "sticking by" Farrell considering many suggested the reason was we simply couldn't afford it. However, huge credit should go to Farrell for building what appears to be a much better balanced team and if we can keep up our current scoring/conceding ratio we will win this league at a canter, but we're a long way from that. Take one week at a time and see where we are. I still don't think the board are deserving of support but the aftermath of a 4-0 win is not the time to debate that, hope everyone enjoys their night. 

The first part of this is spot on, the attitude after getting relegated was pretty dreadful from the board and club in general. Statements that were basically "yeah we went down but we've got new floodlights" missed the mark so spectacularly you'd think they'd been playing up front for us.

I was trying to be wary of not letting anger cloud my judgement at the time as well but the tactic of signing guys who seemed to have done alright at best at East Fife and Albion Rovers really put the fear in me. But I'm pretty pleased with how these guys have actually performed so far. David Wilson has been the only one I've felt a bit meh around but it's still early in the season and he might come into the team a bit more. 

I think after last season in particular we have to be wary but we can be happy with what we've done so far and long may it continue. 

As an aside I keep meaning to rejoin the trust and keep forgetting to do it at games. Can you join online as well, the form is from a few years ago? I figure there's some people on here who may be involved or in the know and might be quicker than emailing.

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Heard this morning the mood in the dressing room is excellent and the players feel a relief from the 'toxic' atmosphere last year.

Could try read into that if you like, or is it just because last year we were hopeless..

Also finlay grey is very highly rated within the squad, let's hope the club get him tied up on a better/longer contract because at this rate he wont be here long.

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2 minutes ago, Thommo90 said:

Heard this morning the mood in the dressing room is excellent and the players feel a relief from the 'toxic' atmosphere last year.

Could try read into that if you like, or is it just because last year we were hopeless..

Also finlay grey is very highly rated within the squad, let's hope the club get him tied up on a better/longer contract because at this rate he wont be here long.

Contract extension is a good shout

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2 hours ago, squeezebox-son said:

Very reminiscent of a certain Mr C Wilson from this time last season. Although, I feel like Fin has his head screwed on the right way and hopefully won't let that kind of thing happen to him.


When wilson was playing well he was racking up assists with crosses and looked confident on the ball taking players on.  

Finlay seems to be everywhere in midfield, pressing and winning balls that normally our midfield don't win.  How many fouls has he won us by winning 50/50s and driving with the ball.  Look forward to seeing him against the legs of bryson and big nat next week

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7 minutes ago, Thommo90 said:

Shouldn't be too hard to suss it out. 

None of the players released or who left the club at the end of last season strike me as particularly troublesome characters. Paton was pretty experienced and probably held a bit of clout in the dressing room but it would be odd to start him in pratically every game (especially when he was turning in fairly awful performances) if he was causing bother. Boyle is another experienced head but he also started pretty much every game when he was fit!


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3 hours ago, squeezebox-son said:

Very reminiscent of a certain Mr C Wilson from this time last season. Although, I feel like Fin has his head screwed on the right way and hopefully won't let that kind of thing happen to him.

Christ, I hope he doesn't go the way of C Wilson!

1 hour ago, Boghead ranter said:

Which ex-employee is copping the blame for last year's toxic atmosphere then?

My money's on Paul Paton.  The p***k's p***k.

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