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Sons' sorrow

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Not wholly unsurprising if a little disappointing and underwhelming.

He's staying, so we need to deal with that. He'll know what he needs to do to even try to claw this back and it'll be interesting to see how and if, he changes things to affect that.

We need to bring players in in January, of that there's no doubt, so that responsibility lies solely at Aitken's door, so let's see what he can do, as we're at the very least all very much in the same boat of not wanting Aitken to have a relegation on his CV.

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8 hours ago, Silverton End said:

Your last sentence there.

You must have masochistic tendencies.

Not at all Stranraers a lovely wee run from Dumbarton,not like that car park namely the M8 on your doorstep,you enjoy the tailbacks and we will enjoy the scenery and moving at the same time.:whistle

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3 of the next 4 league matches are against the top 3. The other is a crunch fixture at Somerset Park, which I can't imagine any of us, far less the squad, are up for at the moment.

If we can bounce back amongst those fixtures then good going but with our rapidly shrinking squad I just can't see it.

Coupled with St.Mirren's kind December schedule I'll be curious to see where all this lands come the start of January.

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Let me start by saying I don't believe stevie should even have lasted as long as the Bonnyrigg fiasco. 

Ive also said that anyone of us should have been able to take that group of players and managed them to beat a junior side.thats where the players gave to stand up and be counted.

however  I don't support that the players don't care. Not good enough yes ,bad options yes but I'm sure they will be hurting and embarrassed about Tuesday.

its now up to stevie and them to fight for their pride and try to win us back .

will we survive relegation,probably possibly not but I hope we do.


i will continue to support team and also slate players in footballing terms but here's hoping


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I've been pretty ambivalent about the manager for quite a while. There are though some dismal alternatives in terms of who might be available (without requiring some form of compensation) at the moment.

Good shout, it could well be why the board have decided to back Aitken, better the devil you know.
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Probably not the outcome most would have wanted but it is what it is.

I see no benefit in us protesting by not attending or getting behind the team and manager. It wont change the situation and it wont help our survival battle. Attending away games is fair enough but patching home games when you have a season ticket already purchased is pointless.

I'd like to think a briefing will be taking place tonight with the players, and I'd like to think Faz and Stevie will be telling them exactly how it is. We have plenty of experience in that squad and it's time for them to stand up and be counted. They need absolutely telt and I hope big Faz is booting baws after Tuesday's shambles.

The last thing Stevie wants is a relegation on his CV and I'm sure he'll be doing everything in his power to ensure that doesn't happen. We also have to remember as one of two part-time sides in the league this year going down is very much a realistic possibility and I'm sure most of us accepted that before a ball had been kicked. If we go down screaming and kicking then so be it. If we go down with a whimper I will be disappointed.

I'm by no means a happy clapper or someone who doesn't like dishing out criticism where it's deserved but the team and the manager need the fans support more than ever over the coming months. Something I'd like to think they will receive should we put up a fight and make a fist of our attempt at survival.

Plenty of negative 'get tae f**k' type comments on the facebook post from the club, as expected.

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So, the Strachan Option.  I’m finding it a bit difficult to get my head round how a pretty dispirited and, it has to be said, small group of players of mixed abilities can be lifted by fighting rhetoric alone.  Alan Adamson wasn’t a bad man with bad players but Ian Murray galvanised the squad when he arrived; we need a repeat of that right now, and sometimes managements have to take tough , honest decisions – this looks like a fudge which may yet become untenable, and quickly.


And there looms an unanswered question; now that he soldiers on, is SA being allocated money to strengthen the team or will it be case of trying to eke a point here and there with kids on the bench and folk carrying injuries into games ?

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17 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

What happened?

Ehm, lets sum this up quickly.

We lost to a Junior team at home

Stevie Aitken is staying after considering his position

We are being sold the half-baked idea of a new £16m stadium by a guy with an interesting tax and business history

We have a squad of about 10 fit players, Garry Fleming with a broken wrist and Craig Pettigrew

We've won about 9 games all year

Financially things seem to be pretty tough

Said man who is trying to sell the stadium idea appears unable to dip into his (presumably) vast wealth to help us out

Never dull, eh?

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I don't think it makes much difference to the players how many Sons fans turn up at the Rock and around the country. The home end down our way is generally like a library anyway, the on-field product doing little to galvanise.

Refraining from direct personal abuse would be helpful though.

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12 hours ago, Nowhereman said:

If we are comparing dreadful results a 6-0 defeat at home to Montrose must be up there

Aye, but Montrose were a handy team at that time. Were twice within 5 minutes of meeting us in the Scottish Cup Semi in 1976, in their Quarter Final and first replay against Hearts. They also made the League Cup Semi Final that season, leading Rangers 1-0 at half-time before losing.

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I don't think it's the case that the players don't care. They certainly put plenty of effort into the last two away league victories at St Mirren (especially after we'd gone ahead) and at Dumfries on Saturday, even if they were not vintage performances. The two Bonnyrigg games had a peculiar lack of urgency to them though, on our part.

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11 minutes ago, SonsofAnarchy said:

Wouldn't let Aitken fix my truck, never mind fix my club.  His time is up, sell him in January with the rest of part-timers bringing shame to our club.  We are not a part-time team, we are Dumbarton FC.  


29 mind blowing facts you won't believe!

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Looks like January could be massive for us. The squad undoubtably needs a refresh. If we can get shot of brown, Stevo, pettigrew and use that cash for 3/4 players who may make a difference then all may not be doomed. Only issue is we may be battling st Mirren, Dunfermline and Ayr for the same players!
Do we have any loan spaces left?
Also, on the subject of bringing back Nade. He prob won't come cheap. I love the guy for what he done for us last year but is he past it? His injury record isn't exactly great. But on saying that, we enjoy lumping balls up front, no one can get the ball from the big man!

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4 hours ago, Consolidate said:

I don't think it makes much difference to the players how many Sons fans turn up at the Rock and around the country. The home end down our way is generally like a library anyway, the on-field product doing little to galvanise.

Refraining from direct personal abuse would be helpful though.


You don't think that players would rather play in front of a noisy, packed Stand??

Running out to a half empty Stand with the usual fuds on the Players & Ref/Linesman's case right from the K.O sounds immensely preferable, yes, yes it does.

In "Aitken's Army we trust"

Cart me away now... :blink:

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