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Sons' sorrow

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Mair is on Off The Ball today.

I never heard the show but I expect the invite would have come in the light of his contractual 'revelations'. He is of course perfectly entitled to his take on things but the problem for me in all of this is that the wider public gets to hear a pretty one-sided version of things, with DFC left in the crosshairs.

Now the club can defend itself ably I'm sure, but my info at the time was that that this player was offered a one-year deal with the option of an extension based both on appearances and Sons retaining Championship status. If that was the case then A) it seemed a sensible arrangement bearing in mind the guy was 33, and B) that scenario is a whole lot different from the club 'welching on the terms of a two-year deal' as has maybe been suggested.

But the bottom line was this. Mair is an ex-SPL player who was signed to bring that experience to bear in the heart of the defence. What we got IMO opinion were a series of mediocre performances spread over a total of only 15 appearances in which we conceded a lot of goals, and I say that as someone who originally thought we'd made a good signing.

As he probably never said on 'off The Ball' yesterday, based on that record what Manager or Board would want to take up the option of the second season ? I'm relieved they didn't and whilst there may have been some background issues, the correct decision has been made. Time for everyone concerned to move on.

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Won't let me quote trawler rum ^

I heard it, it was just talking about football in general wasn't anything on the show about his contract situation.

If there was then I must have missed it as I was flicking through it just to see if he said anything.

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Back to the game. Pity again we failed to hold the lead for mor than a few mins.overall better the the last 2 sats but again we were very lightweight in midfield and up front and with our narrowness allow easy possession on the flanks.vuvkic was very good . Disappointed with our subs again with no desire to throw on a youngster. Still 2 games to go till next seasons big build up!!!

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There was actually quite a bit on his contract situation. He tried to portray himself as the injured party and blamed the chairman for telling the manager not to play him.

If that is the case then the chairman is a good judge of a player.

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There was actually quite a bit on his contract situation. He tried to portray himself as the injured party and blamed the chairman for telling the manager not to play him.

If that is the case then the chairman is a good judge of a player.

So lets get this completely straight.

A player who is not good enough to play for the club, and as a result has been dropped, is angry because he isn't getting his contract renewed. Sorry Lee, that's football. There is no reason for us to give him another year based on his performances this season and I fully support the club not playing him so as the clause isn't activated. The fact he's gone off bleeting to anyone who'll listen is his own problem. He seems like a manager's nightmare.

Duffy thought he had concluded a deal to bring Mair back to Dundee and was angry with the player's decision.

"I feel like it is a personal betrayal and a real slap in the face," said a furious Duffy.

"Lee has been on the phone several times over the last few months looking for advice and saying how much he hated being down at Stockport.

"He was set to join United but they stalled on the deal because they had to get players out the door first.

"He then said to me that he wanted to come back to Dundee, so I went to the board and they pushed the boat out to come up with a very good package to get him here."


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There was actually quite a bit on his contract situation. He tried to portray himself as the injured party and blamed the chairman for telling the manager not to play him.

If that is the case then the chairman is a good judge of a player.

So lets get this completely straight.

A player who is not good enough to play for the club, and as a result has been dropped, is angry because he isn't getting his contract renewed. Sorry Lee, that's football. There is no reason for us to give him another year based on his performances this season and I fully support the club not playing him so as the clause isn't activated. The fact he's gone off bleeting to anyone who'll listen is his own problem. He seems like a manager's nightmare.


Completely agree with all of the above. Heard the first hour of the programme, and there was a segment where they were asking if anyone knew of players taking unusual things onto the pitch with them. Lee was asked if he had, but couldn't come up with anything. Unfortunately, they didn't read out my text where I suggested that Lee had forgotten all about the caravan he has been towing in his appearances for us this season.

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Question.why ..have watched highlights from both sides. Don't understand why Andy graham lost it with Rogers at first goal.any help or suggestions welcome

Trying to deflect attention from his own lack of pace? He does beckon to Rogers (to come off his line?) just as the ball enters the box.

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That the pass travels over 50 yards and in behind graham, yet danny's standing in the six yard Box I think danny could have done more to cover him here.

i think that's harsh. Andy completely outpaced from about 25 yards out and if Rogers had been off line any quicker could have been an easy chip. Or a walk round.Honestly no blame on Rogers for me
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So my kids collect these Match Attacks football card thingys. I come in from work the other day, to an excited wee boy telling me "Dad, I got a Dumbarton player!"

So, I ask him to show me who.


£1M! jeezo. Cowden got a bargain there.

He's scored more for us this season than he did for you. He must have doubled his value at least. Gotta be worth £2m of anyones money now.
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That the pass travels over 50 yards and in behind graham, yet danny's standing in the six yard Box I think danny could have done more to cover him here.

Have a look at the BBC footage, which is from the reverse angle. Danny's starting position is around about the penalty spot, when the ball is played through.

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i think that's harsh. Andy completely outpaced from about 25 yards out and if Rogers had been off line any quicker could have been an easy chip. Or a walk round.Honestly no blame on Rogers for me

Which has been one of the main problems in our defence for the last couple of years. Findlay simply emphasises how slow everyone else is.

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Which has been one of the main problems in our defence for the last couple of years. Findlay simply emphasises how slow everyone else is.

Yip, the chronic lack of pace in the defence is something which is really hurting us now - particularly when we're not banging in goals with the same frequency at the other end.

Identifying and attracting an able centre back this summer is vital.

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