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Sons' sorrow

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Whilst I get what you're saying, I'd probably punt him as well if the opportunity presented itself. This may have been the first opportunity to do so.

Kirky will want first team football and he certainly wont get that with us. Whilst I'd rather see someone replace him in the form of a loan signing, I genuinely don't believe it's any great loss. If a player wants out then there is no point in standing in his way.

A player who doesn't want to be here + a player who has done nothing for god knows how long + what will be a decent wage = cheerio.

As for playing him over others in the squad - Stevie would also be getting slated for not giving him a chance. He gave him his chance, he done nowhere near enough so he got punted. I dunno how many games I've proclaimed pre kick off 'Kirky has to take his chance today'. Minus a 20 minute spell, against an attrocious Alloa side, he done the opposite of his take his chance.

No idea how he'll do at Clyde tbh. I correctly predicted that Archie was a shocking signing, even for that level, but with Kirky I have no idea.

We could've got shot of him in January by the looks of this, but obviously elected not to. The more I read into this the more I'm convinced that Jordan and Stevie must've had a disagreement last week that resulted in him being punted because they wouldn't work together.


I suppose it's fair enough for Aitken to do that, like you say you don't want a player who wants out in your squad in the position that we're in. I wasn't at the Alloa cup game, but by all accounts he was decent there, albeit against totally dross opponents. He hasn't turned it on this season, but in his defence he's a centre-mid whose worst attribute is crossing being played on the wing or upfront alone. Two positions which really don't suit him.


Do I think we'll miss him? Probably not, no. But if this has came about as a result of a falling out with the manager then I'd be lying if I said it didn't concern me slightly.

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Thanks for the replies, lads. All the best for the rest of the season!

Can you field an entire starting xi of ex Sons players or do I have to send you another player in the post?


Plz take the person that everyone knows I'm talking about

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Three points about Jordan Kirkpatrick,:-


1.  He was already here when Aitken needed to build a squad, ie he was not an Aitken 'pick'.

2.  He's had ample opportunities this season to impress.

3.  He is not a Championship quality player.


The Kirk is dead, long live The Kirk.

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I was happy to see him get a chance in the team over the past couple of games but its fair to say that he he's been rank rotten.


No great loss. He's had his chances and didn't do anything to convince that he deserves more of them. He'll be gone in the summer.

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Three points about Jordan Kirkpatrick,:-


1.  He was already here when Aitken needed to build a squad, ie he was not an Aitken 'pick'.

2.  He's had ample opportunities this season to impress.

3.  He is not a Championship quality player.


The Kirk is dead, long live The Kirk.

Presumably Aitken did offer him a new deal though, seen as he signed about a fortnight after he was appointed. Unless the contract was already there and signed under Murray?



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Can you field an entire starting xi of ex Sons players or do I have to send you another player in the post?


Plz take the person that everyone knows I'm talking about


Only the six ex-Dumbarton players on the books at the minute (with a total of ten players moving from Dumbarton to Clyde over the past three years, IIRC) so you may as well send another one, aye. Barry Ferguson signs players as if he was playing a game of Football Manager, which always makes for an exciting transfer window. so I would not be surprised if he was looking at some more of your players.

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The thing is, him getting his game back together isn't going to help us. He's out of contract in the summer and I'd say there's absolutely no chance we'll see him in a Sons shirt again. If he does well at Clyde they'll keep him, or he'll go to another club - Alloa I'd imagine with Jack Ross there.

With the exception of getting a wage off the books I don't see what benefit this will have for us. I can only assume it's been a fall out as a result of last week and Aitken's punted him as a result, or we have another new face coming in. If we do there's no telling if he'll be a Christian Nade/Jamie Lindsay or a Darren Miller/Kler Heh/Seb Osei-Obengo. Aitken's signings are an absolute lottery.

If he's wanted rid of him for a while then, as you say, the decision to play him is baffling. Taggart, Heh or Walsh - however unconvincing they all are - can all play on the wing where he's been shoved. How can any manager expect a player to give his all if he knows he isn't wanted/trusted by him? Personally I didn't work anywhere near as hard in my last job when the manager I knew didn't like me was in.

The whole thing looks very strange on first glance. He hasn't been great, not by a long way. But he's not been any worse than quite a few others in the squad.

Edit: Is it any wonder we have no consistency in terms of results or performances given the turnover of players since May? Most I can ever remember at the club

When I say it gives him a chance to get his game back I pretty much meant so he can kick on elsewhere. He's been crap but not kicked up a fuss about not getting regular games/being benched.

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Jordan Kirkpatrick has signed for Clyde on loan until the end of the season. I know the name but not much about him admittedly. Could he do a job for us in League 2?



Tardy reply but... Good with the ball at his feet and time to do something with it, decent shot. Hasn't been flourishing under Aitken at this level but had a good run around two seasons ago as a attacking mid under Murray.


When he joined us the Hamilton folks said he had undoubted ability but just doesn't show it often enough. Reckon a motivated, confident Kirkpatrick played in the right position will do a turn for someone in league 1/2.

Edited by albundy
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Was having a look at loans rules and to be honest gave up.

There was talk with Kirky going we could look to bring someone else in.

Am I right . No more loans as we already have 4 loanees at club.

I don't think Heh's loan counts as he came from England. Waters is on a development loan.

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I can't really disagree with most that's been said already regarding Kirky.

He did have a good spell with us, but hasn't really produced much over the last season and a half, other than a handful of memorable contributions, although pretty sporadic over that time.

If he's motivated (which isn't something I ever thought he wasn't in his time with us) then I reckon he'd do a decent job in League One, so if he gets it together then I reckon he could be a really good signing for Clyde.

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Wasn't sure re dev loans as rules only talk about 4 at any time.

I thought the dev thing was it allowed the player to still play in under 20 games for parent club.

I suppose just fishing as no suggestion we are looking for anyone and closure date is Thursday for any signing.

Difficult time to bring anyone in .

On a side note .hate Saturday's with no game on especially when it is chucking it down.

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