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The Simpsons best bits


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Mr Largo: Miss Simpson, do you find something funny about the word "tromboner"?

Lisa Simpson: No, sir. I was laughing at something outside.

Sherri: She was looking at Nelson!

Class: Lisa likes Nelson!

Milhouse: She does not!

Class: Milhouse likes Lisa!

Janey: He does not!

Class: Janey likes Milhouse!

Uter: She does not!

Class: Uter likes Milhouse.

Mr Largo: Nobody likes Milhouse!

One of my favourite episodes. The cutaway from Milhouse passing the note is up there with my favourite moments as well

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Along the lines of...

Homer: Ok, if you kids get a good school report we'll bring you back some pizza.

Lisa: What will we have to eat if we get a bad report?

Bart: Poison.

Lisa: What if only one of us has been good and the other one bad?

Bart: Poison Pizza.

Homer: OH NO, I'm not making two stops!

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Along the lines of...

Homer: Ok, if you kids get a good school report we'll bring you back some pizza.

Lisa: What will we have to eat if we get a bad report?

Bart: Poison.

Lisa: What if only one of us has been good and the other one bad?

Bart: Poison Pizza.

Homer: OH NO, I'm not making two stops!

CLOSE! Homer says poison, not Bart. Has to be one of my favourite Simpsons moment though!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Lionel Hutz: Now don't you worry, Mrs. Simpson, I... uh-oh. We've drawn Judge Snyder.

Marge: Is that bad?

Lionel Hutz: Well, he's had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog.

Marge: You did?

Lionel Hutz: Well, replace the word "kinda" with the word "repeatedly," and the word "dog" with "son."

[Marge drives Homer, Carl and Lenny home from a strip club]

Lenny Leonard: Can we stop for ice cream?

Carl Carlson: Homer always stops for ice cream.

Marge Simpson: We'll see.

Lenny Leonard: That always means no.

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The one yesterday on c4. The Olympics one. When homer orders thousands of springs and flushing the down the pan.

Homer. You flush one down it twirls around 999 springs to flush down, 999 springs.

Marge. Your not flushing the springs down the toilet are you

Homer. Of coarse not honey. 998 springs to flush down, 998 spriiiiings.

Edited by young_bairn
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My favourite episode, 22 short films about Springfield, is on Sky One +1 just now.

[Skinner enters and leaves the kitchen swiftly upon seeing it is now on fire]

Skinner: Well, that was wonderful. A good time was had by all. I'm pooped.

Chalmers: Yes, I should be--good lord, what is happening in there?!

Skinner: Aurora Borealis?

Chalmers: Aurora Borealis?! At this time of year?!? In this part of the country!? Localized entirely within your kitchen!?!

Skinner: Yes.

Chalmers: May I see it?

Skinner: Er, no.

Agnes: Seymour, the house is on fire!

Skinner: No, Mother, it's just the Northern Lights.

Edited by caleycasual
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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently watching Homer At The Bat.

Homer: "Come here boy, I want to show you something."

Bart: "What's that, a home made bat?"

Homer: "It's something very special; a home made bat!"

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"One more outburst from you and I'll send you back to the big leagues!"

"Now before I post up the team, I just those who didn't make to know that I'm very disappointed in you."

"I thought I told you to shave those sideburns!"

Burns absolutely shines in this episode. Genius.

"Heard some guy got killed in New York City and they never solved the case. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you Steve?"

"But there's hundreds of unsolved murders in New York City!"

"You just don't know when to keep your mouth shut, do you Saxy boy?!"

"Will..I...be...able..to play..softball...tomorrow?!

"No, by tomorrow you'll barely be able to breathe."

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