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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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There's weapons matches all the time, but since the Whiplash invitational thing, no actual deathmatches. Viper and Kay Lee Ray are having a Queen of Insanity at the Hydro though. f**k knows where they're going to go with that. KLR has been involved in some WILD matches, both in and outside ICW.

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On 04/11/2018 at 22:01, FairWeatherFan said:


So with less than a month to go the current announced card is:

  1. ICW World Heavyweight Championship vs. Career: Jackie Polo (c) v.s Lionheart
  2. ICW Zero-G Championship: Mark Coffey (c) vs. Joe Coffey
  3. ICW Women's Championship/Queen of Insanity Death Match: Viper (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray
  4. Wolfgang, Noam Dar & BT Gunn vs. British Strong Style
  5. Joe Hendry vs. Mikey Whiplash
  6. James Storm vs. Grado
  7. ICW Tag Team Championship: Kinky Party (c) vs. Alpha/Evil
  8. Tables, Ladders And Chairs Match: Briscoe Brothers vs. P.O.D vs. The Purge vs. The Kings of Catch vs. Fite Network vs. Jimmy Havoc & Mark Haskins
  9. Aaron Echo vs. Kenny Williams

Looks to be the final card with Echo v Williams announced.

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44 minutes ago, Principal Flutie said:

Nine matches. :lol:

Literally nothing learned.

I know, whit am I like?  

Seriously though if it makes you feel any better there's no interval as its an arena show.  Maina has about 47 matches, im sure with its pre show thing All In had about 10, I think 9's fine but your entitled to your opinion.   

On paper I think its the strongest Fear & Loathing card ever.  Hopefully you all come out to give it a look (except that one guy that said hes gonna try and ponce freebies off his mate, cheers for the support:lol:)  and who knows you might actually have a good time with your mates which at the end of the day is my main goal.  We intend to put on the best show we can and make it the biggest spectacle we can.


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It's a seriously strong card. Last year had less though and was the better for it.

Quantity isn't always the best. Especially with a strict curfew. For what it's worth i never planned on going anyways due to work, but as always, I'll be catching it on demand. 

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Overall I am looking forward to the Hydro this year where as last year I wasn’t. I also prefer the reduced number of overseas talents too. Very random but what ever happened to Layla Rose? 

As for the card at the Hydro. 

Lionheart v Polo - Speaks for itself really doesn’t need much promotion. 

Viper v Kay Lee Ray - Could be the show stealer in my opinion. 

Coffey v Coffey - Was dying to see this since the first time it was announced and this is probably the match up im looking forward to most. 

Kinky Party v Alpha Evil - meh I would honestly rather have seen Kings of Catch here but im probably in the minority with that. 

Six man tag team - Again speaks for itself can’t fault the participants in that. 

Hendry v Whiplash - don’t really get the story line as to why the owner is suddenly against violence and swearing and Whiplash and Kieran Kelly and a few other things. Apologies if I’m missing something obvious Mark but you’ll need to explain this to me a bit better in the next few shows.  Hopefully its a decent one as I was always a fan of Hendry since my first show but not been feeling it with him for a while. 

Storm v Grado - Have nae interest in it what so ever. Not because of Grado but I couldn’t have any less interest in Storm what so ever. 

Echo v Williams - Sorry to say but I’ve no interest in this either Im just not into Echo. 

Tag team number 1 contenders - should be cracking with some massive spots. 

So aye credit where its due I think its a far better looking night than last years was and I’m quite hopeful about it. 

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