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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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Well... the shit has hit the fan in ICW this evening.

It turned out that it was BT Gunn behind the videos of Mikey Whiplash, and tied him in the ropes before putting a barbed wire crown on him. However, this wasn't the last time they seen him...

...he came back out and Superkicked Divers during his match with Renfrew. Wolfgang came out to counter that... but then joined NAK, and handed Renfrew the victory. The NAK are back. And stronger.

Also, Jackie Polo beat Lionheart CLEAN. And Grado is facing BRAM at ICW Shug's Hoose Party 2.

Carmel has also left ICW, but not before getting attacked by Liam Thomson with a chair, getting him some serious heat.

Edited by NewDomDom
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My first ICW show. What did folk think of it?

I thought it was good, not great. Enjoyable night out, but expected a bit more for what was one of their most highly anticipated events to date.

Will probably wait to see some of the card for the SECC show before deciding on tickets - If I miss out I miss out

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I was disappointed in the show in general unfortunately. It's hard to maintain a standard when they set the bar so fucking high. But they didn't quite hit it last night. 8 man tag and Polo (and his singlet) were the absolute highlights for me. A lot of it was very 'meh' though.

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The 8 man set a standard they couldn't possibly maintain, it was everything you want from ICW. Big spots, quality singalong entrances and a bit of comedy. Should've been last on before the interval.

Jackie Polo is brilliant, the singlet was amazing. That was easily match of the night. Not sure what they've got next for Lionheart.

Elsewhere there's a bit missing I think. I can't stand Drew. Lewis Girvan is brutal. I'm not a Divers fan either.

The SECC seems overly ambitious. I'm guessing it'll be a smaller hall though?

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Right. Few things.

* The main event went REALLY fucking well. Another cracking Galloway main event. Infact, most of the big ICW title main events have been absolutely brilliant. This is actually one of the better ones though. Setting up Big Damo vs. Galloway is good as well.

* Lionheart vs. Jackie Polo was a lot of fun as well. Polo is a joy to watch at his best, and the aggression of this one was great. The selling was a bit too on off for it to go to the next level though.

* Divers vs. Renfrew was another belting match as well, and actually better than I expected, and the post-match was spectacular. The crowd went absolutely mental for it.

* The opening match eventually got good, but it took a LONG time to get going thanks to way too much tedious crowd brawling. Once it did get going though, it was worth waiting for. All sorts of fun from everyone involved.

* Girvan vs. Whiplash... hmm. The pace was a bit more deliberate than either of these guys does. I can't help feeling this was a placeholder match after the hot opener, and these guys deserved much more than that. It was a good enough match, but I wanted a LOT better.

* Carmel/Rose seemed like a way of getting Carmel beat so as they could do the Liam turn. They didn't f**k about with it at all. The post-match, again, was fun though.

* Stevie Boy/Coffey was okay as well. They kept the pace off and just flung shit at each other. Not worth going nuts over either way.

So I enjoyed it. The first half actually felt like a chore because the fans didn't seem to care about everything between the first and fourth matches. But it was a good show.

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Shuggie_Murray7, on 31 Mar 2015 - 00:32, said:

Not sure what to make of the Wolfie turn. Like what's the logic behind it? He wanted to rip BT Gunn's throat out not long ago.

My guess is that he'll say he's sick of fighting family, and they should stick together. Or something of that ilk.

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Well... the shit has hit the fan in ICW this evening.

It turned out that it was BT Gunn behind the videos of Mikey Whiplash, and tied him in the ropes before putting a barbed wire crown on him. However, this wasn't the last time they seen him...

...he came back out and Superkicked Divers during his match with Renfrew. Wolfgang came out to counter that... but then joined NAK, and handed Renfrew the victory. The NAK are back. And stronger.

Also, Jackie Polo beat Lionheart CLEAN. And Grado is facing BRAM at ICW Shug's Hoose Party 2.

Carmel has also left ICW, but not before getting attacked by Liam Thomson with a chair, getting him some serious heat.

Wolfy joined the NAK?
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He did indeed.

Anyway, really enjoyed the show. Sadly missed the main event due to silliness (not on my part!) but overall thought it was excellent.

Kirkwood was on form as usual.

Loved the crowd interaction from all 8 guys in the tag match. Sha Samuels and Bram in particular were brilliant at riling the crowd.

Jackie Polo vs Lionheart was ace. Polo was trying his best to be an utter b*****d but the crowd were loving him. He hit about 6 scoop slams in a row and the crowd were asking for more.

I was wondering where BT Gunn had been, but that was answered when he revealed himself to be the guy behind the videos tormenting Whiplash, which got a huge reaction. Could this lead to a NAK vs SDS feud? That would be just lovely.

Wolfie coming on the motorbike was tremense. Got another big reaction, as did his turn. I think most folk sensed something was up by the way he was acting when he got in the ring. It's a good move for him as he was in a bit of a rut with no real direction. Oh and Renfrew's entrance was brilliant. Look it up.

Rose vs Carmel was enjoyable. Rose showed herself to be a bit of a beast here. She is lovely as well (as is Carmel mind).

Oh and credit to the security for chucking those wanks out who thought it was a good idea to throw beers. Chants of 'arsehole' as they were marched out was pleasing. I hate scum who chuck pints at gigs.

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