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Call of Duty: Ghosts

Paul Marnie

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I think it's a mixture of things gta v has seriously kicked the arse out of the gaming at the minute some people will be holding off for next gen consoles. For me and i doubt i am the only one it's just the same game year in year out there are changes here and there but essentially you buy it for online and there is only so much you can do with it.

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We get it, you prefer battlefield, please for the love of god, don't start your shite about how much you dislike COD like last time.

He was vocal about not enjoying MW3 and for good reason. His involvements since haven't been annoying. Stop being so dour, people can join in any topic they please.

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Maybe im easily pleased but i didnt see what was so bad about MW3. I got good milegage out of it and still play it. In fairness Standfree slating of the game got a bit tedious but then most of his posts are :P

Ill wait and get this when its cheaper as i got burned with black ops 2 (paid full whack for it, didnt like, then went to trade it in and got offered some magic beans and a half eaten sambo for it)

The stonehenge map looks quite interesting.

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Its stonehaven if i remember correctly and its quite a good map as its very open. MW3 was the first COD that i really got into and was never off it however i went back to play it after BO2 and it wasnt the same. There arent many places to camp in this game and the larger killstreaks are pretty difficult as there always seems like an enemy is at your back despite some of the bigger maps. Enjoying it tho

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He was vocal about not enjoying MW3 and for good reason. His involvements since haven't been annoying. Stop being so dour, people can join in any topic they please.

Much like i can voice my opinion on how tedious i thought his posts were on the subject then.

Thanks for playing.

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Nah I don't have any intention of buying this one and I only saw one of about 15 people online tonight playing it too. With GTA I think people are preoccupied and, in my opinion anyway, CoD has been dying a death since MW2/Black Ops. I still find myself playing World at War and MW2 occasionally; great games. Perhaps that's just nostalgic and I've grown out of playing CoD.

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I'm the opposite, prefer bigger maps. Nuke town is just a headache.

Black ops 2 had some really good maps.

Agree with all three points there. Personally I wasn't that impressed with the last one so I've no intention of buying Ghosts at the moment

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I really enjoyed Black Ops 2. Sadly, this one just started at MW3 and hasn't taken on board any of the successes of BO2. The maps are fucking horrific. I feel like I'm always in the open and there's always somebody behind me because of the chaotic layout. I like some of the new game modes (Hunted in particular) but feel like they've ripped the soul from it by taking away Capture the Flag. I loved me some CTF. Also squad points are very hard to come by and every time I buy a gun, I immediately regret the decision.

Still trying to get a feel for it bu I'm not enjoying it as much as I did BO2 when it first came out.

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Never even knew this was out till I saw a friend playing it online. Never really enjoyed a COD game since world at war. I preferred it when it was just a 'more simple' game. Still doesn't stop me buying it though. Its more of a habit than anything.

Getting fed up of GTA so might trade it in and see what I can get off of it. Not sure yet.

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Much like i can voice my opinion on how tedious i thought his posts were on the subject then.

Thanks for playing.

Fair enough. I would then argue that you and others consistently calling him tedious is just as, if not more, tedious than his posts on the matter.

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