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The guy that instinctively responds to a need for weaponry by sticking fingers up his arse, does not approve of the DECE.

Club DECE is still officially the worst, most horrific, bile inducing thread on this forum. Hadn't had a wee read in a while but nothing's changed with those '#lads' :D



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Are you still in Berlin, Erin Go Bragh? Where have you been? Went earlier in the year and found some incredibly #dece places. Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is the main area if you get off the U-Bahn at Schlesisches Tor and walk down Schlesisches Strasse (can't do the cool double s thing but yolo). Recommend Chalet for clubbing but you've got to look your best, as I'm sure you do all the time. Best place was definitely Club Der Visionaere which is right on the bank of the canal, with pounding techno and more 9/10s than imaginable.

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Are you still in Berlin, Erin Go Bragh? Where have you been? Went earlier in the year and found some incredibly #dece places. Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is the main area if you get off the U-Bahn at Schlesisches Tor and walk down Schlesisches Strasse (can't do the cool double s thing but yolo). Recommend Chalet for clubbing but you've got to look your best, as I'm sure you do all the time. Best place was definitely Club Der Visionaere which is right on the bank of the canal, with pounding techno and more 9/10s than imaginable.

I have to be completely honest with you Smurphy, I haven't been clubbing at all in Berlin. I've been on the road for eight or nine weeks and with the one exception being Rotterdam it's been #partyhardy all the way, now I'm at my last stop and I'm completely skint bro (it's OK, I'm EGB and I can't afford it).

I've been out for a couple of cheeky drinkies a couple of times with roomies around the local area (Ostbahnhof), which is a dece place. During the day I've been all over the city. Been right out in the #swankywest, went to the far east in a place called Köpenick which was gorge, hit up Sachsenhausen in the north which had a real chilled out, reflective holocaust vibe, and went to many places in between.

Whenever the ladies back home ask me what I did in Berlin (which they will) I'll be telling them I just did cultural stuff cos I wanted to appreciate all the culture and history, #uknowhowitworks. Of course Germany could win the World Cup tomorrow and for sure it's going to be wild. #fuckdabank #yolo #onelastsesh

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Really, you children have no idea.

Last night, at a private party in Trump's place in Chicago, as a Scot wore my fitted, tailored kilt outfit (not a clan tartan, but Gordon Highlanders as my father and 3 uncles served there).

I'm nearly 50, I really was fighting them off, and we're talking 10's at a Trump function here, in really posh dresses and hours of hair and styling, and not just to see "are you a real Scot?". Got asked twice if I was George Clooney (aye #Decedouches bet none of you get that).

Out of respect, as I've only been a widower just over a year, of course I did not "take advantage", but the bold Donald has asked me back, offered me membership of his golf club in Aberdeenshire (was delighted to hear I was born in Aberdeen), and I have several phone numbers to follow up on, for jobs and from some very attractive women. I'll go to the next Trump function (would be rude not to) but I'll not be "chasing skirt", not my aim at present (been married 3 times "bois") and casual sex is not my style. Maybe if I meet the right woman........

Edited by Raidernation
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^^^ This never happened. Lies aren't DECE. Please resign from your silly little club.

#fuckclubdece #clubdouche #makebelievelifestyle #towieinprimarkclobber

So does that mean you lied to gain yourself notoriety? Hypocrisy ain't DECE.

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How the f**k have I only just found this thread!?

Good to see my #boiz SSI & EGB rocking it in here, both being utter #ladz as per.

Spesh mention to the rest of you though, top top #ladz.

Apart from the shite flinger, nae need for your #undece patter.

Edited by Rowan Vine's beard
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My biggest regret in the Dece v Doss days is that we didn't recruit one of the Dossers in to our group (let's be honest, absolutely any of them would've accepted), made them think they were important but actually just make them watch the door whilst we sip Mojitps and chat up #9's.

I was going to suggest something similiar with 8MileBU, but everyone coming through the door covered in bits of jobby might kill the vibe.

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Aye must be pretty pish being that rich eh?

Donald Trump is rich.

Piers Morgan is rich.

John Terry is rich.

It would be v v dece to be rich. But would it be the dece to be one of these men? No.

Being rich doesn't make you dece, but being dece gets you #money.

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It's OK lads, hes with me. He can come in no probsies, you'll like him.

Raidernation and shite boi GTF.

Cheers bro, getting them good feels being in here with the #boiz.

Can't wait for this east England sunshine tomorrow so I can rock my new freshly delivered Armani v neck tee with the RayBans.

Tomorrow should be a v.v.v.v dece day for attracting those #8's & #9's.

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I could also educate you in the spelling of 'mojitos' and advise you that you look a right precious little mimsy sat there sipping it.

Aye cos me putting a p in there was clearly intentional.

Ironic cos I slipped an accident P in your mum, right after she bought us a round of Mojito's. #weallmakemistakes

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