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What opinion do you boys hold on brown shoes? I've incorporated them into my style a lot more in the last couple of months and the suave edge that it's added to my SWAG has been a surprisingly considerable one. I've taken some stick from the lads and had a few Steven Pressley jibes to contend with, but I'm not sure if it's just the routine banter or whether I should really upgrade from my old JD trainers loving chums to more befitting, upmarket company.

Personally I've always found that a good pair of mahogany Salvatore Ferragamos have never let me down whenever I'm looking to make that extra bold statement of masculinity.


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I have to be completely honest with you Smurphy, I haven't been clubbing at all in Berlin. I've been on the road for eight or nine weeks and with the one exception being Rotterdam it's been #partyhardy all the way, now I'm at my last stop and I'm completely skint bro (it's OK, I'm EGB and I can't afford it).

I've been out for a couple of cheeky drinkies a couple of times with roomies around the local area (Ostbahnhof), which is a dece place. During the day I've been all over the city. Been right out in the #swankywest, went to the far east in a place called Köpenick which was gorge, hit up Sachsenhausen in the north which had a real chilled out, reflective holocaust vibe, and went to many places in between.

Whenever the ladies back home ask me what I did in Berlin (which they will) I'll be telling them I just did cultural stuff cos I wanted to appreciate all the culture and history, #uknowhowitworks. Of course Germany could win the World Cup tomorrow and for sure it's going to be wild. #fuckdabank #yolo #onelastsesh

Not clubbing in Berlin?

Dear oh dear. Sure sign you are an absolute state and have been turned away from everywhere.

If there is one place you want to go clubbing, it's Berlin.

dece money 10 lololol and aw that pish

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So Donald Trump is pretty DECE then? :D

Right, I'm outta here, this thread makes me feel uncomfortable.

The Donald has a private jet and bangs models half his age.

You howk shite out your arse and fling it at people.

I wonder which one is doing it right?

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Not clubbing in Berlin?

Dear oh dear. Sure sign you are an absolute state and have been turned away from everywhere.

If there is one place you want to go clubbing, it's Berlin.

dece money 10 lololol and aw that pish

I've been having it #partyhardy across about 15 places in four countries for the last nine or so weeks bro, and in any case if I was to accept criticism for how I've done it (which I wouldn't) it wouldn't be from some alias generating machine who signs up to a forum for the 700th time to slag off a footballer he doesn't like.



At least we know this is not Paulo and more likely someone like Greggy. Gilmore Greg would often try and imply he was some kind of socialista whilst displaying all the traits of ein uberbeta, Paulo wouldn't even pretend to know about the clubbing scene of any city never mind Berlin.

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Can picture Greggy being turned away from Berghain before he'd even entered German airspace tbh.

f**k me sideways that place looks incredible. Near my gaff too.

So fucking tempted.

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RT if you don't stick fingers up your own arse in combat situations, Favourite if you're 8MileBU.

RT: RT if you don't stick fingers up your own arse in combat situations, Favourite if you're 8MileBU.

#8mileBUistheleastDECE #shitflickingbeta #vilecreature #getout #getoutofourclub

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Not all but a lot of these chaps generally believe they're living life like they're in TOWIE, but clearly don't buy or own 90% of the stuff they claim to, don't go the fancy hols they claim to, and generally seem to have an IQ similar or lower than Joey Essex. Only last night I posted a couple of things to rile them then announced I was leaving the thread, which was then followed up a fair bit later by a poster saying he was gonna have to ask me to leave! :D

Don't be jel, be reem.

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Get eccied and go to club der visionaere in time for sun rise.

You'll never get into Berghain and you wouldn't e mentally capable to cope with the things that happen once inside.

And you would know this how exactly?

Listen Greggy, I know nearly nothing about you and you know even less about me. You know my first name and that's literally it, which I don't think is a great basis for working out how likely I am to get in to/cope with nightclubs in Berlin. Do you?

All I know about you is that you continually re-register on the same messageboard to continue shan arguments with the same people, you lie about going to the gym, pretend your account is hacked when you cock up threads and you watch The Gilmore Girls. A great start? No. Scientific proof that you're a #beta, no.

I suggest you go away and reconsider your attitude if you want to get in to Club Dece, which it's painfully obvious you do. Not just now mate, maybe have some water and come back after a little walk, it might not be enough but give it a go son.

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Astonishing that this thread is still noising up the forum pond life. Imagine actively seeking out a thread to get wound up by. Fucking idiots.

It's #absotremend that the UNDECE jealous betas get so riled by us, just because we're better than them in almost every way imaginable. I kinda feel sorry for them, teebs.

#hatersgonnahate #donthateuscozwereDECE #bemoreDECE #reachforthestarsjealousbetas

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