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I was bored and decided to wind you rejects up. Successfully as well it seems.

When I'm bored, I typically go out and hang with my friends or furiously masturbate or successfully chase a 10/10 or maybe all three at the same time, but I'd don't think I'd deliberately go out and attempt to annoy people who are just clearly so much better than I was (in fairness, there's very little in that category, but I'm talking from the perspective of a VL like you). I genuinely feel sorry for you sometimes and I wish that you'd just find something better to do than try and annoy people for attention or throw feces at another human or kick the belongings of those less fortunate than you (IKR?).

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Here's something for the dece boi's. Tomorrow I'll be sailing on a 2.5 million pound #sterling yacht, catching a cool ocean breeze on what is meant to be a glorious sunny day. I'll be getting the beezos in and doing a bit of deep sea fishing using my #pipesofsteel to reel them in, just like how I reel in the 8s and 9s when out on a sound one. I'll maybe take the odd moment to remember how much of an #absoluteballer I am and how I won't be spending the day flinging excrement or generally acting #undece in day to day life - chortling heartily. Just another #standard Thursday really.

#somoney #bigbluewateryroad #poseidon #doyouevenliftbro

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Why does all this bother you so much?(serious question).

Why does a player wearing a hearing aid bother you so much you feel you need to shout sick offensive abuse at him?

Please take your astonishingly UNDECE Junior chat elsewhere. The only thing less welcome in Club DECE than Junior chat is jealous, shit flinging betas. Please leave immediately.

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Next time the dece boiz are in the club, I'll be getting the DJ (be it C.Harris , Army Van Buury or even a celeb spot from R.Gos, whoever) to flip shit up at the end by playing this:


I'm getting all you boiz to come to the booth and sing it with me for the rest of the club. No doubt most lads could never pull this off, but the songs #nostalg mixed with us being #dapper, #cheeky and #dece should make for an irresistible combo for the ladies. I'll be dedicating this one to our lost dece boiz like Swampy, Lex-aye and Mhak, may your decebombs never run out boiz.

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True story lads, moving house and the letting agent is in and out the gaff today showing the place.

Quite an attractive young lady she is. She just walked in with a couple of posh totty Edinburgh yooni types after I'd opened EGB's link on my laptop. Now most 24 year old men listening to Backstreet Boys on their own full blast, would be at best laughed at by a group of encroachng #solid8s.

Not when you're dece boys, not when you are dece. All three were quite cleary absolutely sopping.

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True story lads, moving house and the letting agent is in and out the gaff today showing the place.

Quite an attractive young lady she is. She just walked in with a couple of posh totty Edinburgh yooni types after I'd opened EGB's link on my laptop. Now most 24 year old men listening to Backstreet Boys on their own full blast, would be at best laughed at by a group of encroachng #solid8s.

Not when you're dece boys, not when you are dece. All three were quite cleary absolutely sopping.


If that's an estate agent and a couple of second year students, imagine 300 ladies out on the randan. EGB = the moisturiser.

I'm working on our winter playlist for the skiing trip to Val Dece'ere btw.

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We had a letting agent show about six groups round one of the flats I stayed when I was at Uni over a period of a couple of weeks. None were interested. They left me to show a couple of groups of girls round one day. Both groups tried to take the flat. True story.

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We had a letting agent show about six groups round one of the flats I stayed when I was at Uni over a period of a couple of weeks. None were interested. They left me to show a couple of groups of girls round one day. Both groups tried to take the flat. True story.

I once did the exact opposite. A group of nines (well, three nines and a four) came round with the landlord to look at the place. One of the nines comes up to me away from the group and asks what the deal with this landlord is, as she thought he seemed a bit dodgy. I told her he was a total p***k and she'd be mad to take the place.

Once she saw my ability to drop truthbombs I felt like I was sitting in a Royal Mail sorting office, because she was looking at me like I was the full package. I was seeing someone else though so unlucks.

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Sounds like we should start a Property Management company.

Dece Lettings. We could rent out flats with our cheeky bants and supply Harry Ramsdens with a UK fleet supply of fanny batter for extra revenue.

I'm not driving a branded smart car.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As much as I love Mogen David 20/20; it has a nickname over in the states as "bum wine". It's not the classiest of alcoholic beverages. Edited by DonnieDarko
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As much as I love Mogen David 20/20; it has a nickname over in the states as "bum wine". It's not the classiest of alcoholic beverages.

It's the same as Buckfast though. A lovely beverage but given a bad reputation. Absolutely nothing wrong with 20/20, and I bet them bois in 'murica have never tried a #decebomb

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