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I thought you were better than this dece nonsense Matthew.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Get with the times lad


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Has anyone been to Fatties VIP? I was once led through the kitchen of the pub next door by some manager, ended up behind the bar of fatties before being led to the White Room VIP. You can play your own tunes in there. It's safe to say I had a fucking field day as DJ.

Liquid VIP, is v.v.v dece, get served in about 10 seconds. Fantastic.

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It's fucking terrible. As is fatsams.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

How is it terrible? It has:

Good looking barmaids

Good looking female clientele

Dece tunes

Dece banter guaranteed.

What more could you possibly want? WHAT?

The Union is too hot and everyone is too anti-social to have a laugh. There's also lots of fat Irish girls cutting about eating chips at 2am.

#goawaylove #wecanseeyourbingowings

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Tbf in Liquid once, going into injury time, I managed to pull a wee birdie. She got pieced after. 8)

Dece banter. Only time I've ever pummelled a sort in Dundece was someone I met in the Union. She was English and she asked me to go to her flat with me barely even introducing myself. I stopped shagging her half-way through to reply to a text. That's how little respect I had for this individual.

#tooeasy #behavelikeladyplease #evenimnotthatreem

Edited by Lexi Collector
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How is it terrible? It has:

Good looking barmaids

Good looking female clientele

Dece tunes

Dece banter guaranteed.

What more could you possibly want? WHAT?

The Union is too hot and everyone is too anti-social to have a laugh. There's also lots of fat Irish girls cutting about eating chips at 2am.

#goawaylove #wecanseeyourbingowings

I know a few of the lassies that work in Liquid, I'll let them know Club Dece approves.

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Dece banter. Only time I've ever pummelled a sort in Dundece was someone I met in the Union. She was English and she asked me to go to her flat with me barely even introducing myself. I stopped shagging her half-way through to reply to a text. That's how little respect I had for this individual.

#tooeasy #behavelikeladyplease #evenimnotthatreem

Once got a blowjob from a young lady I met in Fat Sams, it was terrible and I stuck the tele on in her house to entertain myself. This has never happened with a female from Liquid.


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I know a few of the lassies that work in Liquid, I'll let them know Club Dece approves.

Good lad, tell them to get the 31st of August off work and they can come share a booth with me and Lexi.

Anyone else who changes their minds and mends their ways feel free to join #clubdece

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I know a few of the lassies that work in Liquid, I'll let them know Club Dece approves.

The one who stood out was a tall-ish dark-haired girl working behind the bar in the envy room. She was an 8.5/10 wench. The rest were arrite.

Once got a blowjob from a young lady I met in Fat Sams, it was terrible and I stuck the tele on in her house to entertain myself. This has never happened with a female from Liquid.


What with us replying to text messages and turning the TV on whilst getting a blowy, its obvs that Club DECE shows no respect to the poontang unless they're from Liquid Dundece.


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The rooms is quality if you stay off the Red Stripe.

Anyone that enjoys Skint needs to have a good look at themselves, its a shite night out. Pop Noodle on Fridays is sadly missed.

Liquid is far better than Fatties, on the basis that you can see the monsters in Liquid, whereas in Fatties they just appear from the darkness.

Underground is the hottest place on earth, and was much, much better when it opened.

I'm glad London shut down, as that corridor in the middle of it was the most confusing thing I've ever tried to navigate pished. Despite knowing that the toilets were at one end of it, and the g-room at the other, I constantly found myself in the g-room trying to find the toilets.

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With qualitisch establishments like dukes open til 3am why anyone goes to a shitehoose like the underground is beyond me.

The rooms is the only place to be if its a club you are looking for though. Union was good when I was at uni as the Harris FP squadron made the place, everyone else in there was a dick.

Only been in liquid twice and it was what i imagine being in a lava lamp would be like. disconcerting.

#facts #missthemardigras

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The rooms is the only place to be if its a club you are looking for though. Union was good when I was at uni as the Harris FP squadron made the place, everyone else in there was a dick.

Aye, as with a lot of places, its the folk you're with that make it good/bad/indifferent. 2nd/3rd year at Uni and the year I was working on the exec there was by far my most enjoyable times in the Union. 2nd/3rd year I was working on the bar and it seemed like I knew the entire building on a night out. Never had to wait for drinks, even if you lost the folk you were out with, you found another dozen folk that you knew, no-one had any responsibilities and the group of staff then were tremendous, before the licensing laws removed the opportunities for staff drinks post-shift and such.

Year on exec was outrageous, as I just had far too much spare cash and pretty much had the run of the place. Almost falling out of the Mono DJ booth was a laugh.

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The one thing I'll give the Union credit for is that nearly everyone goes there so it's always easy to find someone you know when inevitably I wander off and lose everyone.

Air Bar's always good for the people that on karaoke singing things like Mumford & Sons to appear earnest in front of the lassie they're trying to pull

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