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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Can hear the fudricks in Paisley just now, you would expect them to have an extra swagger about them after the result yesterday.

I was going for a haircut this morning but they are congregating all around that area so that is one local business worse off because of them.

Why would that stop you going for a haircut?

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Do you protect him from football matches as well?

Only from those involving The two ugly sisters from Glasgow.

Interesting that your point seems to be that there is bigotry and anti social behaviour elsewhere therefore I should try and inflict this sort of nonsense on him.

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I used to live in a flat directly above an Orange Walk. At 9am on the dot, the arsehole with the massive drum who's definitely compensating for something, would be giving it laldy - the bass was so deep and deafening you'd swear you'd feel the foundations trembling. 


Eventually, they'd bugger to annoy some other poor sods and you'd fall back to sleep. Only to be rudely awoken a couple of hours later when they came back. 


Utter utter cretins. 

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Just finished a book called Ireland Awakes it was an eye opener to the reasons for the founding of such order. Economic factors in an earlier time brought Catholic Protestant unity as in working together to break yoke of England who controlled the finances. Guess what the Ulster protestants (immigrants from Scotland who were in the Linen trade objected on religious grounds because they would be collaborating with those supporting the anti Christ (thus they formed the orange order) catchy music hides the underbelly of hate and ignorance of those who don't believe we are all jock Ramsons burns

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Just drove into town to go to the Fish Plaice. Streets blocked off by scumbags. Drunk man paralytic on front of me right now. Man with poly bag over one foot behind me. Ned drinking Buckie.

Basically every single person here is scum.

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Just drove into town to go to the Fish Plaice. Streets blocked off by scumbags. Drunk man paralytic on front of me right now. Man with poly bag over one foot behind me. Ned drinking Buckie.

Basically every single person here is scum.

That's harsh, on scum.

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Just finished a book called Ireland Awakes it was an eye opener to the reasons for the founding of such order. Economic factors in an earlier time brought Catholic Protestant unity as in working together to break yoke of England who controlled the finances. Guess what the Ulster protestants (immigrants from Scotland who were in the Linen trade objected on religious grounds because they would be collaborating with those supporting the anti Christ (thus they formed the orange order) catchy music hides the underbelly of hate and ignorance of those who don't believe we are all jock Ramsons burns


A&E thread for that sort of pish

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