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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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18 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:



Although the "Black Skull Corp" would be a brilliant name for a Metal band

"Purple Heroes" on the other hand sounds more than a bit gay

“Worst towns in Scotland” thread for this!

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On 13/06/2022 at 07:07, Leith Green said:


I am sure that these "entirely independent bands" have nothing at all to do with the Orange Lodges in the places named above, have never set foot in them, probably dont practice there, dont receive any financial support.....................

This is one time when 'separate entity' actually works.  Flute bands are just that.  Sure, they are hired by the OO and other loyal orders but they also exist within their own eco-system.  Hence the proliferation of 'band parades' that we've seen over the past 20-ish years.

On 13/06/2022 at 08:24, topcat(The most tip top) said:

I admire your pedantry sir!

But if you look at the details of the parade I'm sure you can understand how this confusion might arise

The devil is in the detail.  While you  'admire (my) pedantry' you produce a list including a non-Orange organisation.

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2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

No not at all.  I've read enough of your posts to know you DO admire pedantry.

Presumably the the bands still belong to the same bigoted filth as the Orange Order? 

Edited by Cosmic Joe
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2 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Saying ‘breadish’ sounds like an Northern Irish person saying British.

Breadish flegs. 


Bigotry is no laughing matter though. I hope one day Scotland is freed from deep rooted archaic religious hatred.

We can but hope and while the troglodyte adults are beyond help, somehow a way has to be found to bring up future generations free from tribal divisions and archiac religious hatred. But, sadly, with the 'segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever ' merchants holding a powerful and inexplicable hold over our education system I fear that blind hope is all we have.






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3 hours ago, kennie makevin said:

We can but hope and while the troglodyte adults are beyond help, somehow a way has to be found to bring up future generations free from tribal divisions and archiac religious hatred. But, sadly, with the 'segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever ' merchants holding a powerful and inexplicable hold over our education system I fear that blind hope is all we have.






Ah the old catholic schools existing are what causes anti catholic abuse argument 

Pathetic and doesn’t help anyone

Next you’ll be telling us if only women didn’t wear short skirts eh?


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8 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

Ah the old catholic schools existing are what causes anti catholic abuse argument 

Pathetic and doesn’t help anyone

Next you’ll be telling us if only women didn’t wear short skirts eh?


Dear oh dear !! That really is all the segregationists have. They accuse those who want integration of children of all faiths and none as somehow being the ones propagating sectarianism and division. It's akin to calling those who don't want children of different ethnicity educated separately racists and , as we head towards the middle of the 21st century, this crazed Orwellian doublespeak simply won't wash anymore. In this warped and shrinking little world view there simply is no room for progress and enlightenment.  And talking of enlightenment I wouldn't use such an offensive and frankly stupid analogy regarding women in a post about segregated education given the Catholic church's woeful attitude to women's rights in general and reproductive rights in particular.


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1 hour ago, kennie makevin said:

Dear oh dear !! That really is all the segregationists have. They accuse those who want integration of children of all faiths and none as somehow being the ones propagating sectarianism and division. It's akin to calling those who don't want children of different ethnicity educated separately racists and , as we head towards the middle of the 21st century, this crazed Orwellian doublespeak simply won't wash anymore. In this warped and shrinking little world view there simply is no room for progress and enlightenment.  And talking of enlightenment I wouldn't use such an offensive and frankly stupid analogy regarding women in a post about segregated education given the Catholic church's woeful attitude to women's rights in general and reproductive rights in particular.


c***s like you are the reason people like me get abused for just existing

Glad you think it’s a big laugh with your bad faith arguments and whataboutery 

Edited by Clown Job
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