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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Yep, the KKK are a bunch of rednecks who are part of a weird club which is defined by hate and mainly interested in the maintenance of a hegemony, whereas the Orange Lodge...

I'm not being all that serious

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What I originally wrote was "relatively recent times". Lots of people still around who grew up watching television when nobody would have blinked an eyelid at Ulster being used instead of NI. Back before the internet there were no Old Firm orientated websites launching deranged obsessive campaigns against media personalities who said or wrote something that went slightly off message in some way. Zoe Salmon is proud of the red hand of Ulster it's the end of civilisation as we have known it etc etc. A bit like the Derry/Londonderry thing there was a time when people were a lot more easy going on stuff like that.

It's exactly like the Derry/londonderry thing, it's a nice easy was for people to identify they have a certain mindset. Your but in the olden days talk is irrelevant.

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If you deal with people as stereotypes and have prejudices on that basis then it's no doubt useful. The official legal name remains Londonderry, but the commonly used colloquial name amongst both communities in and around the city has always been Derry. Nothing wrong with using either. Using the former doesn't make you a clone of Johnny Adair, while using the latter doesn't mean you have a penchant for armalites and balaclavas.

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Wasn't so long ago the police force within Northern Ireland was named the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

You hardly ever hear Ulster (in Scotland anyways) most people refers to it as Northern Ireland

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If you deal with people as stereotypes and have prejudices on that basis then it's no doubt useful. The official legal name remains Londonderry, but the commonly used colloquial name amongst both communities in and around the city has always been Derry. Nothing wrong with using either. Using the former doesn't make you a clone of Johnny Adair, while using the latter doesn't mean you have a penchant for armalites and balaclavas.

It's a pain in the arse for the BBC though :lol:

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Wasn't so long ago the police force within Northern Ireland was named the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

You hardly ever hear Ulster (in Scotland anyways) most people refers to it as Northern Ireland

Not the same thing, of course. One third of Ulster belongs to the Irish Republic. :rolleyes:

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Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland is the official name of the overall organisation in Scotland. Something that's a bit mind boggling about them given their posture on constitutional politics is that over 90 years on from partition they are still organised in an All Ireland rather than a "failed statelet" basis. The KKK analogy is a prime example of the exaggerated nonsense that people go in for on this.

I think you'll find the people who have enjoyed the curious 'beneficence' of organisations like the KKK and the Ludge might not see the difference. They're about putting their social/economic perceived inferiors in their place while holding to 'decent Christian' values for broader public consumption.

Just sayin', like.

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As I have always understood it a LOL is an individual Lodge and the OO is the overall organization. Bit like a Klavern and the Klan.

One of our Northern Irishmen who smoked Orangeism once but never inhaled might wish to correct me though.

Not a Northern Irishman per se but I walked with Loyal Orange Lodge 328 (in Motherwell) 'back in the day'. I think my last lodge meeting was in 1981. I have said this before and am always happy to discuss it.

In Scotland (then) every Orangeman had to be a member of a private lodge. Usual description was Loyal Orange Lodge (number) then (name). In the case of my private lodge it was LOL 328 "Israel's Truth Defenders". On my collarette (not a sash, ya c***s) I had wee silver-looking letters/numbers saying "LOL 328". This is where, I suspect, the confusion comes in.

As far as terminology goes/acronyms goes I'd use the following:

I was a member of the Orange Order (OO). My private lodge was LOL 328 in Motherwell. I'd never say, "I belonged to the LOL".

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I think you'll find the people who have enjoyed the curious 'beneficence' of organisations like the KKK and the Ludge might not see the difference. They're about putting their social/economic perceived inferiors in their place while holding to 'decent Christian' values for broader public consumption.

Just sayin', like.

And I think you will find that you are outing yourself as a stereo-typical Whistle student blow-hard for whom generalisations and tofu and rocket sandwiches on granary are de rigour for rubbing against your plooks in the hope that it may cure premature ejaculation.

Just sayin', like.;)

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Magnificent. What a c**t.

Jimmy, we've had many a dual over the years and you know I am always up for an "honest exchange of views" ;)

I think we all know where this thread is going.......?

Back to the cricket and as you were.

Aud, folk wanted honest info and I supplied such. I cannot imagine anyone taking exception to that (apart from Jimmy).

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Aud, folk wanted honest info and I supplied such. I cannot imagine anyone taking exception to that (apart from Jimmy).

It's not that I was referring to mate - it's the rehashing of all the stuff we had last year, not to mention those with an agenda who only seem capable of criticising one side. They know who they are.

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a lot of the reputation gained from the orange order comes from the utter zoomers who follow the walk with their huge union jacks, ulster,king billy and rangers flags in one hand and bottle of tonic in the other. and are basically there to cause bother and fight with any other bams from the next scheme up. ironically in Canada/america the orange walk is actually seen as a day out with all members of the community out watching the parade.

Here lies the hypocrisy of the Orange Disorder; present a veneer of pseudo Christian respectability whilst at the same time maintaining an army of bigoted thugs which they unleash on any security force which has the temerity to stop them marching through areas where they're not wanted.

The same hypocrisy that sees lodges march under "total abstinence" banners preaching sobriety whilst welcoming thousands of spectators, many clearly underage, who are paralytically drunk by midday.

Why is there even a need for the Orange order? Is it not enough for them to "celebrate" their religion in an appropriate place of worship like other religions do? No, they have to shove it down everyone's throats and put vast swathes of our cities in lockdown in the process. As Enrico asked originally, why 57 marches? 1 or 2 marches wouldn't do, no, it has to be FIFTY-FUCKING-SEVEN! I guess history has shown us that supremacists crave attention.

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