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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Freedom of assembly is not the same as freedom to traipse along major routes of an urban area with dud 17th Century nonsense.

Though perhaps the OO should exercise their right to assembly in a wider space. The M8, for example.

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No, but some people simply can't stand the sight of a Union Flag and project their own hangups onto it in an exaggerated sort of way & not likely to be mistaken for a MENSA convention but more than just drunken jakey types lining the streets to watch the bands go by

You'll be as quick to condemn the celebrations of the beginning of WW1 as well I take it? Or is that completely different?

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You'll be as quick to condemn the celebrations of the beginning of WW1 as well I take it? Or is that completely different?

Anyone who isn't a moron would condemn 'celebrations' of WW1.
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But you can't say that, you haven't met them all. There might be a few nice supremacist bigots in amongst them.

He was talking about the Apprentice Boys, not the OO - there is a difference, however small.

However, I was trying to point out that using the language of the intolerant and the bigoted to criticise those that you think are intolerant and bigoted is a strange juxtaposition. In my opinion.

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Anyone that openly carries a union jack in Scotland has leanings towards racist, extreme right wing brit nat groups like bnp, britain first, sdl, loyalist paramilitaries etc. There's never an "innocent" motive to someone carrying a uj in this country, in Scotland it's used as a flag of hate by these groups. I'm sorry but it's true.

No, that's you trying to portray/smear those that you disagree with as being bigoted, is it not?

I haven't carried a flag in years, mainly because I have grown to see them all as a bit silly, but if I chose to carry a Union Flag it would not make me bigoted or racist in any way. My job involves working to combat racism and sectarianism whilst trying to educate those guilty of it. Are you really saying that my carrying a flag would preclude this?

Incidentally, I despise the racist groups you mention and utterly condemn all paramilitaries. I also like identifying those who are selective with their criticisms, like some on here who rush to criticise one side but, strangely, excuse the other.

Edited by Audaces Fortuna Juvat
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He was talking about the Apprentice Boys, not the OO - there is a difference, however small.

However, I was trying to point out that using the language of the intolerant and the bigoted to criticise those that you think are intolerant and bigoted is a strange juxtaposition. In my opinion.

I was aware of that AFJ and from a brief bit of research it seems pretty obvious they're a sectarian supremacist organisation, or am I missing something?

I hardly think calling scum, well scum, is either bigoted or intolerant. Especially those who go out of their way to advertise their general unpleasantness to the rest of the populace. You seem to be getting a touch defensive and are struggling to call a spade a shovel here, AFJ?

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You'll be as quick to condemn the celebrations of the beginning of WW1 as well I take it? Or is that completely different?

Celebrating WW1, I hope you're not serious, only an idiot would celebrate such an event

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As should intolerance of those who are selective with their moral condemnation.

There are a few on here.

Selective against bigot organisations and their apologists. Looks like we've got another one.

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He was talking about the Apprentice Boys, not the OO - there is a difference, however small.

However, I was trying to point out that using the language of the intolerant and the bigoted to criticise those that you think are intolerant and bigoted is a strange juxtaposition. In my opinion.

No they are both a bunch of c***s

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You'll be as quick to condemn the celebrations of the beginning of WW1 as well I take it? Or is that completely different?

Where are you getting condemnations of celebrations in what I have been posting? All I have been arguing is that some of the outbursts on this thread look a lot like what people claim to be opposed to (i.e. bigotry). In Scotland people use that word in a way that's a wee bit different from how it's defined in the dictionary, which is holding an opinion to an unreasonable extent that results in an intolerance of others, and use it in a tribal sort of way as a blanket description of entire groups of people that they don't like.

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Anyone that openly carries a union jack in Scotland has leanings towards racist, extreme right wing brit nat groups like bnp, britain first, sdl, loyalist paramilitaries etc. There's never an "innocent" motive to someone carrying a uj in this country, in Scotland it's used as a flag of hate by these groups. I'm sorry but it's true.

Álvaro Arbeloa?
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