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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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16 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Rogue One is probably my favourite Star Wars film since the original trilogy. Is there something wrong with me there? It seems to be dismissed a lot.

Far and away the best of the Disney films. Someone earlier in this thread bizarrely claimed it was a “hipster” thing to claim it was the best. Like it’s some kind of indie underground dogme movie! 

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16 hours ago, Clyde01 said:

So Finn and rose had to go all that way to find the ‘master code breaker’ yet by coincidence some random jake ball in a prison cell could do the same job? Not only that, he was hanging around in a jail cell he could escape from on a whim. That whole storyline was reeking of shit imo...

To be fair though all of the films had major plot issues like that. Rogue One was an elaborate way of finally explaining away some of the absurdities of the original installment. In general this latest film focused on providing an entertaining couple of hours to the watch it once and then move on mainstream audience and was basically the Star Wars version of Bill Schatner's it's time to move out of your parents' basement Saturday Night Live skit where the obsessives are concerned by deliberately not focussing on Snoke's backstory and Rey's parents.  What George Lucas needed to do at some point with the prequels basically instead of going all trade negotiations and mitochlorian on the audience. 

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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17 hours ago, Jack Burton said:


That's a fair point.

I do think it would have been better to make the First Order and Resistance/ Galactic Senate more evenly matched. From what I remember, the Thrawn trilogy is more along those lines. Rather than retreading the same plot as the original trilogy.

the thrawn triliogy if memory serves me right had less of an emperial force, it was the remenants of the empire that thrawn had managed to band together (almost like a rebellion if you will) the new republic in the thrawn trilogy were verging on civil war also if i remember correctly thats why thrawn tried to seize the moment, thats why they seemed more closely matched in terms of size

the first order have been secretly building for 30 years in the outer rims, abducting young children from outer rim worlds and indoctrinating them into the first order (thats why finn doesnt know his name, just his FN designation), the republic in the film timeline wouldnt have had time to build an army or whatever after the 2nd death star destruction (if you remember the clone wars, the grand republic back then didnt even have an army, the clones were created in secret and then hijacked by the sith), trying to get hundreds of star systems to agree to one army etc would never have worked (it hadnt in the past)

i agree that it seems to be treading over old ground, unsure of what other direction they could have went, using clones is treading old ground as well if they wanted an army, i wonder if the mandelorians could come into play, going by the rebels animated series, the mandelorians were starting to rebuild their home world before a new hope, that would give them enough time to become a power once again

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So Finn and rose had to go all that way to find the ‘master code breaker’ yet by coincidence some random jake ball in a prison cell could do the same job? Not only that, he was hanging around in a jail cell he could escape from on a whim. That whole storyline was reeking of shit imo.

The leia bit was pish too and some of the ‘comedy’ scenes like Luke casually tossing the lightsaber away and the sad eye creatures with chewie were cringey.

Why did the shuttles not try any sort of evasive manoeuvres as they were being swatted down like flies? Just keep ploughing on in a straight line to make it nice and easy to be shot down [emoji90]

Didn’t really get the significance of the hundred Reys in the cave part and i didn’t think Ren’s story about her parents being nobodies is necessarily true.

Despite all this I did enjoy it overall. The throne room scene was quality and luke, Rey, Ren were all good. There was a feeling of having seen it all before though due to the close parallels to the originals. The last planet was basically just Hoth, the whole master / trainee with Luke and Rey, the Snoke & Ren relationship mirroring Vader & Palpatine, even Rey in the cave was just like Luke’s swamp vision in Empire. Enjoyable sure but original definitely not.

This is what the fanboys can't see star wars is so bad they don't even have to write a new script and it's treated like the best film ever made.
An entire universe of possibility and they remake the empire strikes back.
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3 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

This is what the fanboys can't see star wars is so bad they don't even have to write a new script and it's treated like the best film ever made.
An entire universe of possibility and they remake the empire strikes back.

They remade TESB? I must have been watching different films

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Even if it's shit and pointless at least it's Star Wars.


Get a few lightsaber sound effects, a John Williams film score, slap a Star Wars badge on it and people will be slabbering for it.

Of the 9 movies in the franchise only 3 have been watchable.
What a piss poor return.
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I liked how the film pretty much just ripped up all the main points of The Force Awakens.  Rey's parentage, Resistance Base, Luke's (Anakin's) lightsabre, Snoke - just about every question raised by the TFA was shat on from a great height 

:lol:.  I enjoyed the TFA but thought it was quite shallow a film, this sequel makes a deeper statement about the Force, and how it is used.


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Not sure it really ripped up where TFA was heading, if you had no preconceived ideas from the extended universe. On Rey's parents, for example, people tied themselves in knots in youtube clips for two years over it, but in the final analysis what kind of parents other than a pair of total wasters would leave their sprog in the care of a character like Unkar Plutt?  That was a good fit for what happened previously and I suspect it's heading for a reincarnation of the special one reveal from Yoda's force ghost in the last installment of the trilogy now Luke's out the way because a "Rey I'm your son" moment would have been too weird.

On Snoke, is the lack of back story any different from the way the Emperor character was handled in the original trilogy and was the death not somewhat similar? Nothing hugely untoward there. The character was very much in the way of the ultimate Rey vs Kylo showdown that will round it all off, so had run his course as a plot device, if Kylo wasn't going to be redeemed. 

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9 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Not sure it really ripped up where TFA was heading, if you had no preconceived ideas from the extended universe. On Rey's parents, for example, people tied themselves in knots in youtube clips for two years over it, but in the final analysis what kind of parents other than a pair of total wasters would leave their sprog in the care of a character like Unkar Plutt?  That was a good fit for what happened previously and I suspect it's heading for a reincarnation of the special one reveal from Yoda's force ghost in the last installment of the trilogy now Luke's out the way because a "Rey I'm your son" moment would have been too weird.

On Snoke, is the lack of back story any different from the way the Emperor character was handled in the original trilogy and was the death not somewhat similar? Nothing hugely untoward there. The character was very much in the way of the ultimate Rey vs Kylo showdown that will round it all off, so had run his course as a plot device, if Kylo wasn't going to be redeemed. 

Agree on Rey's parentage.

As for the interest in Snoke's back story I think that makes sense. Going in to the original trilogy you had an Emperor at the head of an existing Empire. It didn't really require any explanation. For Snoke we know the Empire fell and he has now taken on its cause under the First Order, but where did this all powerful, scarred Force user come from? Where was he during the original trilogy when the Emperor? What kind of alien is he? The overall story arc he has is perfectly fine, but his existence is something of an anomaly that draws questions.

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7 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

Agree on Rey's parentage.

As for the interest in Snoke's back story I think that makes sense. Going in to the original trilogy you had an Emperor at the head of an existing Empire. It didn't really require any explanation. For Snoke we know the Empire fell and he has now taken on its cause under the First Order, but where did this all powerful, scarred Force user come from? Where was he during the original trilogy when the Emperor? What kind of alien is he? The overall story arc he has is perfectly fine, but his existence is something of an anomaly that draws questions.

Not really, when people found out about darth vaders powers, how he killed anakins father and helped in the jedi purge, im sure a lot of people were wondering who the emperor was that could control him, infact we probably seen more of snoke in 2 films than we did of the emperor in the original trilogy

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On 27/12/2017 at 12:55, Loki said:


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I liked how the film pretty much just ripped up all the main points of The Force Awakens.  Rey's parentage, Resistance Base, Luke's (Anakin's) lightsabre, Snoke - just about every question raised by the TFA was shat on from a great height 

:lol:.  I enjoyed the TFA but thought it was quite shallow a film, this sequel makes a deeper statement about the Force, and how it is used.




Was bang into this. Could just imagine Johnson logging on to the forums, reading all the obsessive theorising and actively aiming to piss off all the nerds. As for the statements about the force, I replayed Knights of the Old Republic 2 recently and they've definitely taken some pointers from that game which is still by far the most interesting Star Wars thing I've ever seen.

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Been avoiding this thread in case of unintentional spoilers, but the last showing at my local cinema is tonight. Is it the kind of epic you need to see on a full cinema screen, or will it be OK on a 50" telly? Not sure if I can be arsed tonight.

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