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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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He's a cyborg so yeah, he's part alien, part droid. IIRC there's two reasons:

1) The technology used to create the cyborg wasn't advanced enough to fully support his lungs - an interesting precursor to Darth Vader and the "scuba" breathing sound - giving him a cough.

2) In the cartoon, Mace Windu attacks him and damages his exposed organs thus exacerbating his "cough".

Fun fact: The cough actually belongs to George Lucas.

Reading that over, I'm really fucking sad. :geek

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How old was Christopher Lee? Dooku was pretty believable as anything was in that prequel trilogy. I can't see Mark Hamill or Carrie Fisher being given large roles in the story mainly as they have largely been inactive actors. Harrison Ford has been pretty active throughout the last ten years and at least will still have match practise so to speak. I think that was largely the problem with Karen Allen in Indy IV. She wasn't a good actress to start with, but the character in the original film was so lovable.

I am not even that excited about the new trilogy. I am not a big fan of JJ Abrams so my expectations will be very low. The stand alone character films I am excited about. Getting certain directors to make one off films about the characters first introduced in the original trilogy would be brilliant. A largely special effects free Nolan film would be interesting,

Christopher lee has experience with sword fighting, hes had to learn it for quite a few roles. I think i seen an interview with him discussing the role and he says that while he can handle a blade perfectly well his legs aren't what they used to be, which i think kinda explains a lot short cuts used in his fight scenes, they were trying to work around it.

But like i said before, An older Luke might not favor using a Lightsaber, over the years he could upped his skills in using the force. Id love to see Nolan do a film about Bobba Fett personally.

Just been reading on the wiki and apparently there was once a Wookie Jedi Master, what a bloody brilliant idea :lol: though i can totally picture him setting his fur on fire with his lightsaber.

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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Just been reading on the wiki and apparently there was once a Wookie Jedi Master, what a bloody brilliant idea :lol: though i can totally picture him setting his fur on fire with his lightsaber.

Saddo alert coming up:

There were also Hutt Jedi (he was a decent dude and a good jedi and even survived Order 66 and the Jedi Purge but then his mind turned dark and became a bit of a dick so Leia killed him in a lightsaber duel)

There is also an Ewok Jedi and a Jawa Jedi. Ooooteeni

Edited by DavidMcG
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I see Gary Oldman says that they've been in touch over a possible role for him.

Grand Admiral Thrawn? That would be lovely.

an outstanding idea and possibly sequel trilogy (the thrawn trilogy was amazing reading)

But with the other leakes coming out, about lukes son etc, the timeline would be wrong for thrawn and it would take a complete re-write of a canon expanded universe storyline, hopefully they arent that fucking stupid (although i have my doubts)

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it would take a complete re-write of a canon expanded universe storyline, hopefully they arent that fucking stupid (although i have my doubts)

You do realise it is JJ Abrams?

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  • 1 month later...

Just read this online:

"Once when Dooku and Yoda tried to convince the other to join their side, Yoda allowed the dark side within him, just to see if turning to the dark side would bring him happiness. The result was a lil frightening.

An excerpt:

"At this moment Yoda turned, and Dooku gasped. Whether it was the play of the holomonitors, beaming their views of bleak space and distant battles, or some other trick of the light, Yoda's face was deeply hidden in the shadows, mottled black and blue, so that for one terrible instant he looked exactly like Darth Sidious. Or rather, it was Yoda as he might have been, or could yet become: a Yoda gone rotten, a Yoda whose awesome powers had been utterly unleashed by his connection to the dark side. In a flash Dooku saw how foolish he had been, trying to urge the old Master to the dark side. If Yoda ever turned that way, Sidious himself would be annihilated. The universe had yet to comprehend the kind of evil that a Jedi Knight of nearly nine hundred years could wield."

The best stories in Star Wars had no Lucas involvement.

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Just read this online:

"Once when Dooku and Yoda tried to convince the other to join their side, Yoda allowed the dark side within him, just to see if turning to the dark side would bring him happiness. The result was a lil frightening.

An excerpt:

"At this moment Yoda turned, and Dooku gasped. Whether it was the play of the holomonitors, beaming their views of bleak space and distant battles, or some other trick of the light, Yoda's face was deeply hidden in the shadows, mottled black and blue, so that for one terrible instant he looked exactly like Darth Sidious. Or rather, it was Yoda as he might have been, or could yet become: a Yoda gone rotten, a Yoda whose awesome powers had been utterly unleashed by his connection to the dark side. In a flash Dooku saw how foolish he had been, trying to urge the old Master to the dark side. If Yoda ever turned that way, Sidious himself would be annihilated. The universe had yet to comprehend the kind of evil that a Jedi Knight of nearly nine hundred years could wield."

The best stories in Star Wars had no Lucas involvement.

That sounds brilliant!! Hopefully Lucas has a very limited input into the upcoming movie.

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It's been confirmed that the new film will be set 30 years after Return of the Jedi with a trio of new stars (Luke son and Solos boy and girl)

that would be around the legacy era if the film even remotely takes on any of the expanded universe, not a bad set of books, but not a patch on the thrawn series

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Aye the Yuhzaan Vong invasion is set 30 years after ROTJ. I personally love that series and would love to see the films take on the story but I think it will be a fresh story that has nothing to do with the extended universe.

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I stopped reading. Yes the cliffhanger is ruined. However for younger people or people that have watched it in story order, the big plot twist is that Senator Palpatine is Darth Sidious.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Official announcement today is that the new films won't be following the time line or events from the extended universe.

The only timeline they are recognising are those from the first 6 films, Clone Wars and the new Star Wars TV show - Rebels.

No surprise really. That probably came from Lucas himself who seemingly isn't interested in the Extended Universe.

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