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19 year old woman from Lenzie held in Peru over drugs

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Every time a case like this comes up. They're always portrayed as the victims. Don't people realise the countless misery they cause to millions of people throughout the world.

I get the untold misery the day after, but I still enjoy myself at the time 0b19tl4rXnWo8XBNv3FZ.gif

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Every time a case like this comes up. They're always portrayed as the victims. Don't people realise the countless misery they cause to millions of people throughout the world.

Must have missed the bit where it mentioned the girls forcing millions of people to take drugs.

But if it's true then they're just scum, sub-human scum.

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the letters page £50 winner in todays sun hits the nail on the head.why didn't they tell cops at the airports on arrival that they were forced to carry drugs

don't think the Columbian gangsters were with them holding guns to their heads in an airport...

Edited by lithgierose
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Every time a case like this comes up. They're always portrayed as the victims. Don't people realise the countless misery they cause to millions of people throughout the world.

Must have missed the bit where it mentioned the girls forcing millions of people to take drugs.

But if it's true then they're just scum, sub-human scum.

He might have been talking about the people who are forced to refine it and whose communities are torn apart by drugs and that?

Also mothers, fathers, siblings, sons, daughters and friends who watch their loved ones dissented rate into a life if being a complete and utter w****r?

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Every time a case like this comes up. They're always portrayed as the victims. Don't people realise the countless misery they cause to millions of people throughout the world.

Must have missed the bit where it mentioned the girls forcing millions of people to take drugs.

But if it's true then they're just scum, sub-human scum.

He might have been talking about the people who are forced to refine it and whose communities are torn apart by drugs and that?

Also mothers, fathers, siblings, sons, daughters and friends who watch their loved ones dissented rate into a life if being a complete and utter w****r?

All the fault of two daft wee lassies, imo. All of it.

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the letters page £50 winner in todays sun hits the nail on the head.why didn't they tell cops at the airports on arrival that they were forced to carry drugs

don't think the Columbian gangsters were with them holding guns to their heads in an airport...

They could have been too scared to go to the police, and it's hardly an amnesty going up to foreign cops in an airport and telling them you've been forced into smuggling, they could still get jailed for it.. Basically, there's a lot of conclusions being jumped to and quite a lot of hate being shown in this topic. We don't know whether or not they've done it willingly or not, it might not even make much difference to the verdict anyway. At best they've got a pretty farfetched story, at worst they've made a bad decision and will suffer the consequences, dont really see why there's such hatred over it.

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Every time a case like this comes up. They're always portrayed as the victims. Don't people realise the countless misery they cause to millions of people throughout the world.

Must have missed the bit where it mentioned the girls forcing millions of people to take drugs.

But if it's true then they're just scum, sub-human scum.

He might have been talking about the people who are forced to refine it and whose communities are torn apart by drugs and that?

Also mothers, fathers, siblings, sons, daughters and friends who watch their loved ones dissented rate into a life if being a complete and utter w****r?

All the fault of two daft wee lassies, imo. All of it.

No, I wasn't saying that.

I was saying that drug users are not the only folk hurt by the drugs trade.

People can't just cop out by saying "oh I was only ruining drug users lives and they made the choice themselves" as much more people are affected than that.

All I was saying.

As for the case I haven't really been looking at it much but I suppose I would like to believe the 'daft wee lassies' sort of idea.

They've made a biiiig mistake either way (if they willingly did this) but they just seem like dafties to me.

If they were forced into this it's absolutely not something they can be held up for.

Like I said though I'm not really sure.

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Why are the British government supporting them? They commited an idiotic crime let them deal with it.

The UK government will provide consular assistance to UK nationals detained abroad. They will ensure that the accused receive treatment comparable to that of the natives of the country in question. This means proper access to lawyers etc. They can also provide regular visits to those in custody to ensure that they have been appropriately treated.

The UK government and the Embassy concerned will stress that they cannot interfere in the workings of the judicial system of the country in question, they cannot get people off or influence cases or judgments in any way.


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Shut up pete, i have no extreme views, other than the fact that these girls are completely complicit with what they did and deserve to be punished fully within Peruvian laws. I don't know what you work as but im pretty sure if i did i could throw a whole lot of anecdotes your way! My point stands, if any defence arises that these girls had no idea they were in peru to transport drugs etc then they are quite simply the stupidest people who have ever existed. If they claim they were forced into it etc this is also stupid, they are seasonal workers in spain and simply could have left. Unless the reports are significantly wrong then these girls tried to transport a serious quantity of drugs and deserve to be treated as hardened criminals. I don't see whats extreme about that but i'll leave it to you.

I think most people were taking issue with "don't deserve to live". Still, some quality goalpost-shifting, there.

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