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English Defence League

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I always love the 'sharia law is taking over' mentalists.

If people actually researched something before protesting about it you'd hear this a lot less.

Do you think the Internet could hold another 1000 people like Lest We Forget and AWRA/BP?

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I think you will find some of them genuinely believe in what they are doing and are doing it for no other reason than they perceive it to be best for their country..

Tony Blair and Anders Breivik claimed they thought they were doing the right thing. That is nowhere near an excuse for what they did, and neither is it for these sad paranoid hate filled loonies in the EDL. The SDL are even more pathetic and irrelevant.

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Ive been watching a lot of the edl vids on youtube as i'd seen them a couple of times on the telly and couldnt really tell if they were trying to push a valid political point or they were just dicks.

Turns out they are just dicks.

The fact that the guy tommy robinson is actually called stephen lennon was a puzzler for me. Seen some cracking stone island/c.p company jackets in their videos though :)

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I know a few EDL guys and I don't see anything wrong with them. Don't get me wrong you get a few hanger-ons who are there just to spout their shite and don't really understand why they're there and only use it as an excuse to cause trouble. There's the SDL, but there's a lot of Scottish people who are EDL as they have bigger and better demos.

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If someone told me they supported The EDL or went on EDL rallies I'd never talk to them again.

But you probably don't know any nor do you know how they are. Like I said you get the idiots who are there for the wrong reasons. I personally wouldn't go to a demo, I have my beliefs and opinions on certain political things, but I don't feel the need to go to demos or shit.

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But you probably don't know any nor do you know how they are. Like I said you get the idiots who are there for the wrong reasons. I personally wouldn't go to a demo, I have my beliefs and opinions on certain political things, but I don't feel the need to go to demos or shit.

Humour me.What would you say are right and wrong reasons for supporting the edl?

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If cockwomble is involved the Scottish variant would be the "Scottish Professional Defence League"....

Fixed that for you. I suspect that's what you meant but you're too jaked celebrating being a top P&B poster ;)

Edited by The_Kincardine
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sdl/edl are a bunch of fucking morons who have no right to oxygen, especially that thick canute with the 'muslamic ray gun'. People are people. Whether we like it or not, as a race we need to believe in something bigger than ourselves. This of course, takes the form of religion. You ever wonder why they chose Jesus/Yacob to be the poster boy for Christianity? There were plenty prophets about at the same time. This one was the one that seemed to f**k off the most people.

Race or religion, people love to hate. It's in all our natures. Unfortunately, these dense wanks seem to have singled out Islam as the root of all evil.

"All Muslims aren't terrorists. Just so happens that all terrorists are Muslims."

What is conveniently forgotten with the above is that Catholics, Protestants, etc have all had their fair share or terrorists.

Edl/sdl are just a bunch of canutes that need to blame someone for their own misgivings in life.

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sdl/edl are a bunch of fucking morons who have no right to oxygen, especially that thick canute with the 'muslamic ray gun'. People are people. Whether we like it or not, as a race we need to believe in something bigger than ourselves. This of course, takes the form of religion. You ever wonder why they chose Jesus/Yacob to be the poster boy for Christianity? There were plenty prophets about at the same time. This one was the one that seemed to f**k off the most people.

Race or religion, people love to hate. It's in all our natures. Unfortunately, these dense wanks seem to have singled out Islam as the root of all evil.

"All Muslims aren't terrorists. Just so happens that all terrorists are Muslims."

What is conveniently forgotten with the above is that Catholics, Protestants, etc have all had their fair share or terrorists.

Edl/sdl are just a bunch of canutes that need to blame someone for their own misgivings in life.

The bold part I agree with 100%

I think you're missing the fact though. I think multiculturalism has been getting rammed down the throats of everyone and we have to take it and that is that. I personally don't care what anyone's race or religion is, as long as they abide by the British law I don't remotely give a f**k. But you're getting the people like the hate preacher Imran Choudary who ( has many followers ) saying he wants to impose Sharia Law on Britain. Are you honestly telling me you would be happy with that?

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I know a few EDL guys and I don't see anything wrong with them. Don't get me wrong you get a few hanger-ons who are there just to spout their shite and don't really understand why they're there and only use it as an excuse to cause trouble. There's the SDL, but there's a lot of Scottish people who are EDL as they have bigger and better demos.

You're an idiot. everything wrong with this country

If someone told me they supported The EDL or went on EDL rallies I'd never talk to them again.

Well said

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I know a few EDL guys and I don't see anything wrong with them. Don't get me wrong you get a few hanger-ons who are there just to spout their shite and don't really understand why they're there and only use it as an excuse to cause trouble. There's the SDL, but there's a lot of Scottish people who are EDL as they have bigger and better demos. 

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What a fud.

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