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It is an erroneous fact that Hitler was a massive tennis fan & that is why the Germans never bombed Wimbledon or Wimblebob has it was known pre 1960. Infact he was actually a massive fan of The Wombles or to give them their German name Der Vombobbs & that is why the Germans never bombed Wimblebob.


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Cricket in Scotland was introduced by the USA as a way of keeping Americans distracted from the cold war. The USA built a team in Glasgow, as they felt it reminded them of the American cities back home. However, unknown to the USA, the Russian's also did the exact same thing, a couple of days later and built a team in Inverness. When both found out about the others plans, they arranged a friendly match against each other. During the match, one of the American players was spotted drinking Vodka. This led to a massive fight in the middle of the match, which killed everyone in the stadium. To this day international cricket is banned in Scotland.

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Player's wives or/and Girlfriends are constantly shown on TV coverage of Wimbledon as if a tie breaker goes on too long the first one to lift her top and jiggle her breasts wins the set for her man.

This is also the case for Women's tennis.

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Poker was so named because, in the old days if you ran out on your debts your creditors were legally allowed to stick a red hot poker "up your fundament", the earliest recording of such being in 1327, Edward II being the victim.

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Poker was so named because, in the old days if you ran out on your debts your creditors were legally allowed to stick a red hot poker "up your fundament", the earliest recording of such being in 1327, Edward II being the victim.

Lies. All lies!

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In the popular gameshow Blankety Blank the 'state of the art' spinning scoreboard was actually controlled by several midgets who were exploited for years and occasional abused by Jimmy Saville.

Les Dawson knew all about it, hence the funny faces and tortured piano playing.

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William of Orange's biopic was called A Clockwork Orange".

Also Chocolate Oranges are now on offer at 50p but I'm not sure of the correlation.?

None, I suspect. Think the reduction is entirely down to superficial damage to the boxes.

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Florence Nightingale although historically credited has the lady with the lamp, this is factually incorrect.

The true story is that when she was a small child circa 11 or 12 she had an horrific cycling accident, she spent over 2 weeks in hospital (which could account for her future vocation). Anyway the accident left her with a pronounced limp, the doctors spent many days trying to fix the issue all to no avail. So she was issued with the finest caliper boot available at the time, thing is the caliper makers at that time were going through a renaissance and were experimenting with differing materials. Florry was given a prototype luminous caliper. She loved it to bits & often took moonlit walks down the Crimera Way & could be seen for miles as her caliper gave off an effervescent glow.

The locals would come to name her as she grew older as the lady with the limp but folk from outside mistook their Crimerian accents has the lady with the lamp.

S'pose it was an easy mistake to make. It's not the only historical f**k up but I'll let others relate the other true facts.


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Superman's father was, in fact, Billy Joel, but a typo caused the first print run to misspell it Jor-El and, rather than admit a mistake Stan Lee decided to go with it, robbing the Piano Man of his deserved place in Marvel folklore.

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Recently re-Instated P&B regular standfree03 won a Guinness book of records award for spending the longest amount of time playing world of Warcraft in a pish stained bedsit.

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