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Just as Italics were invented in Italy, Bold was invented in the Hungarian state of Boldovia.

Whereas the underline was discovered in Peru

Strike through was invented by a man from Sri Lanka.

So was the naughty limerick.

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An emerging wine brand in Argentina is called Findo Gask, named so because the owner spotted a road sign for it during a visit to Scotland and remembered the name for being so 'un-Scottish'.

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MP3 Players were actually named after David Cameron, Nic Clegg and Ed Miliband's love for music.

The concept of Gogglebox actually came from a group from Dundee who used to sneak into peoples homes and watch them watching tv. They ended up being caught when one night, when one of the group members got so infuriated when he seen that 2 Broke Girls wasn't on. In a heads gone moment, he ran into the livingroom and smashed the persons television.

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The average size of hamsters in the wild has increased by 1.7% every year since studies began in 1998. Boffins extrapolate that hamsters will likely have taken over the earth by the time they reach the size of blue whales in 2870, and will have to develop interplanetary survival means if they're to take over the solar system by 4015 when they weigh 43.8 trillion kgs each.

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Typing "Ask Jeeves" into Google creates a time machine that takes you back to 1999, the last time anyone used Ask Jeeves.

Interesting related factiod - Google was actually a miniscule niche search engine until April 30th 2015 . Larry Page, homeless and on the verge of starvation, travelled back to 1999 completely by accident through the exact method you mention. Using his knowledge of the future and how the behemoth that is (was) Ask Jeeves became a global tech/information leader, he refounded Google and grew it into the company we know it as today. We had all been using Ask Jeeves until history was re-played a week ago.

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The mole on bob monkhouse's face was fake

The mole was shared with supermodel Cindy Crawford. Bob only wore the mole at weekends.

Cindy and bob were notorious for teasing their respective partners by swapping the mole to the other side of their face after a few spliffs

Cindy and Bob were the same person with shape shifting abilities.

Bob Monkhouse was Cindy Crawford's biological father.

Bob Monkhouse was Christened Robert Monastery

Cindy Crawford is Stevie Crawford's mum.

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Mid Uist, then the largest island of the Outer Hebrides was completely lost in 1894 when consumed by ravenous jellyfish.

Most of the islanders were able to leave the island before it was devoured but blamed the Royal Navy for not acting swiftly enough to save their island home.

Eventually the ironclad HMS Bellerophon was able to confront the jellyfish in battle after which the jellyfish retreated into Irish waters.

Commanding officer Captain Amelius Tufty Beauchamp-Beauchamp received the Victoria Cross for his actions.

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